The psychology department of Dordt University aims to disciple servants of Christ through a biblical and psychological understanding of persons.
Student Work from 2024
Short-Term Territoriality: The Influence of Time and Gender on Territorial Behavior, Audra Kooi, Celia Vander Woude, and Elijah Vander Woude
Two Lies and a Truth: Perceived Credibility's Effect on the Truth Effect, Zefanya Boentoro, Carter King, and Josiah Rosario
Submissions from 2023
The Joy of Knowing and Being Known: Commencement Address 2023, Mark Christians
Faculty Work from 2022
Plate Spinning Everyday: A Review of Power Women, Luralyn M. Helming
Production Effect and Recall, Lexi Long and Kayla Zevenbergen
Shining a Light on Mental Health, Mark Christians, Jon W. Moeller, Leah Mouw, and Melanie Wynja
The Dunning-Kruger Effect on Free Throw Shooting, Abigail Schescke, Nicolas Veldhorst, and Makayla De Young
Student Work from 2020
Personality, Online Learning, and COVID-19, Dareen Christabel, Hannah Fields, Sarah M. Krysl, and Mariah Rodriguez
Where Do All the Questions Go?, Luralyn M. Helming
Faculty Work from 2019
Epidemiology of Chronic Pain in Ukraine: Findings from the World Mental Health Survey, Anna Xu, Elizabeth Hilton, Riley Arkema, Nathan L. Tintle, and Luralyn M. Helming
Health, More than a Biological Issue: Talking About Holistic Health, Jordan Helming and Luralyn M. Helming
Faculty Work from 2018
A Christian Psychologist's Take on Parenting in a Tech-Driven World, Luralyn M. Helming
Alzheimer's Disease Treatment Interventions and the Soul: Moral and Ethical Considerations, Bruce Vermeer
Neuropsychological Aspects of Aging: Implications for Assessment & Intervention, Bruce Vermeer
Psychological Needs of the Caregiver, Bruce Vermeer
Social Media Around the Table, Luralyn M. Helming
The Associations Between Self-Reported Exposure to the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Zone and Mental Health Disorders in Ukraine, Matthew A. Bolt, Luralyn M. Helming, and Nathan L. Tintle
Faculty Work from 2017
Brain and Soul: Implications for Life, Bruce Vermeer
Faculty Work from 2016
Mind-Full Love, Bruce Vermeer
Parenting in the Moment, Luralyn M. Helming and Jordan Helming
Winning and Losing, Mark Christians
Faculty Work from 2015
Boys and Girls Being Boys and Girls, Luralyn M. Helming
God, Human Nature, and Psychology, Mark Christians
God’s Plan for the Terrible-Two’s, Luralyn Helming
Green Space, Luralyn M. Helming
Reformed and Biblical Counseling, Mark Christians
What Is It Like Being a Dad?, Mark Christians
Submissions from 2013
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen (Book Review), Sherri B. Lantinga
Submissions from 2009
Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection (Book Review), Jessica Clevering
Submissions from 2008
Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (Book Review), Natalie Sandbulte
Submissions from 2006
Perfecting Ourselves to Death: The Pursuit of Excellence and the Perils of Perfectionism (Book Review), Sherri B. Lantinga
Submissions from 2004
Adam's Navel: A Natural and Cultural History of the Human Form (Book Review), Sherri B. Lantinga
Great with Child: Reflections on Faith, Fullness, and Becoming a Mother (Book Review), Sherri B. Lantinga
Submissions from 1999
Brain Modules and Their Multiple Ways of Knowing: Implications for the Unity of the Person, Paul Moes
Faculty Work from 1996
Comparison of Several Substance Use Assessment Instruments and the Clinical Interview in the Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorders, Mark Christians
Submissions from 1995
Mind Fields: Reflections on the Science of Mind and Brain (Book Review), Paul Moes
Submissions from 1994
Shame and Grace: Healing the Shame We Don't Deserve (Book Review), Ken Bussema
Submissions from 1993
Perspectives on Developmental Psychology, Ken Bussema
Submissions from 1989
As For Me and My House (Book Review), Ken Bussema
Faith is a Verb: Dynamics of Faith Development (Book Review), Ken Bussema
Submissions from 1984
Describing Instruction: The Role of Learning Theory, Paul Moes
Developmental Considerations for a Theory of Instruction, Ken Bussema
Submissions from 1983
Introduction to Psychology and Counseling (Book Review), Ken Bussema
Our Fragile Brains (Book Review), Paul Moes
Submissions from 1980
Husband and Wife: The Sexes in Scripture and Society (Book Review), Richard Buckham
Submissions from 1979
Christianity on Trial (Book Review), Richard Buckham
Submissions from 1978
Great Reversal: Evangelism and Social Concern (Book Review), Richard Buckham
Intended for Pleasure (Book Review), Ken Bussema
Submissions from 1977
Psychology of Religion (Book Review), Richard Buckham
Submissions from 1976
Sensation of Being Somebody (Book Review), Richard Buckham
TM (Book Review), Richard Buckham
Submissions from 1974
Love Therapy (Book Review), Ken Bussema
Submissions from 1973
Science, Faith, and the Scholar's Use of the Scriptures, Gerald O'Donnell