Syllabi in this collection have been digitized for preservation purposes. Access to them is limited to the Dordt University community.
Submissions from 1994
AGRI 101: Introduction to Animal Science, Duane Bajema
AGRI 236: Livestock Evaluation, John Olthoff
AGRI 321: Advanced Farm Management, Duane Bajema
AGRI 332: Advanced Animal Nutrition, John Olthoff
AGRI 334: Physiology and Breeding of Farm Animals, John Olthoff
AGRI 350: Integrated Field Crop Experience, Brad Van Heuvelen
ART 201: Introduction to Design, Art Department
ART 209: Art History, Art Department
ART 218: Ceramics, Jake Van Wyk
ART 220: Introduction to Fibers, Joanne Alberda
ART 228: Printmaking, Jake Van Wyk
ART 302: Advanced Drawing, Jake Van Wyk
ART 320: Advanced Fibers, Joanne Alberda
ART 325: Advanced Painting, