Content Posted in 2021
1950 Report from Synod Discourages Progress Toward a Junior College in the Midwest, Dordt University
752 East First Street, Matt Drissell
A Beautiful Campus, Dordt University
According to Which Paradigm do Reformed Scientists Work? A Response to Zwart's Response to Walicord and Hayes, Jurgen-Burkhard Klautke
A Christmas Story... Sort Of, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
A Church Bound in Prairie Armor Holds a Tragic Tale, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Acknowledgements, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Advancing with Avid, Sarah Moss
AGOP 101: Introduction to Farm Operations and Management, Spring M. Dahl and Dale E. Vos
AGOP 202: Animal Nutrition, Spring M. Dahl
AGOP 213: Integrated Pest Management, Dale E. Vos
AGOP 221: Precision Agriculture, Josh L. Sievers
A Great American Hero's Grandchildren, Doug Burg
AGRI 101: Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals, Spring M. Dahl
AGRI 101: Introduction to Animal Science, Duane Bajema
AGRI 101: Introduction to Animal Science, Duane Bajema
AGRI 101: Introduction to Animal Science, Duane Bajema
AGRI 102: Introduction to Agronomy, Henry De Vries
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agriculture Safety, Spring M. Dahl
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agriculture Safety, Spring M. Dahl
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agriculture Safety, Holly J. De Vries
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Jeremy D. Hummel
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Henry DeVries
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Jeremy D. Hummel
AGRI 121: Introduction to Farm Operation and Management, Ronald Vos
AGRI 201: Nature and Properties of Soils, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 201: Nature and Properties of Soils, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 201: Nature and Properties of Soils, Jeremy D. Hummel
AGRI 201: Nature and Properties of Soils, Henry DeVries
AGRI 222: Agriculture Law, Kyle Dahl
AGRI 223: Agriculture Finance and Investment Analysis, Troy D. Broers
AGRI 224: Agriculture Sales, Kyle Dahl and Dale E. Vos
AGRI 232: Feeds and Feeding, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 232: Feeds and Feeding, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 232: Principles of Animal Nutrition, John Olthoff
AGRI 233: Principles of Dairy Health, John Olthoff
AGRI 233: Principles of Dairy Science, John Olthoff
AGRI 233: Principles of Dairy Science, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 234: Principles of Animal Health, John Olthoff
AGRI 234: Principles of Animal Health, John Olthoff
AGRI 235: Principles of Swine Science, Duane Bajema and Mike Schouten
AGRI 235: Principles of Swine Science, Jessica L. Bonnema
AGRI 236: Livestock Evaluation, John Olthoff
AGRI 236: Livestock Evaluation, John Olthoff
AGRI 236: Principles of Livestock Evaluation, Duane Bajema
AGRI 237: Animal Production and Management, Ronald Vos
AGRI 238: Beef and Sheep Science, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 241: Defender Cattle Investments, Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 241: Defender Cattle Investments, Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 241: Defender Cattle Investments, Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 241: Swine Production, Duane Bajema
AGRI 251: Horticultural Plants, Jeremy D. Hummel
AGRI 251: Ornamental Plants, Henry DeVries
AGRI 252: Planning Agriculture Education Programs, Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 255: Forage Crop Management, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 255: Forage Crop Management, Henry DeVries
AGRI 290: Perspectives in Agricultural Policy, Kyle Dahl
AGRI 290: Perspectives in Agricultural Policy, Ronald J. Vos
AGRI 291: Anatomy and Physiology of Animals, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 302: Methods of Teaching Agricultural Mechanics, Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 303: Geographic Information Systems, Danielle S. Wyenberg
AGRI 311: Soil Fertility, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 311: Soil Fertility, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 311: Soil Fertility, Jeremy D. Hummel
AGRI 312: Agricultural Marketing, Ed Lotterman
AGRI 312: Agriculture Marketing, Duane Bajema
AGRI 312: Agriculture Marketing, Duane Bajema
AGRI 312: Commodities Future Marketing, Jamie L. Christensen
AGRI 312: Commodity Futures Marketing, Duane H. Bajema
AGRI 313: Plant Protection, Henry DeVries
AGRI 313: Weed Science and Plant Pathology, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 313: Weed Science and Plant Pathology, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 315: Entomology and Pest Management, Jeremy D. Hummel
AGRI 315: Entomology and Pest Management, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 315: Entomology and Pest Management, Henry DeVries
AGRI 321: Advanced Farm Management, Duane Bajema
AGRI 321: Advanced Farm Operation and Management, Ronald Vos
AGRI 321: Agricultural Marketing, Brad Kooima and Evan Vermeer
AGRI 331: Reproductive Physiology, Holly J. De Vries
AGRI 332: Advanced Animal Nutrition, John Olthoff
AGRI 332: Advanced Animal Nutrition, John Olthoff
AGRI 334: Physiology and Breeding of Farm Animals, John Olthoff
AGRI 334: Physiology and Breeding of Farm Animals, Ken Cornelisse
AGRI 335: Agriculture Genetics, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 337: Enterprise Management, Ken Cornelisse
AGRI 341: Swine Production, Agriculture Department
AGRI 345: Principles of Sheep Science, John Olthoff
AGRI 348: Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, John Olthoff
AGRI 348: Beef Production, John Olthoff
AGRI 349: Agriculture and Humanity, Ronald Vos
AGRI 350: Field Crop Production and Management, Dale E. Vos
AGRI 350: Field Crop Production and Management, Dale E. Vos
AGRI 350: Integrated Field Crop Experience, Ronald Vos
AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, Ronald Vos
AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, Ronald Vos
AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, Duane Bajema
AGRI 370: Agroecology, Jeremy D. Hummel
AGRI 370: Agroecology, Jeremy D. Hummel
AGRI 373: Internship, Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 373: Internship, Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 373: Internship, Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 373: Internship, Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 380: Directed Study, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 380: Directed Study, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 381: Directed Study - Project Component, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 381: Directed Study - Project Component, John C. Olthoff, Jeremy D. Hummel, and Gary A. De Vries
AGRI 381: Directed Study - Project Component, John C. Olthoff
AGRT 101: Introduction to Farm Operations and Management, Dale E. Vos
AGRT 117: Ag Electrical and Plumbing Construction, Gary A. De Vries
AGRT 202: Animal Nutrition, Holly J. De Vries
AGRT 251: Farm Business Management, Dale E. Vos
Ag Stewardship Center Expands, Liz Frisbee
A House Divided, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
All "Into the Fire", Sarah Moss
A Massacre, A War, An Impalpable History, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
AMST 321: Foundations for Public Involvement I, Steven Garber, Susan Baldauf, Jerry Herbert, and Joan Orgon
AMST 322: Foundations for Public Involvement II, Steven Garber
AMST 323A: Domestic Policy Issues, Jerry S. Herbert
AMST 323B: Economic Policy Issues, Susan Baldauf
AMST 323: Domestic Policy Issues, Jerry Herbert, Susan Baldauf, Steven Garber, and Joan Orgon
AMST 323: Domestic Policy Issues, Jerry S. Herbert, Susan M. Baldauf, Steven S. Garber, and Joan Orgon Coolidge
AMST 323: Domestic Policy Issues, Jerry Herbert, Susan Baldauf, Steven Garber, and Joan Orgon
AMST 323: Foundations for Public Involvement I, Steven Garber, Susan Baldauf, Jerry Herbert, and Joan Orgon
AMST 323: Foundations for Public Involvement II, Susan Baldauf, Jerry Herbert, and Joan Orgon
AMST 324A: International Policy Issues, Roland Hoksbergen
AMST 324B: Foundations for Public involvement II, Steven Garber
AMST 324C: Foundations for Public Involvement I, Steven Garber
AMST 324: Economic Policy Issues, Susan Baldauf, Steven Garber, Jerry Herbert, and Joan Orgon
AMST 324: Economic Policy Issues, Steven Garber, Jerry Herbert, Susan Baldauf, and Joan Orgon
AMST 324: International Policy Issues, Joan Orgon
AMST 324: International Policy Issues, Joan Orgon Coolidge, Steven Garber, and Jerry Herbert
AMST 324: International Policy Issues, Joan Orgon, Susan Baldauf, Steven Garber, and Jerry Herbert
A New Flag on Campus, Sarah Moss
Anti-Reductionist Christian Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Owen Barfield and the Neo-Calvinists, Jamin Hubner
An Unlikely Story: A Review of Reformed Public Theology, Justin Bailey
Apologetics Can Flourish After RZIM. But Only With ‘Lowercase Leaders’ and the Local Church, Justin Bailey
A Presidential Salary: One Thousand Dollars Per Year, Dordt University
Arms and the Man, Laurel A. Koerner
ART 201: Design Theory, Vaughn Donahue
ART 201: Design Theory, Vaughn K. Donahue
ART 201: Introduction to Design, Bruce R. Johnson
ART 202: Drawing, Norm Matheis
ART 202: Drawing I, Matt Drissell
ART 202: Drawing I, Matthew R. Drissell
ART 202: Drawing I, Matthew R. Drissell
ART 207: Art History, Matt Drissell
ART 208: Art History, Bruce R. Johnson
ART 208: Art History, Matthew R. Drissell
ART 209: Art History, Matthew R. Drissell
ART 210: History of Non-Western Art, Jake Van Wyk
ART 216: Sculpture I, David P. Platter
ART 218: Beginning Ceramics, Art Department
ART 218: Beginning Ceramics, Bruce R. Johnson
ART 218: Ceramics I, David P. Platter
ART 218: Ceramics I, Jake Van Wyk
ART 225: Painting, Norm Matheis
ART 225: Painting I, Matt Drissell
ART 225: Painting I, Matthew R. Drissell
ART 228: Printmaking, Jake Van Wyk
ART 228: Printmaking I, Matthew R. Drissell
ART 230-01: Introduction to Photography, Jake Van Wyk
ART 230: Photography I, Doug L. Burg
ART 240: Graphic Design I, Vaughn Donahue
ART 240: Graphic Design I, Vaughn K. Donahue
ART 248: Dutch Art and Architecture, A. B. Bos-Geertsema
ART 250: Web Design, Vaughn K. Donahue
ART 295: Motion Graphics, Vaughn K. Donahue
ART 302: Advanced Drawing, Art Department
ART 302: Drawing II, David P. Platter
ART 318: Ceramics II, Jake Van Wyk
ART 325: Painting II, Matthew R. Drissell
ART 325: Painting II, Matt Drissell
ART 325: Painting II, Matt Drissell
ART 328: Printmaking II, Matthew R. Drissell
ART 328: Printmaking II, Jake Van Wyk
ART 328: Printmaking II, Jake Van Wyk
ART 330: Photography II, Doug L. Burg
ART 330: Photography II, Vaughn K. Donahue
ART 340: Graphic Design II, Vaughn K. Donahue
ART 341: Special Topics, Vaughn Donahue
ART 368: Ceramics III, Jake Van Wyk
ART 370: Senior Seminar, David P. Platter
ART 370: Senior Seminar, David P. Platter
ART 371, 372, & 373: Internship, Art Department
ART 375: Painting III, Matthew R. Drissell
ART 378: Printmaking III, Jake Van Wyk
ART 380: Photography III, Vaughn K. Donahue
ART 390: Graphic Design III, Vaughn Donahue
ASK 050: Basic Mathematics for College, Dale Vander Wilt
ASK 050: Basic Mathematics for College, Dale Vander Wilt
ASK 050: Basic Mathematics for College, Dale Vander Wilt
ASK 050: Basic Mathematics for College, Dale Vander Wilt
ASK 060: Basic Writing for College Students, Bill Elgersma
ASK 060: Basic Writing for College Students, Bill Elgersma
AST 279: Senior Design I, Ben A. Saarloos
ASTR 121: Solar System Astronomy, Channon Visscher
ASTR 121: Solar System Astronomy, Richard G. Hodgson
ASTR 121: The Solar System, CPPS Department
ASTR 121: The Solar System, Science Department
ASTR 121: The Solar System, Richard G. Hodgson
ASTR 122: Stellar and Galactic Astronomy, Richard G. Hodgson
ASTR 122: Stellar and Galactic Astronomy, Richard G. Hodgson
ASTR 122: Stellar and Galactic Astronomy, Channon W. Visscher
ASTR 320: The Planet Mars, Richard G. Hodgson
ASTR 330: Minor Planets, Richard G. Hodgson
ASTR 341: Cosmologies, Channon W. Visscher and Walker R. Cosgrove
August, Mary Dengler
A Vet Remembers Coming Home to His Wife and the Farm Crisis, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Bailey's Book Addresses Apologetics in a New Era, Sarah Moss
Bartels Pens "Suite 2020", Sarah Moss
Basketball Team, Dordt University
Being Dordt Alumni, Sarah Moss
Being Stewardly with Dordt's Resources, Sarah Moss
"Better Than We Found It": A Review of Struggling with Evangelicalism, Justin Bailey
Beyond Equilibrium Temperature: How the Atmosphere/Interior Connection Affects the Onset of Methane, Ammonia, and Clouds in Warm Transiting Giant Planets, Jonathan J. Fortney, Channon Visscher, Mark S. Marley, Callie E. Hood, Michael R. Line, Daniel P. Thorngren, Richard S. Freedman, and Roxana Lupu
Biblical Kinship, Refugees, and Immigration: A Review of Refuge Reimagined, Robert DeHaan
Bibliography of Organ Music, Joan Ringerwole
Big Bones in the Badlands, Lies, and a Promise Kept, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
BIO 101: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 101: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 101: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 102: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 102: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 102: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 115: General Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 115: General Botany, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 115: General Botany, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 115: General Botany, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 122: General Zoology, Robbin D. Eppinga
BIO 122: Zoology, Biology Department
BIO 122: Zoology, Biology Department
BIO 122: Zoology, Biology Department
BIO 122: Zoology, James Mahaffy
BIO 122: Zoology, James Mahaffy
BIO 125: Cell and Molecular Biology, Robbin D. Eppinga
BIO 125: Cell and Molecular Biology, Robbin D. Eppinga
BIO 180: First Semester Seminar, Jeff T. Ploegstra
BIO 180: First Semester Seminar, Jeff T. Ploegstra
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Robert L. De Haan
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Robert L. De Haan
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 203: Human Biology I, Henry C. Byl
BIO 203: Human Biology I, Henry C. Byl
BIO 203: Human Biology I, Henry C. Byl
BIO 204: Environmental Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 204: Human Biology II, Robbin D. Eppinga
BIO 204: Human Biology II, Robbin D. Eppinga
BIO 210 / HHP 211: Nutrition, Charlotte F. Kooima
BIO 210: Nutrition, Charlotte F. Kooima
BIO 210: Nutrition, Charlotte F. Kooima
BIO 210: Nutrition, Charlotte F. Kooima
BIO 210: Nutrition and Physical Fitness, Vonda De Stigter
BIO 210: Nutrition and Physical Fitness, Vonda Broek
BIO 211: Invertebrate Zoology, Al Mennega
BIO 213: Genetics, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 213: Genetics, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 213: Genetics, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 214: Genetics with Lab, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 214: Genetics with Laboratory, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 215: General Botany, Jeff T. Ploegstra
BIO 215: General Botany, Jeff T. Ploegstra
BIO 217: Plant Morphology, Biology Department
BIO 217: Plant Morphology, Biology Department
BIO 251: Perspectives on Origins, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 251: Perspectives on Origins, Al Mennega
BIO 251: Perspectives on Origins, Al Mennega
BIO 251: Perspectives on Origins, Al Mennega
BIO 301: Developmental Biology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 301: Embryology, Al Mennega
BIO 301: Embryology, Al Mennega
BIO 301: Embryology, Al Mennega
BIO 301: Embryology, Al Mennega
BIO 302: Microbiology, Jeff T. Ploegstra
BIO 302: Microbiology, Biology Department
BIO 302: Microbiology, Jeff T. Ploegstra
BIO 302: Microbiology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 302: Microbiology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 304: Histology, Al Mennega
BIO 304: Histology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 304: Histology, Al Mennega
BIO 310: Advanced Microbiology, Jeff T. Ploegstra
BIO 312: Comparative Chordate Anatomy, Al Mennega
BIO 312: Comparative Chordate Anatomy, Al Mennega
BIO 316: Flora of North America, Jeff T. Ploegstra
BIO 319: Plant Physiology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 319: Plant Physiology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 319: Plant Physiology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 319: Plant Physiology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 324: Advanced Genetics, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 325: Human Anatomy, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 325: Human Anatomy, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 326: Human Physiology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 327: Cadaver Dissection, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 327: Cadaver Dissection, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 335: Cell Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 335: Cell Biology, James Mahaffy
BIO 335: Cell Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 351: Evolutionism, Al Mennega
BIO 355: Research, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 357: Medical Terminology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 357: Medical Terminology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 358: Introduction to Biological Research, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 358: Introduction to Biological Research, Robbin D. Eppinga
BIO 358: Introduction to Biological Research, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 380: Directed Research, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 380: Directed Research, Robbin D. Eppinga
Biomarkers of Dietary Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality: An Individual-Level Pooled Analysis of 30 Cohort Studies, Matti Marklund, Jason H. Y. Wu, Fumiaki Imamura, Liana C. Del Gobbo, Amanda Fretts, Janette de Goede, Peilin Shi, Nathan L. Tintle, Maria Wennberg, Stella Aslibekyan, Tzu-An Chen, Marcia C. de Oliveira Otto, Yoichiro Hirakawa, Helle Højmark Eriksen, Janine Kroger, Federica Laguzzi, Maria Lankinen, Rachel A. Murphy, Kiesha Prem, Cecelia Samieri, Jyrki Virtanen, Alexis C. Wood, Kerry Wong, Wei-Sin Yang, Xia Zhou, Ana Baylin, Jolanda M. A. Boer, Ingeborg A. Brouwer, Hannia Campos, Paulo H. M. Chaves, Kuo-Liong Chien, Ulf de Faire, Luc Djousse, Gudny Eiriksdottir, Naglaa El-Abbadi, Nita G. Fouruhi, J. Michael Gaziano, Johanna M. Geleijnse, Bruna Gigante, Graham Giles, Eliseo Guallar, Vilmundur Gudnason, Tamara Harris, William S. Harris, Catherine Helmer, Mai-Lis Hellenius, Allison Hodge, Frank B. Hu, Paul F. Jacques, Jan-Hakan Jansson, Anya Kalsbeek, Kay-Tee Khaw, Woon-Puay Koh, Markku Laakso, Karin Leander, Hung-Ju Lin, Lars Lind, Robert Luben, Juhua Luo, Barbara McKnight, Jaakko Mursu, Toshiharu Ninomiya, Kim Overvad, Bruce M. Psaty, Eric Rimm, Matthias B. Schulze, David Siscovick, Michael Skjelbo Nielsen, Albert V. Smith, Brian T. Steffen, Lyn Steffen, Qi Sun, Johan Sundstrom, Michael Y. Tsai, Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe, Matti I. J. Uusitupa, Rob M. van Dam, Jenna Veenstra, Monique Verschuren, Nick Wareham, Walter Willett, Mark Woodward, Jian-Min Yuan, Renata Micha, Rozenn N. Lemaitre, Dariush Mozaffarian, and Ulf Risérus
B. J. Haan Reads The Founders' Vision, Dordt University
BLANG 111: Biblical Greek I, David M. Westfall
BLANG 112: Biblical Greek II, David M. Westfall
BLANG 113: Biblical Hebrew I, David M. Westfall
Blinded by Privilege in 1968 - When I Heard MLK was Assassinated, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Bloom Where You are Planted, Erik Hoekstra
Booming in Ag, Bethany Van Voorst
Bountiful Garden Produce Inspires Poetry, David Schelhaas
Breaking Ground for the Junior College, Dordt University
Bridge Building Through Language Learning, Sarah Moss
Broad and Narrow, James C. Schaap
BUAD 100-01: Business Computer Literacy, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 100-02: Business Computer Literacy, Shirley F. Folkerts
BUAD 100: Business Computer Literacy, Shirley F. Folkerts
BUAD 100: Computer Literacy for Business, Shirley F. Folkerts
BUAD 101: Introduction to Business, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 101: Introduction to Business, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 101: Introduction to Business, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 101: Introduction to Business, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 105: Calculating Machines/Records Management, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 112: Keyboarding and Document Formatting, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 112: Keyboarding and Document Formatting, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 200: Introduction to Accounting, Shirley F. Folkerts
BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting, Daniel B. Eisma
BUAD 201: Principles of Financial Accounting, Randy A. Smit
BUAD 201: Principles of Financial Accounting, Randy A. Smit
BUAD 202: Principles of Accounting, Dan Eisma
BUAD 202: Principles of Managerial Accounting, John Visser
BUAD 202: Principles of Managerial Accounting, John Visser
BUAD 202: Principles of Managerial Accounting, John Visser
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Randy L. Feenstra
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Randy L. Feenstra
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Mert Gulker
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Mert Gulker
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Jeff S. Kelly
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, McDonald
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Mert Gulker
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Mert Gulker
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Mert Gulker
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 207: Human Resource Management, Sacha Walicord
BUAD 207: Human Resource Management, Brian L. Hoekstra
BUAD 210: Information Processing and Management, Art Attema
BUAD 210: Information Processing and Management, Art Attema
BUAD 210: Payroll and Employee Benefits, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 210: Payroll and Employee Benefits, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 215: Leadership Studies, Brian L. Hoekstra
BUAD 225: Introduction to Finance, John Visser
BUAD 225: Introduction to Finance, John Visser
BUAD 226 / CORE 260: Personal Financial Management and Stewardship, Brian L. Hoekstra
BUAD 226: Personal Financial Management and Stewards, Brian L. Hoekstra
BUAD 226: Personal Financial Management and Stewardship, Brian L. Hoekstra
BUAD 226: Personal Financial Management and Stewardship, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 226: Personal Financial Planning, John Visser
BUAD 226: Personal Financial Planning, John Visser
BUAD 230: Graphic Design for Business, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 241: Professional Practice: Career Prep, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 241: Professional Practices, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 242: Intermediate Excel Techniques, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 242: Intermediate Excel Techniques, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 243: Introduction to QuickBooks, Shirley F. Folkerts
BUAD 243: Introduction to QuickBooks, Shirley F. Folkerts
BUAD 244: Lean Enterprise and Continuous Improvement, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 270: Project Management, Kari E. Sandouka
BUAD 301: Business Law I, Sacha Walicord
BUAD 301: Business Law I, Andrew G. Pasma
BUAD 301: Business Law I, Daniel D. Dykstra
BUAD 301: Business Law I, Sacha Walicord
BUAD 301: Business Law I, June Weaver
BUAD 301: Business Law I, Donald F. Roth
BUAD 302: Buisness Law II, June Weaver
BUAD 302: Business Law II, Andrew G. Pasma
BUAD 302: Business Law II, Daniel D. Dykstra
BUAD 302: Business Law II, Sacha Walicord
BUAD 303: Geographic Information Systems, Danielle S. Wyenberg
BUAD 304: Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management, Brian L. Hoekstra
BUAD 305: Business Administration, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 305: Corporate Finance, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 305: Personnel Management, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 306: Marketing Management, Ryan Achterhoff
BUAD 306: Marketing Management, Steve E. Haney
BUAD 307: Production and Operations Management, D. Raih
BUAD 307: Production and Operations Management, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 307: Production/Operations Management, Darrel Raih
BUAD 308: Integrated Marketing Communications, Steve E. Haney
BUAD 308: Integrated Marketing Communications, Steve E. Haney
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting I, Randy A. Smit
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting I, Randy A. Smit
BUAD 311: Intermediate Accounting, Hilbelink
BUAD 311: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 312: Advanced Accounting, Randy A. Smit
BUAD 312: Advanced Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 312: Advanced Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 312: Advanced Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 312: Advanced Accounting, Randy A. Smit
BUAD 313: Cost Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 313: Cost Accounting, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 313: Cost Accounting, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 314: Auditing, Hilbelink
BUAD 314: Auditing, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 314: Auditing, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 315: Federal Income Tax, Randy A. Smit
BUAD 315: Federal Income Tax, Douglas E. Eisma
BUAD 315: Federal Income Tax, Randy A. Smit
BUAD 316: Advanced Federal Income Tax, Hilbelink
BUAD 320: Not-For-Profit Accounting, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 321: Office Management, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 324: Accounting Information Systems, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 325: Advanced Financial Management, John Visser
BUAD 325: Advanced Financial Management, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 325: Corporate Finance, John Visser
BUAD 325: Corporation Finance, Daniel B. Eisma
BUAD 326: Investments Management, Darrel Raih
BUAD 326: Investments Management, Sam E. Wensink
BUAD 326: Investments Management, Dan Eisma
BUAD 326: Investments Management, John Visser
BUAD 327: Insurance and Risk Management, Randy L. Feenstra
BUAD 327: Insurance and Risk Management, Randy L. Feenstra
BUAD 330: International Business, John Visser
BUAD 330: International Business, John Visser
BUAD 333: Strategic Human Resource Management, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 334: Consumer Behavior, Josh L. Harmelink
BUAD 334: Consumer Behavior, Josh L. Harmelink
BUAD 335: Organizational Behavior, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 335: Organizational Behavior, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 336: Marketing Research, Tom J. Prinsen
BUAD 336: Marketing Research, Tom J. Prinsen
BUAD 337: Serving Through Sales and Retail, Randy L. Feenstra
BUAD 337: Serving Through Sales and Retail, Jesse L. Veenstra
BUAD 338: Digital Marketing, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 348: International Management, C. L. Pennekamp-Wahl
BUAD 351, Jasper Lesage
BUAD 351-01: Senior Business and Economic Ethics Seminar, Brian L. Hoekstra
BUAD 351-02: Senior Business and Economic Ethics Seminar, Tim J. Klein
BUAD 351-03: Senior Business and Economic Ethics Seminar, Sacha Walicord
BUAD 351B: Senior Business Seminar, Jasper Lesage
BUAD 351: Senior Business and Economics Ethics Seminar, Sacha Walicord
BUAD 351: Senior Business and Economics Ethics Seminar, Brian L. Hoekstra
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, Art Attema and Tracy Miller
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, Jasper Lesage
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, Robert Hilbelink and Art Attema
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, Jasper Lesage
BUAD 351: Senior Seminar, Mert Gulker
BUAD 360: Portfolio Management, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 360: Portfolio Management, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 361: Portfolio Management Practice, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 361: Portfolio Management Practice, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 361: Portfolio Management Practice, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUAD 371: Business Administration Internship, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 371: Business Administration Internship, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 371: Business Administration Internship, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 373: Business Administration Internship, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 375: Accounting Internship, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 375: Accounting Internship, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 376: Accounting Internship, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 377: Accounting Internship, Dale E. Zevenbergen
BUAD 393: Individual Studies, Sandy R. Vanden Bosch
BUED 105: Calculating Machines and Records Management, Rebecca Woodward
BUED 105: Calculating Machines and Records Management, Business Administration Department
BUED 112: Advanced Typewriting, Business Administration Department
BUED 112: Typewriting, Rebecca Woodward
BUED 112: Typewriting II, Alethea Stubbe
BUED 113: Advanced Typewriting, Alethea Stubbe
BUED 115: Calculating Machines and Records Management, Alethea Stubbe
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Art Attema
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Art Attema
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Art Attema
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Art Attema
BUED 212: Shorthand II, Business Administration Department
BUED 321: Office Procedures and Administration, Art Attema
BUED 321: Office Procedures and Administration, Art Attema
BUED 321: Office Procedures and Administration, Art Attema
BUED 321: Office Procedures and Administration, Art Attema
BUED 322: Advanced Secretarial Procedures and Communications, Art Attema
BUED 323: Automated Word Processing, Art Attema
BUED 323: Automated Word Processing, Art Attema
BUED 323: Automated Word Processing, Art Attema
BUED 324: Advanced Word Processing, Art Attema
BUED 324: Advanced Word Processing, Art Attema
BUED 352: Methods of Teaching Business Education, Art Attema
"Building the Temple": An Alternative Metaphor to the Use of "Kingdom" in the Christian University Context, Donald Roth
Burnt-Out Lightbulbs: A Review of Can't Even, Mike Janssen
Calvin, the Bible, and History (Book Review), Keith C. Sewell
Chapel Service, Dordt University
Character, Charisma, Hope, and Healing: Reflections on The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, Gayle Doornbos
Checking Out Actuarial Science, Sarah Moss
CHEM 101: General Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 101: General Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 102: General, Organic, and Biochemistry, Joshua Zhu
CHEM 102: Organic and Biological Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 103: General and Analytical Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 103: General and Analytical Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 103: General and Analytical Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 104: General and Analytical Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 104: General and Analytical Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 110: General Chemistry, Holly J. De Vries
CHEM 110: General Chemistry, Holly J. De Vries
CHEM 110: General Chemistry, Holly J. De Vries
CHEM 111-01: Principles of Chemistry, Channon W. Visscher
CHEM 111-01: Principles of Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 111-02: Principles of Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 111-02: Principles of Chemistry, Channon W. Visscher
CHEM 111: Principles of Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 122: Organic and Biological Chemistry, Joshua Zhu
CHEM 180: First Term Seminar, Channon W. Visscher
CHEM 201: Organic Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 202: Organic Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 203: Advanced Chemistry for the Life Sciences, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 205: Biochemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 205: Biochemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 212: Chemical Analysis, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 225: Organic Chemistry, Joshua Zhu
CHEM 225: Organic Chemistry, Joshua Zhu
CHEM 231: Foundations of Physical Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 271: Inorganic Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 285: Literature Review in Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 301: Physical Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 302: Physical Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 305: Perspectives in Physical Science, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 305: Perspectives in Physical Science, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 311: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 312: Instrumental Analysis, Chemistry Department
CHEM 312: Instrumental Analysis, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 312: Instrumental Analysis, CPPS Department
CHEM 321: Advanced Organic Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 331: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Channon W. Visscher
CHEM 341: Topics in Environmental Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 342: Quantitative Analysis, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 361: Advanced Biochemistry, Joshua Zhu
CHEM 362: Advanced Biochemistry Lab, Joshua Zhu
CHEM 362: Advanced Biochemistry Lab, Joshua Zhu
Chemical Synthesis of Homogeneous Human E-Cadherin N-Linked Glycopeptides: Stereoselective Convergent Glycosylation and Chemoselective Solid-Phase Aspartylation, Chen Zeng, Bin Sun, Xuefeng Cao, Joshua Zhu, Olawale Micheal Oluwadahunsi, Ding Liu, He Zhu, Jiabin Zhang, Qing Zhang, Gaolan Zhang, Christopher Andrew Gibbons, Yunpeng Liu, Jun Zhou, and Peng George Wang
CHIC 300: Values and Vocation, George D. Beukema
CHIC 300: Values and Vocation, George D. Beukema
CHIC 300: Values and Vocation, George D. Beukema
CHIC 300: Values and Vocation, George D. Beukema
CHIC 300: Vocations Seminar, George D. Beukema
CHIC 301: Metropolitan Seminar, Clinton E. Stockwell
CHIC 301: Metropolitan Seminar, Clinton Stockwell
CHIC 301: Metropolitan Seminar, Clinton E. Stockwell
CHIC 301: Metropolitan Seminar, James LaGrand
CHIC 301: Metropolitan Seminar, Clinton E. Stockwell
CHIC 301: Metropolitan Seminar, David Claerbaut
CHIC 303: Fine Arts Seminar, Donna J. Spaan
CHIC 303: Fine Arts Seminar, Donna J. Spaan
CHIC 303: Fine Arts Seminar, Donna J. Spaan
CHIC 303: Fine Arts Seminar, Donna J. Spaan
CHIC 303: Fine Arts Seminar, Off-Campus Program
CHIC 303: Fine Arts Seminar, Donna J. Spaan
CHIC 371: Metropolitan Seminar, Clinton Stockwell
CHIC 371: Practicum, George D. Beukema
CHIC 371: Practicum, Off-Campus Program
CHIC 371: Practicum, George Beukema and Clinton Stockwell
CHIC 371: Practicum, George Beukema, Nancy Triezenberg-Fox, and Clinton Stockwell
Choir Tour, Dordt University
Christian Graduate Programs: Transformational, Not Transactional, Steve Holtrop
Christians Want Power? Sioux Center Pushes Back on New York Times Story, Lee Pitts
Christopher Cone and Redacted Dominionism: Review Essay, Chris Gousmett
CJ 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice, Jon W. Moeller
CJ 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice, Jon W. Moeller
CJ 201: Policing, Kirk R. Nielsen
CJ 202: Corrections, Jon W. Moeller
CJ 203: Juvenile Justice, Eric L. Anderson
CJ 205: Crime Scene Investigation, Aaron M. Koning
CJ 216: Diversity and Inequality, Tara L. Boer
CJ 250: Speaking and Writing for Public Service, Jon W. Moeller
CJ 304: Criminology, Donald F. Roth
CJ 304: Criminology, Jon W. Moeller
CJ 323: Criminal Law, Jon W. Moeller
CJ 325: American Constitutional Law, Donald F. Roth
CJ 350: Domestic Preparedness, Donald F. Roth
Class of 2021 Commences Despite COVID-19, Sarah Moss
Classroom Building, Dordt University
Clogged, Matt Drissell
CM 101: Principles of Construction Management, Shane S. Vander Kooi
CM 101: Principles of Construction Management, Shane S. Vander Kooi
CM 207: Geographic Information Systems, Danielle S. Wyenberg
CM 220: Construction Materials and Methods, Joel K. Sikkema
CM 270: Project Management, Kari E. Sandouka
CM 280: Construction Estimating, Shane S. Vander Kooi
CMSC 101: Digital Literacy, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 101: Introduction to Computing, Dennis De Jong and Marv Wielard
CMSC 101: Introduction to Computing, Marv Wielard
CMSC 101: Introduction to Computing, Willis Alberda
CMSC 102: Programming for the Natural Sciences, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 103: Programming in BASIC, Marv Wielard
CMSC 109: Callings and Careers in Computer-Related Fields, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 109: Callings and Careers in Computer-Related Fields, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 112: Structured Programming II, Pao-Fang Chang
CMSC 115: Programming for Business, Pao-Fang Chang
CMSC 115: Programming I, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 115: Programming I, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 115: Programming I, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 116: Selected Topics in Programming, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 116: Selected Topics in Programming, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 120: Information Systems Design, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 120: Information Systems Design, Marv Wielard
CMSC 120: Information Systems Design, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 131: Data Communications, Dale Van Voorst
CMSC 201: Database System Design, Computer Science Department
CMSC 201: Database Systems Design, Pao-Fang Chang
CMSC 204: Introduction to Data Communications, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 204: Introduction to Data Communications, Joshua L. Folkerts
CMSC 205: Assembly Language, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 205: Assembly Language, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 205: Computer Systems, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 208: Programming Language Concepts, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 215: Programming II, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 270: Project Management, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 270: Project Management, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 301/ENGR 390: Technology and Society, CPPS Department
CMSC 301: Technology and Society, Engineering Department
CMSC 305: Operating Systems, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 305: Operating Systems, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 315: Data Structures, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 315: Data Structures, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 319: Database Systems Design, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 331: Client/Server Programming, Kari E. Sandouka
CMSC 340: Advanced Topics in System-Level Programming, Nick S. Breems
CMSC 355: Selected Topics in Security, Joshua L. Folkerts
CMSC 390: Technology and Society, Kevin J. Timmer and Nick S. Breems
COMD 101: Community Development Seminar I, Jeff T. Ploegstra
COMD 101: Community Development Seminar I, Jeff T. Ploegstra
COMD 151: Communities and The Environment, Robert L. De Haan
COMD 161: Field and Lab Investigations in Environmental Studies, Robert L. De Haan
COMD 161: Field and Lab Investigations in Environmental Studies, Robert L. De Haan
COMD 301: Community Development Seminar II, Abby M. Foreman
COMD 330: Community Development and Kingdom of God, Robert L. De Haan
COMM 041: Diamond Workshops, Lee L. Pitts
COMM 041: Diamond Workshops, Lee L. Pitts
COMM 051: Forensics, Bruce A. Kuiper
COMM 105: Workplace Communication, Tom J. Prinsen
COMM 105: Workplace Communication, Tom J. Prinsen
COMM 105: Workplace Communication, Tom J. Prinsen
COMM 110: Fundamentals of Speaking and Listening, Daryl Vander Kooi and Charles Veenstra
COMM 110: Fundamentals of Speaking and Listening, Communications Department
COMM 110: Fundamentals of Speaking and Listening, Daryl Vander Kooi and Charles Veenstra
COMM 110: Fundamentals of Speaking and Listening, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 180: First Semester Seminar, Bruce A. Kuiper
COMM 180: First Semester Seminar, Tom J. Prinsen and Bruce A. Kuiper
COMM 201: Principles of Communication, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 212: Oral Interpretation, Martin Dekkenga
COMM 220: Small Group Communication, Bruce A. Kuiper
COMM 220: Small Group Discussion and Communication, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 220: Small Group Discussion and Communication, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 220: Small Group Discussion and Communication, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 220: Small Group Discussion and Communication, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 222: Interpersonal, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Bruce A. Kuiper
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Mark C. Volkers
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Bruce A. Kuiper and Mark C. Volkers
COMM 228: Organizational Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 228: Organizational Communication, Tom J. Prinsen
COMM 228: Organizational Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 232: Emerging Media, Lee L. Pitts
COMM 235: TV and Radio Broadcast Production, Rich Lodewyk
COMM 240: Introduction to Mass Communication, Mark C. Volkers
COMM 240: Introduction to Mass Communication, Mark C. Volkers
COMM 241: Basic News Reporting, David Campbell
COMM 241: Basic News Writing, Jaynn Tobias Johnson
COMM 241: Basic News Writing, Lorna Van Gilst
COMM 241: Introduction to Journalism, Lee L. Pitts
COMM 241: Introduction to Journalism, Lee L. Pitts
COMM 242: Newspaper Writing, Design, and Layout, Mike Vanden Bosch
COMM 242: Newspaper Writing, Design, and Layout, Lorna Van Gilst
COMM 242: Newspaper Writing, Design, and Layout, David Campbell
COMM 242: Newspaper Writing, Layout, and Design, Jaynn Tobias Johnson
COMM 243: Journalism Production, Lorna Van Gilst
COMM 244: Beat Reporting, Lee L. Pitts
COMM 244: Introduction to Magazine Production, Sally Jongsma
COMM 244: Introduction to Magazine Production, Jaynn Tobias Johnson
COMM 245: Broadcast Journalism, David Campbell
COMM 245: Broadcast Journalism, Dave Campbell
COMM 245: Digital Storytelling, Lee L. Pitts
COMM 246: Advanced Journalism Production, Sally Jongsma
COMM 246: Advanced Journalism Production, Jaynn Tobias Johnson
COMM 250: Introduction to Broadcasting, Martin Dekkenga
COMM 250: Introduction to Film/Video Production, Mark C. Volkers
COMM 250: Introduction to Radio and Television, Martin Dekkenga
COMM 255: Film Criticism, Mark C. Volkers
COMM 258: Broadcast Announcing, M. Dekkenga
COMM 258: Broadcast Announcing, Martin Dekkenga
COMM 258: Professional Broadcast Announcing, Martin Dekkenga
COMM 260: Public Relations, Tom J. Prinsen
COMM 260: Public Relations, Tom J. Prinsen
COMM 270: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce A. Kuiper
COMM 270: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce A. Kuiper and Adam Adams
COMM 301: Advanced Expository Writing, James C. Schaap
COMM 301: Advanced Non-Fiction Writing, Howard J. Schaap
COMM 305: Business and Technical Writing, Shaun J. Stiemsma
COMM 312: Ensemble Interpretation, Verne Meyer
COMM 312: Ensemble Interpretation, Verne Meyer
COMM 314: Argumentation and Persuasion, Bruce A. Kuiper
COMM 315: Argumentation and Debate, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 320: Advanced Film/Video Production, Mark C. Volkers
COMM 320: Advanced Film/Video Production, Mark C. Volkers
COMM 324: Issues in Journalism History and Culture, Lee L. Pitts
COMM 333: Documentary Film Making, Mark C. Volkers
COMM 341: Magazine Production, Lorna Van Gilst
COMM 350: Short Film Production, Mark C. Volkers
COMM 352: Radio Production, M. Dekkenga
COMM 352: Radio Production, Martin Dekkenga
COMM 360: Campaigns and Cases, Tom J. Prinsen
COMM 380: Senior Seminar, Tom J. Prinsen
COMM 380: Senior Seminar, Tom J. Prinsen
Congress Overwhelmed: The Decline in Congressional Capacity and Prospects for Reform (Book Review), Jack R. Van Der Slik
Considering Citizenship: Dare to be a Daniel, Abby M. Foreman
Cooperation with the City of Sioux Center, Dordt University
CORE 100-01: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Dianne S. De Wit
CORE 100-01: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Carl P. Fictorie
CORE 100-02: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Chad A. Hanson
CORE 100-02: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Ruth C. Clark
CORE 100-03: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Chad A. Hanson
CORE 100-04: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Shirley F. Folkerts
CORE 100-04: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Shirley F. Folkerts
CORE 100-06: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Brian J. Van Haaften
CORE 100-06: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Dianne S. De Wit
CORE 100-07: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Mark E. Christians
CORE 100-07: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Emily C. Rowe
CORE 100-08: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Tim J. Klein
CORE 100-09: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Melissa L. Lindsey
CORE 100-10: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, John C. MacInnis
CORE 100-10: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Brian L. Hoekstra
CORE 100-11: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Mary Beth B. Pollema
CORE 100-11: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Lee L. Pitts
CORE 100-12: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Lee L. Pitts
CORE 100-12: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Sam G. Ashmore
CORE 100-13: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Abby R. De Groot
CORE 100-13: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Mary Beth B. Pollema
CORE 100-14: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Craig A. Heynen
CORE 100-14: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Ryan N. Gresse
CORE 100-15: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Jeff L. Taylor
CORE 100-16: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Leendert G. van Beek
CORE 100-16: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Amy D. Westra
CORE 100-17: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, David P. Platter
CORE 100-18: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Craig L. Stiemsma
CORE 100-18: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Leendert G. van Beek
CORE 100-19: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Laurel A. Koerner
CORE 100-19: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Brian J. Van Haaften
CORE 100-20: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Brian L. Hoekstra
CORE 100-21: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Avonda J. Fessler
CORE 100-21: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Alex S. Durbin
CORE 100-22: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Charles Veenstra
CORE 100: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Shirley F. Folkerts
CORE 110-01: Communication Foundations, Mark C. Volkers
CORE 110-02: Communication Foundations, Bruce A. Kuiper
CORE 110-02: Communication Foundations, Tom J. Prinsen
CORE 110-02: Communication Foundations, Bruce A. Kuiper
CORE 110-03: Communication Foundations, Teresa M. Ter Haar
CORE 110-03: Communication Foundations, Lee L. Pitts
CORE 110-03: Communication Foundations, Teresa M. Ter Haar
CORE 110-04: Communication Foundations, Rich Lodewyk
CORE 110-04: Communication Foundations, Rich Lodewyk
CORE 110-04: Communication Foundations, Ann E. Lundberg
CORE 110-05: Communication Foundations, Charles Veenstra
CORE 110: Communication Foundations, Kae Van Engen
CORE 110-DC: Communication Foundations, Kae Van Engen
CORE 110-OL: Communication Foundations, Kae Van Engen
CORE 110-OL: Communication Foundations, Kae Van Engen
CORE 110-OL: Communication Foundations, John L. Ashby
CORE 120-01: English Composition, Shelbi D. Gesch
CORE 120-01: English Composition, Bill Elgersma
CORE 120-02: English Composition, Shelbi D. Gesch
CORE 120-03: English Composition, Howard J. Schaap
CORE 120-04: English Composition, Howard J. Schaap
CORE 120-DC: English Composition, Rose A. Postma
CORE 120: English Composition, Rose A. Postma
CORE 120-OL: English Composition, Rose A. Postma
CORE 130-03: Health, Sport, and the Body, Brandon L. McCormick
CORE 130-04: Health, Sport, and the Body, Alex S. Durbin
CORE 130-91: Health, Sport, and the Body, Nate D. Wolf
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body, Nate D. Wolf
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body, Nate D. Wolf
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body, Nate D. Wolf
CORE 135-10A: Introduction to Lifetime Activity, Alex S. Durbin
CORE 135-10A: Introduction to Lifetime Activity - Badminton, Joel G. Penner
CORE 135-20A: Introduction to Lifetime Activity, Aaron J. Mingo
CORE 135 20A: Introduction to Lifetime Activity - Basketball, Aaron J. Mingo
CORE 135-30A: Introduction to Lifetime Activity, Ryan N. Gresse
CORE 135-30A: Introduction to Lifetime Activity - Soccer, Ryan N. Gresse
CORE 135-40A: Introduction to Lifetime Activity, Nathan A. Bacon
CORE 135-40A: Introduction to Lifetime Activity - Racquetball, Nathan A. Bacon
CORE 135-50B: Introduction to Lifetime Activity, Jaymie D. Bernbeck
CORE 135-60B: Introduction to Lifetime Activity - Volleyball, Lynn L. Nutt
CORE 135-70A: Introduction to Lifetime Activity - Mental Health, Bruce H. Vermeer
CORE 135-99: Introduction to Lifetime Activity, Craig L. Stiemsma
CORE 135-99: Introduction to Lifetime Activity - Fitness Log, Craig L. Stiemsma
CORE 135: Introduction to Lifetime Activity, Aaron J. Mingo
CORE 140-01: Roots of Western Worldview and Culture, Walker R. Cosgrove
CORE 140-01: Roots of Western Worldview and Culture, Walker R. Cosgrove
CORE 140-03: Roots of Western Worldview and Culture, Mark M. McCarthy
CORE 140-03: Roots of Western Worldview and Culture, Mark M. McCarthy
CORE 140-04: Roots of Western Worldview and Culture, Scott S. Culpepper
CORE 140-04: Roots of Western Worldview and Culture, Scott S. Culpepper
CORE 140: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Walker R. Cosgrove
CORE 145-01: Western Culture in Global Context, Paul R. Fessler
CORE 145-03: Western Culture in Global Context, Mark M. McCarthy
CORE 145-04: Western Culture in Global Context, Scott S. Culpepper
CORE 145: Modern Western Culture in Global Context, Paul R. Fessler
CORE 145: Modern Western Culture in Global Context, Paul R. Fessler
CORE 150-01: Biblical Foundations, Jay J. Shim and Rebekah E. Earnshaw
CORE 150-01: Biblical Foundations, Justin A. Bailey
CORE 150-02: Biblical Foundations, Justin A. Bailey
CORE 150-02: Biblical Foundations, Rebekah E. Earnshaw and Justin A. Bailey
CORE 150-02: Biblical Foundations, Justin A. Bailey
CORE 150-04: Biblical Foundations, David M. Westfall
CORE 150-04: Biblical Foundations, Rebekah E. Earnshaw
CORE 150-04: Biblical Foundations, David M. Westfall
CORE 150-05: Biblical Foundations, Travis D. Else
CORE 150-05: Biblical Foundations, Rebekah E. Earnshaw
CORE 150-06: Biblical Foundations, Travis D. Else
CORE 150-07: Biblical Foundations, Jay J. Shim
CORE 150: Biblical Foundations, Jay J. Shim
CORE 160: Introduction to the Arts, Bob J. De Smith, Laurel A. Koerner, John C. MacInnis, and David P. Platter
CORE 160: Introduction to the Arts, Tim R. Van Voorst
CORE 175: Early Modern Western Culture and Worldview, Mark M. McCarthy
CORE 175: Early Modern Western Culture and Worldview, Mark M. McCarthy
CORE 176: Modern Western Culture in Global Context, Mark M. McCarthy
CORE 180-01: Responding to Literature, Shaun J. Stiemsma
CORE 180-01: Responding to Literature, Shaun J. Stiemsma
CORE 180-01: Responding to Literature, Josh S. Matthews
CORE 180-02: Responding to Literature, Joshua S. Matthews
CORE 180-02: Responding to Literature, Bill Elgersma
CORE 180-02: Responding to Literature, Howard J. Schaap
CORE 180-03: Responding to Literature, Bob J. De Smith
CORE 180-03: Responding to Literature, Howard J. Schaap
CORE 180: Responding to Literature, Shelbi D. Gesch
CORE 200-01: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Mark E. Tazelaar
CORE 200-02: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Laremy R. De Vries
CORE 200-05: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Jay J. Shim
CORE 200: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Jay J. Shim
CORE 200: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Jay J. Shim
CORE 200: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Laremy R. De Vries
CORE 211: Creation Care and Environment, Jeff T. Ploegstra
CORE 211: Creation Care and Environment, Robert L. De Haan
CORE 212: Human Biology I, Henry C. Byl
CORE 212: Human Biology I, Henry C. Byl
CORE 212: Human Biology I, Henry C. Byl
CORE 214: Food: Connecting to Life, John C. Olthoff
CORE 214: Food: Connecting to Life, John C. Olthoff
CORE 216: God's Green Earth, Jeff T. Ploegstra
CORE 222: Energy, Materials, and the Environment, Derek E. Chitwood
CORE 222: Energy, Materials, and the Environment, Derek E. Chitwood
CORE 222: Energy, Materials, and the Environment, Derek E. Chitwood
CORE 225: Stellar and Galactic Astronomy, Channon W. Visscher
CORE 251-02 / PSYC 204-02: Lifespan Development, Bruce H. Vermeer
CORE 251-03 / PSYC 204-03: Lifespan Development, Mark E. Christians
CORE 251: Life-Span Development, Abby R. De Groot
CORE 251: Lifespan Development, Mark E. Christians
CORE 252: The Social Psychology of Persons, Luralyn M. Helming
CORE 252: The Social Psychology of Persons, Luralyn M. Helming
CORE 252: The Social Psychology of Persons, Luralyn M. Helming
CORE 254: Interpersonal Communication, Mark C. Volkers
CORE 254: Interpersonal Communication, Bruce A. Kuiper and Mark C. Volkers
CORE 256: Vulnerable Populations, Tara L. Boer
CORE 258: Leading and Serving Others, Randy L. Feenstra
CORE 260: Personal Financial Management and Stewardship, Brian L. Hoekstra
CORE 260: Personal Financial Management and Stewardship, Brian L. Hoekstra
CORE 261: Sociology and Social Justice, Tara L. Boer
CORE 261: Sociology and Social Justice, Kristin M. Van De Griend
CORE 261: Sociology and Social Justice, Kristin M. Van De Griend
CORE 262: Introduction to Politics, Jeff L. Taylor
CORE 264: American National Politics, Jeff L. Taylor
CORE 264: American National Politics, Jeff L. Taylor
CORE 265 / GEOG 151: World Regional Geography, David J. Mulder
CORE 265: World Regional Geography, David J. Mulder
CORE 266: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Sacha Walicord
CORE 268: Serving Christ's Kingdom Through Pro-Tech, Spring M. Dahl
CORE 270: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce A. Kuiper
CORE 270: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce A. Kuiper
CORE 270: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce A. Kuiper and Adam Adams
CORE 271: Learner Differences, Barb L. Hoekstra
CORE 271: Learner Differences, Barb L. Hoekstra
CORE 273: Latin America, Scott S. Culpepper
CORE 276: Diversity and Inequality, Tara L. Boer
CORE 276: Diversity and Inequality, Tara L. Boer
CORE 278: World Music, John C. MacInnis
CORE 289: Dante and The Italian Renaissance, Josh S. Matthews and Walker R. Cosgrove
CORE 310: History and Philosophy of Education, Steve D. Holtrop
CORE 310: History and Philosophy of Education, Matthew N. Beimers
CORE 311: Agriculture Senior Seminar, John C. Olthoff
CORE 312: History of Science and Technology, Ethan J. Brue
CORE 312: History of Science and Technology, Ethan J. Brue
CORE 313: Church, State, and Social Welfare, Abby M. Foreman
CORE 315: Perspectives in Physical Science, Carl P. Fictorie
CORE 315: Perspectives in Physical Science, Carl P. Fictorie
CORE 316: Aesthetics, Justin A. Bailey
CORE 318: Theology of the Reformation, Jay J. Shim
CORE 320: Economics and Religious Beliefs, Sacha Walicord
CORE 324: History of Psychology and Worldview, Mark E. Christians
CORE 326: Faith, Emotions, and Being Human, Mark E. Tazelaar
CORE 399: Calling, Task, and Culture, Donald F. Roth
CORE 399: Calling, Task, and Culture, Robert L. De Haan, Donald F. Roth, Jeff L. Taylor, and Luke A. Hawley
CORE 399: Calling, Task, and Culture, Donald F. Roth
CORE 399: Calling, Task, and Culture, Donald F. Roth
COVID-19 Forces Changes to Experiential Learning Plans, Sarah Moss
Creativity and COVID-19, Sarah Moss
Crew as a Tool to Foster Belonging at School, Leendert de Visser
Criminal Justice Majors Get Credit for Deputy Program, Sarah Moss
Crisis Mode: 10 Keys to Unlock Thriving in Christian School Leadership - Part 1 of 5, Joshua E. Bowar
Crisis Mode: 10 Keys to Unlock Thriving in Christian School Leadership - Part 2 of 5, Joshua E. Bowar
Crisis Mode: 10 Keys to Unlock Thriving in Christian School Leadership - Part 3 of 5, Joshua E. Bowar
Crisis Mode: 10 Keys to Unlock Thriving in Christian School Leadership - Part 4 of 5, Joshua E. Bowar
Crisis Mode: 10 Keys to Unlock Thriving in Christian School Leadership - Part 5 of 5, Joshua E. Bowar
CSMC 101: Introduction to Computing, Willis J. Alberda
CSMC 102: Programming for the Natural Sciences, Wayne R. Tinga and Douglas De Boer
CSMC 111: Structured Programming I, Marvin D. Huisman
CSMC 120: Information System Design, Jim Bos and Hilbert Vande Kamp
Dark Matter-Neutrino Interconversion at COHERENT, Direct Detection, and the Early Universe, Nicholas Hurtado, Hana Mir, Ian M. Shoemaker, Eli Welch, and Jason Wyenberg
Day After Beating, Erica Hughes
Decomposition, Rose Postma
Dedication of the Midwest Christian Junior College: September 1, 1955, Dordt University
Defender Forever Program Makes Giving More Fun, Sarah Moss
Deo Volente, Erik Hoekstra
Design a Dual Credit Program that Works, Joe Bakker
Discerning Doubt: A Review of After Doubt, Justin Bailey
Disordered Eating Behaviors Amongst Student Athletes, Sarah Wensink
Doing Real Work for Real People with Real Needs, Alicia Bowar
Dordt College Alma Mater, Merle Meeter and Dale Grotenhuis
Dordt Community Support Runs Deep, Alicia Bowar
Dordt Graduates Serving in Wisconsin Politics, Lydia Marcus
Dordt in 3D, Vaughn Donahue
Dordt Records Fall Enrollment High Despite Uncertain Times, Sarah Moss
Dordt's Original Statement of Purpose, Dordt University
Dordt to Partner with City on Indoor Turf Dome, Sarah Moss
Dordt Tops List for "Best Undergraduate Teaching" in Midwest, Sarah Moss
Dordt University 2021-22 Catalog, Dordt University. Registrar's Office
Dordt University Alma Mater, Merle Meeter, Dale Grotenhuis, Ryan Smit, and Bob De Smith
Dordt University Commencement Ceremony, May 7, 2021, Dordt University
Dordt University Convocation Ceremony, August 27, 2021, Dordt University and Erik Hoekstra
Dordt University Has Its Largest Enrollment Ever, Sarah Moss
Do You Have to be a Calvinist in Order to be a Kuyperian? In Memoriam John H. Kok, Eduardo Echeverria
Do You Want to Have a Catch?, Rylan Brue
Dr. Rikki Brons and Sioux Center Christian School Explore Language Learning, Sarah Moss
DUTC 101: Elementary Dutch I, Leendert G. van Beek
DUTC 101: Elementary Dutch I, Leendert G. van Beek
DUTC 102: Elementary Dutch, John Struyk and Case J. Boot
DUTC 102: Elementary Dutch II, Leendert G. van Beek
DUTC 103: Intermediate Dutch, S. van der Ree
DUTC 200: Beginning Dutch, John Struyk
DUTC 201: Intermediate Dutch, Case J. Boot
DUTC 201: Intermediate Dutch, John Struyk
DUTC 201: Intermediate Dutch, William J. Stronks
DUTC 202: Dutch Cultural and Literary Readings, John Struyk
DUTC 203: Intermediate Dutch, S. van der Ree
DUTC 204: Introduction to Modern Dutch Literature, John Struyk
DUTC 206: Dutch Culture, Case J. Boot
DUTC 248: Culture and Society, Dorothy Keijzer-Veenstra
DUTC 248N: International Management, C. L. Pennekamp-Wahl
DUTC 348: Dutch Art and Architecture, A. B. Bos-Geertsema
DUTC 348 / NETH 348: Culture and Society of the Lowlands in Contemporary Europe (Summer Course), Off-Campus Program
EAP 101: Academic Interaction and Public Speaking, Jennifer E. Wynstra
EAP 102: Academic Writing, Jennifer E. Wynstra
EAP 103: North American Pronunciation, Jennifer E. Wynstra
ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Jasper Lesage
ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Jasper Lesage
ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, John Visser
ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Ed Lotterman
ECON 201: Principles of Economics, Tracy Miller
ECON 202: Principles of Economics, Tracy Miller
ECON 202: Principles of Economics - Micro, Jan van Vliet
ECON 202: Principles of Economics - Micro, Tracy Miller
ECON 202: Principles of Economics - Micro, Business Administration Department
ECON 202: Principles of Economics - Micro, Jan van Vliet
ECON 203: Principles of Economics - Macro, Jan van Vliet
ECON 232: Econometrics, William A. Lindsey
ECON 301: Principles of Economics, Tracy Miller
ECON 303: Money and Banking, Jan van Vliet
ECON 303: Money and Banking, John Visser
ECON 303: Money and Banking, John Visser
ECON 303: Money and Banking, John Visser
ECON 303: Money and Banking, Cory C. Gotto
ECON 304: Intermediate Microeconomics, Jan van Vliet
ECON 305: Labor Economics, Tracy Miller
ECON 305: Labor Economics, Jasper Lesage
ECON 309: American Economic History, Tracy Miller
ECON 315: Government Finance, Tracy Miller
ECON 315: Government Finance, Jasper Lesage
ECON 315: Government Finance, Ed Lotterman
ECON 315: Government Finance, Randy L. Feenstra
ECON 321: Economic Development in the Third World, Tracy Miller
ECON 321: Economic Development in the Third World, Insook Kim
ECON 321: Economics Development in the Third World, Insook Kim
ECON 321: Global Economic Development, Jan van Vliet
ECON 334: Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment, Jan van Vliet
ECON 351: Senior Business and Economics Ethics Seminar, Brian L. Hoekstra
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, David J. Mulder
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, John Van Dyk
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, John Van Dyk
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, David J. Mulder
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, David J. Mulder
EDUC 104: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kim A. Hengeveld
EDUC 104: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Erin B. Kosters
EDUC 105: Health and Physical Education for the Elementary Classroom Teacher, Len Rhoda
EDUC 111: Health and Physical Education for the Elementary Classroom Teacher, Education Department
EDUC 135: Educational Psychology, Abby R. De Groot
EDUC 135: Educational Psychology, Abby R. De Groot
EDUC 145: Learner Differences, Barb L. Hoekstra
EDUC 145: Learner Differences, Barb L. Hoekstra
EDUC 145: Learner Differences, Barb L. Hoekstra
EDUC 155: Children's and Adolescent Literature, Gwen R. Marra and Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 155: Children's and Adolescent Literature, Gwen R. Marra and Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 165: Learning Environments, Mary Beth B. Pollema
EDUC 165: Learning Environments, Mary Beth B. Pollema
EDUC 165: Learning Environments, Mary Beth B. Pollema
EDUC 170: Infant/Toddler Instructional Adaptations, Kim D. Blankespoor
EDUC 175: Foundations of Literacy, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 175: Foundations of Literacy, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, John Van Dyk
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, John Van Dyk
EDUC 201: Introduction to Education, Larry Reynolds
EDUC 201: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment in Elementary Schools, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 201: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment in Elementary Schools, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 201: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment in Elementary Schools, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 202: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment in Middle Schools, David J. Mulder
EDUC 202: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment in Middle Schools, David J. Mulder
EDUC 202: Practicum in Education, George A. Faber
EDUC 203: Media and Technology in Education, Education Department
EDUC 203: Media and Technology in Education, Education Department
EDUC 203: Media and Technology in Education, Education Department
EDUC 203: Media and Technology in Education, Education Department
EDUC 203: Media and Technology in Education, George Faber
EDUC 203: Media and Technology in Education, Education Department
EDUC 203: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary Schools, Mary Beth B. Pollema
EDUC 203: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary Schools, Mary Beth B. Pollema
EDUC 204: Paraeducator Field Experience, Kim A. Hengeveld
EDUC 204: Paraeducator Field Experience, Erin B. Kosters
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Joan McCarthy
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Joan McCarthy
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Joan McCarthy
EDUC 205: Children's Reading Material, Louise Hulst
EDUC 206: Adolescent Reading Interests, Dorenda Van Gaalen
EDUC 206: Adolescent Reading Interests, Lorna Van Gilst
EDUC 209: Service Learning - Tutoring, Kim A. Hengeveld
EDUC 209: Service Learning - Tutoring, Erin B. Kosters
EDUC 209: Service Learning-Tutoring, Kim A. Hengeveld
EDUC 210: Assessment and Diagnosis in Remedial and Special Education, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 210: Assessment and Diagnosis in Remedial and Special Education, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 211: Methods of Teaching Art in the Elementary Classroom, Education Department
EDUC 211: Methods of Teaching Art in the Elementary Classroom, Education Department
EDUC 211: Methods of Teaching Art in the Elementary Classroom, Joanne Alberda
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Eugene D. Westra
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Gloria Stronks
EDUC 220: Teaching Co-Curricular Areas Pre-K through 6, Josh E. Bowar, Jill M. Friend, Craig A. Heynen, and Lori A. De Jong
EDUC 220: Teaching Co-Curricular Areas Pre-K Through 6, Josh E. Bowar, Jill M. Friend, Craig A. Heynen, and Lori A. De Jong
EDUC 223: Teaching Bible in the Elementary School, Pam Adams
EDUC 230: Multicultural Issues in Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 230: Multicultural Issues in Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 232: Interpersonal Communication for the Classroom Teacher, Martin Dekkenga
EDUC 232: Interpersonal Communication for the Classroom Teacher, Martin Dekkenga
EDUC 232: Interpersonal Communication for the Elementary Teacher, Education Department
EDUC 239: Service Learning Field Experience, Kim A. Hengeveld
EDUC 239: Service Learning Field Experience, Kim A. Hengeveld
EDUC 239: Service Learning Field Experience, Erin B. Kosters
EDUC 252: Introduction to Behavior Management, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 252: Introduction to Behavior Management, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 253: Introduction to the Education of Children and Youth with Mild Disabilities, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 253: Introduction to the Education of Children and Youth with Mild Disabilities, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 260: Teaching Bible in Pre-K through Middle School, Nicki L. Kuiper
EDUC 261: Teaching the Bible, Justin A. Bailey
EDUC 262: Creative Dramatics, John Hofland
EDUC 262: Creative Dramatics, John Hofland
EDUC 262: Creative Dramatics, John Hofland
EDUC 262: Creative Dramatics, John Hofland
EDUC 262: Creative Dramatics, John Hofland
EDUC 262: Educational Theatre in the Classroom and Beyond, Teresa M. Ter Haar
EDUC 265: Content Area Literacy, Abby R. De Groot
EDUC 265: Content Area Literacy, Abby R. De Groot
EDUC 271: Special Education Field Experience I, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 271: Special Education Field Experience I, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 272: Special Education Field Experience II, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 272: Special Education Field Experience II, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 300-01: History and Philosophy of Education, Steve D. Holtrop
EDUC 300-02: History and Philosophy of Education, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 300: History and Philosophy of Education, Steve D. Holtrop
EDUC 300: History and Philosophy of Education, Matthew N. Beimers
EDUC 300: History and Philosophy of Education, Matthew N. Beimers
EDUC 301: Introduction to Exceptional Individuals, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 301: Introduction to Exceptional Individuals, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 301: Introduction to Exceptional Individuals, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 302: Introduction to Mental Retardation, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 302: Introduction to Mental Retardation, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 303: Instructional Methods and Strategies for the Mildly Disabled, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 303: Instructional Methods and Strategies for the Mildly Handicapped (K-6), Andrea Struyk
EDUC 304: Introduction to Behavior Disorders, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 304: Introduction to Behavior Disorders, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 304: Introduction to Behavior Disorders, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 305: Methods and Strategies for the Education of the Moderately or Severely Disabled, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 306: Assessment and Diagnosis in Special Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 306: Introduction to Assessment in Special and Remedial Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 306: Introduction to Assessment in Special and Remedial Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 309: Supervised Practicum to Special Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 311: Materials of Elementary Music Education, Joanne Draayer
EDUC 311: Materials of Elementary Music Education, Joanne Draayer
EDUC 311: Materials of Elementary Music Education, Joanne Draayer
EDUC 312: Introduction to the Education of Mildly Handicapped Children and Youth, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 312: Introduction to the Education of Mildly Handicapped Children and Youth, Education Department
EDUC 312: Introduction to the Education of Mildly Handicapped Children and Youth, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 314: Diagnosis and Remediation of Language/Reading Difficulties, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 315: Instructional Methods and Strategies for the Education of Students with Mild Disabilities - Preschool, Elementary, and Middle School, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 317: Transitional Collaboration, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 317: Transitional Collaboration, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 320: Phonics, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 321: Early Childhood Literacy, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 321: Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School, Marian Vander Ark
EDUC 321: Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School, Marian Vander Ark
EDUC 322: Introduction to Early Childhood, Christy J. Hulstein
EDUC 322: Teaching Arithmetic in Elementary School, Education Department
EDUC 322: Teaching Arithmetic in the Elementary School, Education Department
EDUC 323: Teaching Reading in the Elementary School, Pam Adams
