"Measuring Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction in Online and In" by Joseph Jasper


Joseph Jasper

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Graduate Education

First Advisor

Patricia C. Kornelis


This research study examined and compared the differences in student engagement and student satisfaction between an online and an in-person entrepreneurship class at a private Christian school in Southern California. The participants were the students in either of the online or in-person sections of the class. The study collected both quantitative data through the use of a survey and qualitative data through the use of open-ended response questions and semistructured interviews with five of the participants. The results of this study found that the levels of student engagement and student satisfaction were slightly higher for the online section than for the in-person section. The study recommends that regardless of a course’s format, educators utilize strong design principles, including frequent contact between the teacher and students, student collaboration, and student choice.


Action Research Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education
