Syllabi in this collection have been digitized for preservation purposes. Access to them is limited to the Dordt University community.
Syllabi from 2003
AGRI 101: Introduction to Animal Science, Duane Bajema
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agriculture Safety, Duane Bajema, Mike Schouten, and Dan De Vries
AGRI 201: Nature and Properties of Soils, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 221: Introduction to Farm Management, Ronald Vos
AGRI 233: Principles of Dairy Science, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 234: Principles of Animal Health, John C. Olthoff
AGRI 251: Horticultural Plants, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 290: Perspectives on Agricultural Economics, History, and Policy, Ronald Vos
AGRI 311: Soil Fertility, Ronald Vos
AGRI 336: Meat Science, John Olthoff
AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, Robert DeHaan and Chris Goedhart
ART 201: Introduction to Design, Jake Van Wyk
ART 202: Beginning Drawing, Susan Van Geest
ART 216: Sculpture, Susan Van Geest
ART 228: Printmaking, Jake Van Wyk
ART 325: Advanced Painting, Susan Van Geest
ART 330: Introduction to Photography, Jake Van Wyk and David Versluis
ART 340: Graphic Design, David Versluis
ART 341: History of Non-Western Art, Jake Van Wyk
ASK 050: Basic Mathematics for College, Dale Vander Wilt
BIO 102: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 122: Zoology, James Mahaffy
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Tony Jelsma
BIO 213: Genetics, Robert DeHaan
BIO 214: Genetics with Laboratory, Robert DeHaan
BIO 302: Microbiology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 319: Plant Physiology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 322: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tony Jelsma
BIO 355: Research, Tony Jelsma
BIO 357: Medical Terminology, Tony Jelsma
BIO 380: Directed Research, James Mahaffy
BUAD 100: Computer Literacy for Business, Shirley Folkerts
BUAD 202: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Bernard E. Weidenaar
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Bernard E. Weidenaar
BUAD 226: Personal Financial Management, Gary Vander Plaats
BUAD 302: Business Law II, Chris Rehn
BUAD 306: Marketing Management, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 311: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 314: Auditing, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 316: Advanced Federal Income Tax, Judith A. Van Berkel
BUAD 326: Investments Management, Bob Van Es
BUAD 330: International Business, John Visser
BUAD 333: Strategic Human Resource Management, Jack Schreurs
BUAD 343: Introduction to Insurance and Risk Management, Troy Groeneweg
BUAD 345: Perspectives in Leadership, Justin Vandewater
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, John Visser and Art Attema
BUED 113: Keyboarding and Document Production, Art Attema
BUED 322: Advanced Secretarial Procedures and Communications, Art Attema
BUED 324: Information Technology and Advanced Computer Applications, Shirley Folkerts
CHEM 102: General Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 103 / CHEM 104: General and Analytical Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 202: Organic Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 311: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 312: Instrumental Analysis, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 341 / ENVR 251: Environmental Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CJ 322: Criminal Law and Procedure, Michael J. Jacobsma
CMSC 111: Structured Programming I, Marv Wielard
CMSC 112: Structured Programming II, Marv Wielard
CMSC 220: Database Systems Design, Marv Wielard
CMSC 231: Client/Server Programming, Dennis De Jong and Marv Wielard
CMSC 305: Operating Systems, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 320: Information Systems for Decision Support, Jim Bos
COMM 110: Fundamentals of Speaking and Listening, Charles Veenstra, Kae Van Engen, April Hubbard, and Ron Johnson
COMM 201: Principles of Communications, Charles Veenstra
COMM 220: Small Group Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 228: Organizational Communication, Emmanuel Ayee
COMM 242: Advanced Print Journalism, Lorna Van Gilst
COMM 245: Broadcast Journalism, Ronald A. Johnson
COMM 342: Cross-Cultural Communication, Emmanuel Ayee
DUTC 102: Elementary Dutch, Leendert van Beek
DUTC 302: Advanced Dutch Grammar and Composition, Leendert van Beek
ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Gary Vander Plaats
ECON 203: Macroeconomics, Jonathan Warner
ECON 315: Government Finance, Gary Vander Plaats
ECON 343: Wealth and Wellbeing, John Visser
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, Lloyd Den Boer
EDUC 104: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 111: Health and Physical Education for the Elementary Classroom Teacher, Len Rhoda
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, Cella Bosma
EDUC 203: Media and Technology, Art Attema
EDUC 204: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience II, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Pam Adams
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 216: The Middle Level Child, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 223: Teaching Bible in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms, Cella Bosma
EDUC 230: Introduction to Multicultural Issues in Education, Cella Bosma
EDUC 241: Service Learning Field Experience, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 301: Introduction to the Education of Special Individuals, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 311: Materials of Elementary Music Education, Deb Vogel
EDUC 321: Teaching Social Studies in Elementary and Middle Schools, Cella Bosma
EDUC 322: Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary and Middle School, Dennis De Jong
EDUC 324: Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary and Middle School, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 325: Teaching Elementary and Middle School Science, Kim Karhoff
EDUC 326: Reading in the Content Areas, Lloyd Den Boer
EDUC 327: Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 329: Reading in Early Childhood, Pam Adams
EDUC 357: Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Dennis De Jong
EDUC 375: Student Teaching - Secondary, Dennis Vander Plaats