EDUC 323: Teaching Reading in the Elementary School, Pam Adams
EDUC 323: Teaching Reading in the Elementary School, Pam Adams
EDUC 323: Teaching Reading in the Elementary School, Gloria Stronks
EDUC 324: Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School, Pam Adams
EDUC 324: Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School, Pam Adams
EDUC 324: Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School, Pam Adams
EDUC 324: Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School, Eugene Westra
EDUC 324: Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School, Education Department
EDUC 325: Teaching Science in the Elementary School, Education Department
EDUC 325: Teaching Sciences in the Elementary School, Education Department
EDUC 325: Teaching Sciences in the Elementary School, Education Department
EDUC 325: Teaching Sciences in the Elementary School, Education Department
EDUC 326: Organization and Administration of Early Childhood Programs, Christy J. Hulstein
EDUC 326: Reading in the Content Area, Pam Adams
EDUC 326: Reading in the Content Areas, Pam Adams
EDUC 326: Reading in the Content Areas, Pam Adams
EDUC 327: Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties, Pam Adams
EDUC 327: Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties, Pam Adams
EDUC 328: Supervised Practicum in Reading, Pam Adams
EDUC 329: Reading in Early Childhood, Pam Adams
EDUC 329: Reading in Early Childhood, Pam Adams
EDUC 329: Reading the Early Childhood, Pam Adams
EDUC 330: Human Relations in Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 330: Human Relations in Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 331: Teaching Social Studies in Pre-K through Middle School, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 332: Teaching Mathematics in Elem/Mid Schools, Valorie L. Zonnefeld and Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 332: Teaching Mathematics in Pre-K Through Middle School, Nicki L. Kuiper
EDUC 333: Teaching Literacy in Pre-K through Middle School, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 333: Teaching Literacy in Pre-K Through Middle School, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 334: Teaching Science in Pre-K through Middle School, David J. Mulder
EDUC 335: Applied Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 335: Applied Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 336: Applied Educational Psychology for Middle School Teachers, Abby R. De Groot
EDUC 336: Applied Educational Psychology for Middle School Teachers, Abby R. De Groot
EDUC 337: Applied Educational Psychology for Secondary Teachers, Abby R. De Groot
EDUC 337: Applied Educational Psychology for Secondary Teachers, Abby R. De Groot
EDUC 349: Supervised Field Experience in ESL, Erin B. Kosters
EDUC 350: Methods of Teaching Art in K-12 Schools, Matthew R. Drissell
EDUC 351 / EDUC 353/ EDUC 359: Methods of Teaching Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, George Faber
EDUC 351: Methods of Teaching Sciences in High Schools and Middle Schools, Alysia A. Haveman
EDUC 352: Methods of Teaching Agriculture in Middle and High Schools, Gary A. De Vries
EDUC 352: Methods of Teaching Business Education, Art Attema
EDUC 352: Methods of Teaching Business Education, Art Attema
EDUC 352: Methods of Teaching Business Education, Art Attema
EDUC 354: Methods of Teaching English in Middle and High Schools, Abby R. De Groot
EDUC 355: Methods of Teaching a Second Language, Rikki Brons and Mary Beth B. Pollema
EDUC 356: History Methods, Louis Y. Van Dyke
EDUC 356: Methods of Teaching History and Social Studies in Middle and High Schools, Shane M. Williams
EDUC 357: Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Dennis De Jong
EDUC 357: Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Dennis De Jong
EDUC 357: Methods of Teaching Mathematics in High Schools and Middle Schools, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
EDUC 357: Teaching of Mathematics, Arnold Veldkamp
EDUC 358: Methods of Teaching Speech, Martin Dekkenga
EDUC 359: Methods of Teaching Business in Middle and Secondary Schools, Tim J. Klein
EDUC 360: Methods of Teaching Physical Education and Health Education in K-12 Schools, Craig A. Heynen
EDUC 364: Issues in Education, Eugene Westra
EDUC 364: Issues in Education, Larry Reynolds
EDUC 369: PDS Internship, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 369: PDS Internship, Erin B. Kosters
EDUC 370: Student Teaching - Early Childhood, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 370: Student Teaching - Early Childhood, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 370: Student Teaching - Early Childhood, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 371: Student Teaching - Elementary, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 371: Student Teaching - Elementary, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 371: Student Teaching - Elementary, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 372: Student Teaching - Middle Level, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 372: Student Teaching - Middle Level, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 373: Student Teaching - Secondary, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 373: Student Teaching - Secondary, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 373: Student Teaching - Secondary, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 374: Student Teaching - Vertical, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 374: Student Teaching - Vertical, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 374: Student Teaching - Vertical, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 375: Student Teaching - English as a Second Language, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 375: Student Teaching - English as a Second Language, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 376: Student Teaching - Reading, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 376: Student Teaching - Reading, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 376: Student Teaching - Reading, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 377: Student Teaching - Elementary Instructional Strategist, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 377: Student Teaching - Elementary Instructional Strategist, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 377: Student Teaching Internship - Elementary Instructional Strategist, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 378: Student Teaching - Secondary Instructional Strategist, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 379: Student Teaching -Multiple Endorsements, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 381: Senior Seminar I, Ryan G. Zonnefeld and Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 381: Senior Seminar I, Ryan G. Zonnefeld and Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 382: Senior Seminar II, Ryan G. Zonnefeld and Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 382: Senior Seminar II, Ryan G. Zonnefeld and Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 382: Senior Seminar II, Ed L. Starkenburg
EDUC 501: Issues in Education, David J. Mulder
EDUC 503A: Interpreting Educational Research, Timothy M. Van Soelen
EDUC 503A: Interpreting Educational Research, Matthew N. Beimers
EDUC 503B: Action Research Proposal, Pat C. Kornelis
EDUC 503B: Action Research Proposal, Pat C. Kornelis
EDUC 503C: Educational Research for School Leaders, Matthew N. Beimers
EDUC 504: Curriculum Development and Evaluation, Steve D. Holtrop
EDUC 505: Foundations of Special Education, Shawna S. Hudson
EDUC 507: Classroom Assessment Strategies, Pat C. Kornelis
EDUC 507: Classroom Assessment Strategies, Pat C. Kornelis
EDUC 508: Teaching and Learning with Technology, David J. Mulder
EDUC 510: Action Research Project, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 511: Assessment of Learning Difficulties, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 513: Instructional Decisions, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 514: Transition Support and Collaborative Partnerships, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 514: Transition Support and Collaborative Partnerships, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 515: Assessment of Learning Difficulties, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 517: Instructional Decisions, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 518: Transition Support and Collaborative Partnerships, Kathleen M. VanTol
EDUC 533: Infant and Toddler Education, Gwen R. Marra and Kim D. Blankespoor
EDUC 543: Online Teaching and Learning, David J. Mulder
EDUC 545: Portfolio - Educational Technology, David J. Mulder
EDUC 551: High Impact Coaching, Ann E. Craig
EDUC 556: Teaching for Transformation, Pat C. Kornelis
EDUC 559: Internship in Instructional Coaching, Ann E. Craig
EDUC 560: Introduction to Educational Leadership, Timothy M. Van Soelen
EDUC 560: Introduction to Education Leadership, Matthew N. Beimers
EDUC 560L: Field Experience in Educational Leadership, Pat J. O'Donnell
EDUC 560L: Field Experience in Educ Leadership, Glenn W. Vos and Pat J. O'Donnell
EDUC 561: Instructional Leadership, Thomas M. Van Soelen
EDUC 561L: Field Experience II in Educational Administration, Pat J. O'Donnell
EDUC 563: Collaborative Leadership, Glenn W. Vos
EDUC 563: Collaborative Leadership, Glenn W. Vos
EDUC 563L: Field Experience III in Educational Leadership, Glenn W. Vos
EDUC 563L: Field Experience III in Educational Leadership, Glenn W. Vos and Pat J. O'Donnell
EDUC 564L: Field Experience IV in Educational Leadership, Glenn W. Vos
EDUC 564L: Field Experience IV in Educational Leadership, Glenn W. Vos and Pat J. O'Donnell
EDUC 564: Management and School Improvement, Josh E. Bowar
EDUC 564: Management and School Improvement, Josh E. Bowar
EDUC 591: Individual Studies, Kathleen M. VanTol
EGR 101: Engineering Drawing, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 101: Engineering Drawing, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 101: Engineering Drawing, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 105: Engineering Principles, Engineering Department
EGR 105: Engineering Principles, Engineering Department
EGR 105: Engineering Principles, Charles C. Adams
EGR 105: Engineering Principles, Charles C. Adams
EGR 105: Engineering Principles, Charles C. Adams
EGR 112: Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering and Design, Jeff D. Gladstone
EGR 112: Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering and Design, Danielle S. Wyenberg
EGR 114: Introduction to Engineering Design, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 114: Introduction to Engineering Design, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 115: Introduction to Engineering - Statics and Structures, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 116: Introduction to Engineering Analysis, Manuela A. Ayee
EGR 117: Introduction to Engineering - Electronics, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 202: Elements of Material Science, Nolan A. Van Gaalen and Jeff D. Gladstone
EGR 202: Elements of Material Science, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 202: Elements of Materials Science, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 202: Elements of Materials Science, Kevin Timmer
EGR 202: Elements of Materials Science, Engineering Department
EGR 202: Elements of Materials Science, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 204: Digital Electronics I, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 204: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Circuits, Douglas F. De Boer
EGR 204: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Circuits, Douglas De Boer
EGR 205: Linear Circuit Analysis, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 205: Linear Circuit Analysis, Paulo Ribeiro
EGR 205: Linear Circuit Analysis, Paulo Ribeiro
EGR 206: Electronics I, Kevin Timmer
EGR 206: Electronics I, Paulo Riberio
EGR 206: Electronics I, Charles C. Adams
EGR 206: Electronics I, Michael Van Grouw
EGR 207: Circuit Analysis and Transforms, Philip DeVries
EGR 207: Circuit Analysis and Transforms, Paulo Riberio
EGR 207: Circuit Analysis II, Michael Van Grouw
EGR 207: Circuit Analysis II, Douglas De Boer
EGR 208: Statics, Jeff D. Gladstone
EGR 208: Statics, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 209: Dynamics, Jeff D. Gladstone
EGR 209: Dynamics, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 209: Dynamics, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 209: Dynamics, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 209: Dynamics, Jeff D. Gladstone
EGR 210: Statics and Dynamics, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 210: Statics and Dynamics, Kevin Timmer
EGR 210: Statics and Dynamics, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 211: Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Engineering Department
EGR 211: Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Charles C. Adams
EGR 211: Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Charles C. Adams
EGR 211: Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Charles C. Adams
EGR 212: Mechanics of Materials, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 212: Strength of Materials, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 212: Strength of Materials, Kevin Timmer
EGR 212: Strength of Materials, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 212: Strength of Materials, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 212: Strengths of Materials, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 220: Linear Circuits and Electronics, Jason B. Wyenberg
EGR 295: Introduction to Thermal Fluids, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Kevin Timmer
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 300: Thermal-Chemical Systems, Manuela A. Ayee
EGR 300: Thermal-Chemical Systems, Nolan A. Van Gaalen
EGR 300: Thermodynamics II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 300: Thermodynamics II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 300: Thermodynamics II, Kevin Timmer
EGR 300: Thermodynamics II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 300: Thermodynamics II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 302: Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Department
EGR 302: Fluid Mechanics, Charles C. Adams
EGR 302: Fluid Mechanics, Charles C. Adams
EGR 302: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Derek E. Chitwood
EGR 302: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Derek E. Chitwood
