Syllabi in this collection have been digitized for preservation purposes. Access to them is limited to the Dordt University community.
Syllabi from 2003
EDUC 376: Student Teaching - Middle Level, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 378: Student Teaching - Multicategorical Resource (K-6), Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 379: Student Teaching - Multicategorical Resources (7-12), Dennis Vander Plaats
EGR 104: Introduction to Engineering II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 202: Materials Science, Murat Tanyel
EGR 209: Kinematics and Dynamics, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 220: Linear Circuits and Electronics, Douglas De Boer
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Ethan J. Brue
EGR 304: Microprocessor Interfacing, Douglas De Boer
EGR 310: History of Science and Technology, Ethan J. Brue
EGR 323: Electronics II, Murat Tanyel
EGR 350: Solar Energy Engineering, Ethan J. Brue
EGR 362: Control Systems, Douglas De Boer
EGR 363: Introduction to Communication Systems, Murat Tanyel
EGR 380: Senior Design Project, Murat Tanyel
EGR 390: Technology and Society, Charles Adams
ENG 101A: Grammar and Composition, Bob De Smith
ENG 101E: Grammar and Composition, Jeri Schelhaas
ENG 101F: Grammar and Composition, Lorna Van Gilst
ENG 101G: Grammar and Composition, Lorna Van Gilst
ENG 101: Grammar and Composition, Bill Elgersma
ENG 200A: Responding to Literature, Jeri Schelhaas
ENG 200B: Responding to Literature, Bob De Smith
ENG 200C: Responding to Literature, Mary Dengler
ENG 202:American Literature II, Mary Dengler
ENG 221: The Short Story, James C. Schaap
ENG 302: Advanced Expository Prose, David Schelhaas
ENG 303: Writing Poetry, David Schelhaas
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, John Van Rys
ENG 316: Later British Literature, John Van Rys
ENG 323: Contemporary Novel, Mary Dengler
ENG 335: History of the English Language, Bob De Smith
ENVR 152: Introduction to Environmental Studies II, Kenneth L. Petersen
ENVR 162: Laboratory and Field Investigations in Environmental Studies II, Kenneth L. Petersen
ENVR 320: Wildlife Ecology and Stewardship, Kenneth L. Petersen
ENVR 333 / PHIL 333: Philosophy of the Environment, John H. Kok
ENVR 335: Environmental Politics and Policy, Fred Van Geest
ENVR 396: Seminar in Creation Stewardship, Kenneth L. Petersen
FREN 102: Elementary French, Socorro Woodbury
GEN 200: Art Sub-Course, Susan Van Geest
GEN 200E: Theatre Sub-Course, April Hubbard
GEN 200Z: Theatre Sub-Course, April Hubbard
GEN 211: Values and Justice in World Culture, Nick Lantinga
GEN 212: Cross-Cultural Issues in Urban and Rural Health, Pam Hulstein
GEN 234: Lives Across Cultures, Ken Bussema
GEN 300: Calling, Task, and Culture, Duane Bajema, Sherri Lantinga, and David Schelhaas
GRE 202: New Testament Greek, Wayne A. Kobes
GRE 246: Readings in New Testament Greek, Wayne A. Kobes
HIST 100A & B: Western Civilization, Paul Fessler
HIST 100C: Western Civilization, Roel Kuiper
HIST 214: East Asia, Keith C. Sewell
HIST 225: European History of the 20th Century, Roel Kuiper
HIST 230: Survey of Canadian History, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 280: Introduction to Historical Studies, Paul Fessler
HIST 306: History of American Evangelicalism, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 319: Modern Middle East, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 380: Historiography and the Christian Conception of History, Roel Kuiper
HLTH 295: Ethics - Economics and Types of Health Care, Pam Hulstein
HPER 010: Concepts in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Len Rhoda
HPER 020: Badminton, Len Rhoda and Syne Altena
HPER 021: Bowling, Len Rhoda
HPER 022: Gymnastics - Floor Exercise, Rick Vander Berg
HPER 023: Golf, Tom Visker
HPER 024: Racquetball, Tom Visker and Len Rhoda
HPER 025: Tennis, Syne Altena and Len Rhoda
HPER 031: Cross Country Skiing, Syne Altena
HPER 032: Physical Fitness, Darryl DeRuiter
HPER 033: Swimming, Len Rhoda
HPER 034: Voice and Body Warm-Ups, Simon du Toit
HPER 036: Weight Training, Tom Visker and Glenn Bouma
HPER 040: Basketball, Rick Vander Berg
HPER 043: Soccer, Len Rhoda
HPER 044: Volleyball, Darryl DeRuiter
HPER 055: Personalized Program, Darryl DeRuiter
HPER 202: Substance Abuse and Consumer Health, Tom Visker
HPER 204: Exercise Physiology, Laura Herman
HPER 205: Curriculum in Physical Education and Health, Syne Altena
HPER 207: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Rick Vander Berg
HPER 209: Personal and Community Health, Darryl DeRuiter
HPER 210: Recreation and Leisure, Len Rhoda
HPER 212: Coaching Theory of Basketball, Rick Vander Berg
HPER 213: Coaching Theory of Track and Field, Syne Altena
HPER 214: Coaching Theory of Volleyball, Tom Van Den Bosch
HPER 215: Baseball/Softball Coaching Theory, Tom Visker
HPER 216: Coaching Theory of Soccer, Darryl DeRuiter
HPER 304: Middle School Physical Education and Health Methods, Len Rhoda
HPER 341: Sports Officiating, Darryl DeRuiter
LAT 201: Intermediate Latin, Leendert van Beek
LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics, Leendert van Beek
MATH 107: Elementary Statistics, Duane Einfeld
MATH 109: Theory and Context of Middle School Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 110: College Algebra, Dennis De Jong and Adrian VandenBerg
MATH 113: Calculus II, Richard G. Faber
MATH 201: Multivariable Calculus, Richard G. Faber
MATH 206: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Duane Einfeld
MATH 212: Discrete Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MUS 010: Chorale, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 012: Concert Choir, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 104: Music Theory II, Karen DeMol