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Engineering Department
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Engineering Department
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Charles C. Adams
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Nolan A. Van Gaalen
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Charles C. Adams
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Charles C. Adams
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Charles C. Adams
EGR 304: Embedded Microcontroller Systems, Douglas F. De Boer
EGR 304: Microcomputer Interfacing, Douglas De Boer
EGR 304: Microprocessor Interfacing, Phillip DeVries
EGR 304: Microprocessor Interfacing, Douglas De Boer
EGR 304: Microprocessor Interfacing, Douglas De Boer
EGR 305: Active Element Circuit Design, Paulo Ribeiro
EGR 305: Circuit Analysis, Philip DeVries
EGR 305: Electronics II, Paulo Ribeiro
EGR 305: Electronics II, Wayne R. Tinga
EGR 306: Analog Circuit Design, Philip DeVries
EGR 306: Analog Circuit Design, Douglas De Boer
EGR 306: Analog Circuit Design, Douglas De Boer
EGR 310: History of Science and Technology, Ethan J. Brue
EGR 310: History of Science and Technology, Ethan J. Brue
EGR 311: Instrumentation and Analysis, Charles C. Adams
EGR 312/315: Mechanical Engineering Design Lab I, Engineering Department
EGR 312 / EGR 315: Mechanical Engineering Design Lab I, Charles C. Adams
EGR 312: Mechanical Engineering Design Lab I, Charles C. Adams
EGR 312: Mechanical Engineering Design Lab I, Charles C. Adams
EGR 312: Thermal-Fluids Lab I, Derek E. Chitwood
EGR 313: Mechanical Engineering Design Lab II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 313: Mechanical Engineering Design Lab II, Charles C. Adams
EGR 313: Mechanical Engineering Design Lab II, Charles C. Adams
EGR 313: Mechanical Engineering Design Lab II, Charles C. Adams
EGR 314: Computational Mechanics, Jeff D. Gladstone
EGR 316: Machine Design, Jeff D. Gladstone
EGR 317: Structural Analysis, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 317: Structural Analysis, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 318: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Design, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 318: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Design, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 319: Environmental Engineering, Derek E. Chitwood
EGR 320: Metallurgy, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 320: Metallurgy, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 320: Metallurgy, Kevin Timmer
EGR 320: Metallurgy, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 322: Electronics I, Douglas F. De Boer
EGR 326: Electromagnetic Fields, Paulo Riberio
EGR 326: Electromagnetic Fields, Wayne R. Tinga
EGR 347: Engineering Research Methods, Manuela A. Ayee
EGR 350: Solar Energy Engineering, Engineering Department
EGR 350: Sustainable Energy Systems Design, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 350: Sustainable Energy Systems Design, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 351: Reinforced Concrete Design, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 352: Structural Steel Design, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 353: Introduction to Transportation Engineering, Joel K. Sikkema
EGR 354: Separation Processes and Mass Transfer, Manuela A. Ayee
EGR 360: Introduction to Power System Analysis, Paulo Ribeiro
EGR 360: Introduction to Power System Analysis, Paulo Ribeiro
EGR 360: Introduction to Power Systems Analysis, Jason B. Wyenberg
EGR 362: Control Systems, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 362: Control Systems, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 362: Control Systems, Douglas De Boer
EGR 362: Dynamic Systems and Process Control, Ethan J. Brue
EGR 362: Dynamic Systems and Process Control, Ethan J. Brue
EGR 363: Communications Systems, Philip DeVries
EGR 363: Introduction to Communication Systems, Douglas F. De Boer
EGR 363: Introduction to Communication Systems, Douglas De Boer
EGR 363: Introduction to Communication Systems, Douglas F. De Boer
EGR 365: Control Systems Lab, Ethan J. Brue
EGR 365: Digital Circuit Design, Philip DeVries
EGR 365: Digital Circuit Design, Douglas De Boer
EGR 372: Engineering Internship, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 373: Engineering Internship, Justin R. Vander Werff
EGR 379: Senior Design, Kevin J. Timmer
EGR 379: Senior Design, Ben A. Saarloos
EGR 380: Senior Design Project, Engineering Department
EGR 380: Senior Design Project II, Kevin J. Timmer and Ben A. Saarloos
EGR 381: Engineering Economics, Nolan A. Van Gaalen
EGR 390: Technology and Society, Engineering Department
EGR 390: Technology and Society, Charles C. Adams
EGR 390: Technology and Society, Kevin J. Timmer and Nick S. Breems
EGR 390: Technology and Society, Charles C. Adams
EGR 390: Technology and Society, Charles C. Adams
EGR 390: Technology and Society, Charles C. Adams
EGRT 101: Introduction to Manufacturing, Tim J. Floen
EGRT 112: Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering and Design, Jeff D. Gladstone
EGRT 114: Dimensioning, Tolerancing, Measurement, and Inspection, Kelly R. Konz
EGRT 201: Materials and Metallurgy, Kyle A. Reitsma
EGRT 202: Machining, Metalworking, and Tooling, Kelly R. Konz
EGRT 212: Programming, Instrumentation, and Data Acquisition, Tim J. Floen
EGRT 251: Production Management and Lean Systems, Jason L. Van Meeteren
Elijah Watt Sells Award, Sarah Moss
Encouraging Our Community and Retaining Our Educators, Matthew Beimers
ENG 100: English as a Second Language, Case J. Boot
ENG 100: Writing for College, Luke A. Hawley
ENG 100: Writing for College, Luke A. Hawley
ENG 101-07: Grammar and Composition, Lorna Van Gilst
ENG 101A & B: Grammar and Composition, Robert J. De Smith
ENG 101A & B: Grammar and Composition, Jeri Schelhaas
ENG 101A & B: Grammar and Composition, Bob De Smith
ENG 101C & D: Grammar and Composition, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 101C & D: Grammar and Composition, Jeri Schelhaas
ENG 101C & D: Grammar and Composition, Jack Vanden Berg
ENG 101C: Grammar and Composition, Corinne Huisman
ENG 101D: Grammar and Composition, English Department
ENG 101E & F: Grammar and Composition, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 101E: Grammar and Composition, John Van Rys
ENG 101E: Grammar and Composition, John Hofland
ENG 101F: Grammar and Composition, Corinne Huisman
ENG 101F: Grammar and Composition, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 101F & H: Grammar and Composition, Jeri Schelhaas
ENG 101G: Grammar and Composition, John Van Rys
ENG 101G: Grammar and Composition, Verne Meyer
ENG 101G & H: Grammar and Composition, Jaynn Tobias Johnson
ENG 101: Grammar and Composition, Jeri Schelhaas
ENG 101: Grammar and Composition, Jeri Schelhaas
ENG 101: Grammar and Composition, John Hofland
ENG 101: Grammar and Composition, Jean Hellinga
ENG 101: Grammar and Composition, James C. Schaap
ENG 101: Grammar and Composition, Bob De Smith
ENG 101H: Grammar and Composition, Corinne Huisman
ENG 105: Workplace Writing, Shaun J. Stiemsma
ENG 105: Workplace Writing, Shaun J. Stiemsma
ENG 105: Workplace Writing, Shaun J. Stiemsma
ENG 200-01: Responding to Literature, David Schelhaas
ENG 200-02 & 03: Responding to Literature, Bill Elgersma
ENG 200-04 & 05: Responding to Literature, Lorna Van Gilst
ENG 200A: Responding to Literature, English Department
ENG 200A: Responding to Literature, Bob De Smith
ENG 200B & C: Responding to Literature, English Department
ENG 200B: Responding to Literature, David Schelhaas
ENG 200 D & E: Responding to Literature, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 200D: Responding to Literature, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 200E & F: Responding to Literature, John Van Rys
ENG 200F: Responding to Literature, Verne Meyer
ENG 200: Responding to Literature, Bob De Smith
ENG 200: Responding to Literature, English Department
ENG 200: Responding to Literature, English Department
ENG 200: Responding to Literature, Jack Vander Berg
ENG 200: Responding to Literature, Helen Westra
ENG 200: Responding to Literature, Bob De Smith
ENG 201: American Literature, Helen Westra
ENG 201: American Literature I, James C. Schaap
ENG 201: American Literature I, James C. Schaap
ENG 201: American Literature I, James C. Schaap
ENG 202: American Literature, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 203: American Multicultural Literature, Howard J. Schaap
ENG 220: Introduction to Creative Writing, Howard J. Schaap
ENG 221: The Short Story, James C. Schaap
ENG 221: The Short Story, James C. Schaap
ENG 222: Themes in Literature, English Department
ENG 222: Themes in Literature, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 223: Science Fiction, Josh S. Matthews
ENG 238: Songwriting, Luke A. Hawley
ENG 241: Introduction to Journalism, Lee L. Pitts
ENG 301: Advanced Expository Writing, James C. Schaap
ENG 301: Advanced Expository Writing, James C. Schaap
ENG 301: Advanced Expository Writing, James C. Schaap
ENG 301: Advanced Non-Fiction Writing, Howard J. Schaap
ENG 301: Advanced Non-Fiction Writing, Howard J. Schaap
ENG 302: Advanced Expository Prose, English Department
ENG 302: Advanced Expository Writing II, Jaynn Tobias Johnson
ENG 303: Reading and Writing of Poetry, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 303: Reading and Writing of Poetry, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 304: Fiction Writing, James C. Schaap
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, John Van Rys
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, John Van Rys
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, John Van Rys
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, English Department
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, John Van Rys
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, Josh S. Matthews
ENG 306: Writing Workshop for Teachers, Bill P. Elgersma
ENG 306: Writing Workshop for Teachers, Shaun J. Stiemsma
ENG 311: Earlier British Literature, Bob J. De Smith
ENG 312: Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama, Bob J. De Smith
ENG 312: Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama, James Koldenhoven
ENG 312: Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama, James Koldenhoven
ENG 312: Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama, James Koldenhoven
ENG 314: Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Robert J. De Smith
ENG 314: Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Bob De Smith
ENG 316: Literature of English Romanticism, English Department
ENG 317: Literature of Victorian England, John Van Rys
ENG 317: World Literature I, Josh S. Matthews
ENG 318: Modern British Literature, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENG 318: Modern British Literature, Randall VanderMey
ENG 318: World Literature II, Leendert G. van Beek
ENG 321: American Literature I, Josh S. Matthews
ENG 321: The American Novel, English Department
ENG 322: American Literature II, Bill P. Elgersma
ENG 322: The English Novel, Bob De Smith
ENG 322: The English Novel, Bob De Smith
ENG 323: Contemporary Novel, James C. Schaap
ENG 323: The Contemporary English and American Novel, Jack Vander Berg
ENG 333: History and Theory of Literary Crticism, Randall VanderMey
ENG 333: Literary Theory, John Van Rys
ENG 336: Advanced Grammar, Jeri Schelhaas
ENG 336: English Grammar, Bill P. Elgersma
ENG 336: English Grammar, Lorna Van Gilst
ENG 338: Topics in Literature, Howard J. Schaap
ENG 341: Christian Fantasy, English Department
ENG 341: Film and Novel, English Department
ENG 343: Reading for Life, Bob J. De Smith
ENG 345: The Universe According to Dante, Randall VanderMey
ENGR 204: Introduction to Digital Circuits and Microprocessors, Douglas De Boer
ENGR 365: Digital Circuit Design, Douglas De Boer
ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Robert L. De Haan
ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Richard G. Hodgson
ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Environmental Sciences Department
ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Richard G. Hodgson
ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Jeff T. Ploegstra
ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Richard G. Hodgson
ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Robert L. De Haan
ENVR 152: Introduction to Environmental Studies II, Derek E. Chitwood
ENVR 161: Lab and Field Investigations I, Robert L. De Haan
ENVR 161: Lab and Field Investigations I, Robert L. De Haan
ENVR 270: Avian Biology and Conservation, Robert L. De Haan
ENVR 303: Geographic Information Systems, Danielle S. Wyenberg
ENVR 303: Geographic Information Systems, Danielle S. Wyenberg
ENVR 358: Introduction to Research, Tony N. Jelsma
ERTH 151: Creation Care and Environment, Robert L. De Haan
ESL 101: Academic Interaction for ESL Students, Suzanna C. Kok
ESL 102: Academic Writing for ESL Students, Suzanna C. Kok
Everything is Wonderful, Laurel A. Koerner
Examining the Relationship Between Teacher Efficacy, Stress, and Email Use, Jonathan Van Santen
Executive Board, Dordt University
Exercising the Imagination: Why We Need Imaginative Apologetics, Justin Bailey
Factors Influencing Advanced STEM Course Enrollment for Females, Marissa Erickson
Faculty Appointments, Dordt University
Failure, Mary Dengler
Faithfully Reading Scripture with Kids, Rebekah Earnshaw
False Spring, Rose Postma
Farmer Joe the Illustrator, James C. Schaap
Fasting from Jeans, for a Cause, Joya Breems
Finding God in All Things, Including a Daily Commute: A Review of Opening to God, Deb Bomgaars
For the Love of Mathematical Research: A Conversation with Undergraduate Research Students, Mike Janssen
Founder's Vision Statement, Board of the Christian Reformed College and Seminary
Four Faculty Members Retire, Sarah Moss
FREN 101: Elementary French, John Struyk
FREN 101: Elementary French I, Leendert G. van Beek
FREN 201: Intermediate French, John Struyk
FREN 201: Intermediate French I, Leendert G. van Beek
FREN 202: Intermediate French II, Leendert G. van Beek
FREN 256: Conversation - French, Leendert G. van Beek
FREN 257: Conversation - French, Leendert G. van Beek
Friend of God, Steve Holtrop
From Condition to State: Critical Reflections on Cornelius Van Til's Doctrine of Common Grace, Jan van Vliet
Fruit in Keeping with Repentance: A Review of Reparations, Justin Bailey
Funeral - Sunnyvale, California 2001, Erica Hughes
Gained in Translation: A Review of the First Nations Version, Justin Bailey
Gambling on Faith: A Holistic Examination of Blaise Pascal's Wager, Jan van Vliet
Gaming an Education, Lydia Marcus
GEN 010: Introduction to College, Quentin Van Essen
GEN 010: Introduction to College, Quentin Van Essen, Pam De Jong, Louise Hulst, and John B. Hulst
GEN 10: Introduction to College, John B. Hulst, Quentin Van Essen, Abe Bos, and Pam De Jong
GEN 10: Introduction to College, Quentin Van Essen, Jean Hellinga, Louise Hulst, and Dorenda Van Gaalen
GEN 200: Introduction to the Arts, General Education Department
GEN 200: Introduction to the Arts, General Studies Department
GEN 200: Introduction to the Arts, James Koldenhoven
GEN 300A: Calling Task, and Culture, John C. Vander Stelt
GEN 300A: Calling, Task, and Culture, John C. Vander Stelt
GEN 300A: Calling, Task, and Culture, John C. Vander Stelt
GEN 300: Calling, Task and Culture, General Studies Department
GEN 300: Calling, Task, and Culture, John C. Vander Stelt
GEN 300: Calling, Task, and Culture, General Education Department
GEN 300: Calling, Task, and Culture, General Education Department
GEN 300: Calling, Task, and Culture, John C. Vander Stelt
GEN 300: Calling, Task, and Culture, John C. Vander Stelt
GEN 300: Calling, Task, and Culture, John C. Vander Stelt
GEN 300C: Calling, Task, and Culture, Charles C. Adams
GEOG 151: World Regional Geography, David J. Mulder
GEOG 201: World Regional Geography, Marian Vander Ark
GEOL 110: Geology and Oceanography, Richard G. Hodgson
GEOL 110: The Planet Earth, Richard G. Hodgson
GEOL 220: Physical Geology, Richard G. Hodgson
GEOL 220: Physical Geology, Richard G. Hodgson
GER 102: Elementary German, Foreign Language Department
GER 201: Intermediate German, Dallas Apol
GER 206: German Culture, Foreign Language Department
God at Babel, Rose Postma
Golden Dreams of the Great White North, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Goodbye Earth, Doug Burg
Gray Seeing Blue Skies, Sarah Moss
GRE 101: Elementary Greek, Michael Goheen
GRE 101: Elementary Greek, Gerald Vander Hoek
GRE 101: Introduction to Greek, Donald Sinnema
GRE 201: New Testament Greek, Michael Williams
GRE 201: New Testament Greek, Gerald Vander Hoek
GRE 202: New Testament Greek, Gerald Vander Hoek
GRE 301: New Testament Greek, Gerald Vander Hoek
GRE 301: New Testament Greek, Donald Sinnema
GRE 302: New Testament Greek, Gerald Vander Hoek
GRE 302: New Testament Greek, John Zinkand
Groundbreaking, Dordt University
Groundbreaking, Dordt University
Haikus or Lovers Medley, Erica Hughes
Hard on Ideas, Soft on People, Erik Hoekstra
Hearing B.J. Haan Again, Sarah Moss
He is Strong When We are Weak: A Review of Gentle and Lowly, Donald Roth
Helping God's Children Thrive, Sarah Moss
HHP 014: Voice and Body Warm-Ups, Robin Suing
HHP 014: Voice and Body Warm-Ups, Robin Suing
HHP 014: Voice and Body Warm-Ups, Robin Suing
HHP 101: Introduction to Health, PE, and Sports Management, Nathan A. Bacon
HHP 101: Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Sports Management, Joel G. Penner
HHP 101: Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Sports Management, Nathan A. Bacon
HHP 202: Substance Abuse and Consumer Health, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 205: Curriculum in Physical Education and Health, Craig A. Heynen
HHP 206: Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics, Kyle L. Van Wyk
HHP 207: First Aid and Athletic Injury, Brandon L. McCormick
HHP 207: First Aid and Athletic Injury, Brandon L. McCormick
HHP 207: First Aid and Athletic Injury, Brandon L. McCormick
HHP 208: Assessment in Physical Education and Health, Kyle L. Van Wyk
HHP 208: Assessment in Physical Education and Health, Kyle L. Van Wyk
HHP 209: Personal and Community Health, Aaron J. Mingo
HHP 209: Personal and Community Health, Aaron J. Mingo
HHP 211: Nutrition, Charlotte F. Kooima
HHP 211: Nutrition, Charlotte F. Kooima
HHP 211: Nutrition, Charlotte F. Kooima
HHP 212: Coaching Theory of Basketball, Brian J. Van Haaften
HHP 213: Coaching Theory of Track and Field, Craig A. Heynen
HHP 215: Coaching Theory of Baseball/Softball, Nathan A. Bacon
HHP 216: Coaching Theory of Soccer, Ryan N. Gresse
HHP 217: Coaching Theory of Football, Lynn L. Nutt
HHP 251: Introduction to Sports Management, Abby E. Schultz
HHP 251: Introduction to Sports Management, Jaymie D. Bernbeck
HHP 253: Planning and Maintaining Sports Facilities, Abby E. Schultz
HHP 308: Motor Learning and Development, Craig A. Heynen
HHP 308: Motor Learning and Development, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 325: Psychosocial Dimensions of Physical Activity, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 325: Psychosocial Dimensions of Physical Activity, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 361: Field Experience in Physical Therapy, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 361: Field Experience in Physical Therapy, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 362: Field Experience - Sports Management, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 371: Internship, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 371: Internship, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 515: Ethics and Sport, Craig A. Heynen
HHP 520: Christian Perspectives on Advanced Sport Psychology, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 530: Practicum Series, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 530: Practicum Series, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 530: Practicum Series, Craig L. Stiemsma
Hibiscus/OchoRios, Doug Burg
Hiring the First Faculty Members and Developing Curriculum, Dordt University
HIST 100C: Western Civilization, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 100C: Western Civilization, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 100: Western Civilization, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 100: Western Civilization, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 100: Western Civilization, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 200: History of the Non-Western World, History Department
HIST 201: American History Survey, History Department
HIST 201: American History Survey, History Department
HIST 201: American History Survey, History Department
HIST 201: Survey of American History, Paul R. Fessler
HIST 201: Survey of American History, Paul R. Fessler
HIST 202: American History Survey, History Department
HIST 202: American History Survey, History Department
HIST 203: Ancient Greece and Rome, John Van Dyk
HIST 203: Ancient History, Hubert Krygsman
HIST 203: Ancient History, History Department
HIST 205: Medieval History, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 207: Renaissance and Reformation Eras, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 207: Renaissance and Reformation Eras, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 209: Nineteenth Century Europe, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 209: Nineteenth Century Europe, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 209: Nineteenth Century Europe, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 210: Twentieth Century Europe, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 210: Twentieth Century Europe, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 210: Twentieth Century Europe, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 211: History of Canada, Hubert Krygsman
HIST 211: History of Canada, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 211: History of Canada, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 211: History of Canada, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 212: History of Modern Africa, Stuart Fowler
HIST 212: History of the Muslim World, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 213: An Introduction to the History of Latin America, Louis Y. Van Dyke
HIST 213: Introduction to the History of Latin America, Louis Y. Van Dyke
HIST 213: Latin America, Scott S. Culpepper
HIST 214: The Far East, History Department
HIST 214: The Far East, History Department
HIST 214: The Far East, Anne C. Kwantes
HIST 215: History of Mexico, Louis Y. Van Dyke
HIST 215: History of Mexico, History Department
HIST 220: Ancient History, Walker R. Cosgrove
HIST 222: Witch Hunts, Wars, and Reformations, Scott S. Culpepper
HIST 248: History of the Low Countries, G. J. Schutte
HIST 248 / NETH 248: History of the Low Countries, Hillie J. van de Streek
HIST 280: Introduction to Historical Studies, Paul R. Fessler
HIST 301: Colonial North America, Paul R. Fessler
HIST 303: Modern Russia, History Department
HIST 305: American Problems, History Department
HIST 305: American Problems, History Department
HIST 305: American Problems, History Department
HIST 305: American Problems, John Van Dyk
HIST 307: American Civil War and Reconstruction Era, Paul R. Fessler
HIST 307: Historiography, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 307: Historiography, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 308: Media and Power - A History of Modern American Culture, Paul R. Fessler
HIST 310: History of Indian Americans, Louis Y. Van Dyke
HIST 310: History of Indian Americans, Louis Y. Van Dyke
HIST 310: History of Indian Americans, Louis Y. Van Dyke
HIST 319: Modern Middle East, Walker R. Cosgrove
HIST 327: Topics in The History of British Isles, Scott S. Culpepper
HIST 338: History Seminar, History Department
HIST 341: Traditional East Asia, Anne C. Kwantes
HIST 342: History of Japan, Anne C. Kwantes
HIST 343: American Intellectual History, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 343: American Intellectual History, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 343: American Intellectual History, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 343 / PS 322: American Constitutional Law, Rockne McCarthy
HIST 345: History of American Evangelical Culture, Hubert R. Krygsman and Michael Williams
HIST 346: Canadian Politics and Government, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 346: Canadian Politics and Government, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 380: Historiography, Mark M. McCarthy
HIST 388: Seminar - United States History Emphasis, Scott S. Culpepper
HIST 388: Seminar-United States History Emphasis, Walker R. Cosgrove
HIST 389: Seminar - World History Emphasis, Walker R. Cosgrove
HIST 389: Seminar - World History Emphasis, Scott S. Culpepper
History of the Muslim World, Sarah Moss
HLTH 291: Introduction to Ethics, Pam Hulstein
HLTH 291: Introduction to Ethics, Pam Hulstein
HLTH 291: Introduction to Ethics, Pam Hulstein
HLTH 293: Ethics - Life and Death, Pam Hulstein
HLTH 295: Ethics - Economics and Types of Health Care, Pam Hulstein
HLTH 295: Ethics - Economics and Types of Health Care, Pam Hulstein
HLTH 371: Practicum in Health Science, Pam Hulstein
HLTH 371: Practicum in Health Science, Pam Hulstein
HLTH 390: Seminar in Health Science, Pam Hulstein
HLTH 390: Seminar in Health Science, Pam Hulstein
Hockey Sticks and a Few Jelly Beans, James C. Schaap
Honeymooning on the Oregon Trail, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Hope for Harmony: A Review of Women in the Mission of the Church, Kate Vander Veen
Horizons of Hope, Howard Schaap
Horizons of Hope, Howard Schaap
HPER 013: Badminton, HPER Department
HPER 016: Cross Country Skiing, HPER Department
HPER 026: Tennis, Mary Schutten
HPER 202: Substance Abuse and Consumer Health, Tom Visker
HPER 204: Exercise Physiology, Vonda De Stigter
HPER 205: Curriculum in Physical Education and Health, HPER Department
HPER 206: Recreational Leadership, Sandi Altena
HPER 208: Tests and Measurements in Physical Education, Sandi Altena
HPER 213: Coaching Theory of Volleyball, Vonda De Stigter
HPER 215: Baseball/Softball Coaching Theory, Tom Visker
HPER 304: Teaching Physical Education Methods and Health, HPER Department
HPER 305: Skill and Methods, Tom Visker
Humanity: Lost and Restored in Comenius's Consultation, Jan Habl
Humble Pi: When Math Goes Wrong in the Real World (Book Review), Thomas J. Clark
Hungering, David Platter
I Am a Part, Josie De Jong
Illusions, Shelby Gesch
Implementing and Evaluating a Gaussian Mixture Framework for Identifying Gene Function from TnSeq Data, Kevin Li, Rachel Chen, William Lindsey, Aaron Best, Matthew DeJongh, Christopher Henry, and Nathan L. Tintle
Implications of Mental Health and Educators, Krista Bosman
Improving the Land, Making Money, and the Great American Story, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Inauguration Day and the Politics of a Partial Exorcism, Donald Roth
In Their Honor, Sarah Moss
Investigating a Frisian Genetic Mutation, Sarah Moss
Invocation, Rose Postma
I Show You a Mystery, David Schelhaas
Is Our World Less Religious Than Ever?, Justin Bailey
It's All in the Data If You Know Where to Look, Sarah Moss
It's Complicated: Death, Grief, and COVID-19, Erin Olson
It's the People's College, Dordt University
Jane Wolterstorff's Lifetime of Learning, James C. Schaap
Janssen Contributes to Open Source Book, Lydia Marcus
Journey of Reform: A Phenomenological Study of the Perceived Impacts of Standards-Based Grading on Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction, Melanie K. Cleveringa
Joy in Challenge, Sarah Moss
KHP 110: Rhetoric and Christian Scholarship, Donald F. Roth, Abby M. Foreman, and Shaun J. Stiemsma
KHP 311: Scholarly Service Contracts, Mark E. Christians
KHP 331-02: Shared Learning Contracts, David M. Westfall
KHP 331-03: Shared Learning Contracts, Donald F. Roth
KHP 331: Shared Learning Contracts, Mike K. Janssen
Known But to God, Kaitlyn Baljeu
Kuyper Honors Program, Sarah Moss
Ladies' Lunch Connects Those Involved in STEM, Lydia Marcus
LAFS 324: Inside Hollywood, Douglas Briggs
LAST 321: Grammar I, Hilda M. Palomo
LAST 322: Conversation II, Roberto Montalvan
LAST 323: Central America Today, Angela Rose Hernandez
LAST 324: Faith and Practice in Latin America, Anthony B. Chamberlain
LAST 362: Tropical Science and Global Sustainability, Leo Finkenbinder
LAST 371: Central America Trip Report, Foreign Language Department
LAT 101: Elementary Latin, Gerald Vander Hoek
LAT 101: Elementary Latin I, Leendert G. van Beek
LAT 201: Intermediate Latin, Leendert G. van Beek
LAT 201: Intermediate Latin, Gerald Vander Hoek
Learning to Ask for Help, Karen Van Schouwen
Learning to Eat your Vegetables: A Review of Contours of the Kuyperian Tradition from a Teacher's Perspective, Donald Roth
Leave Them Alone, Frank Speyers
Let's Connect, Sarah Moss
Leveraging Summary Statistics to Make Inferences about Complex Phenotypes in Large Biobanks, Angela Gasdaska, Derek Friend, Rachel Chen, Jason Westra, Matthew Zawistowski, William Lindsey, and Nathan L. Tintle
Life Magazine and the Movie Theatre - Part I, Dordt University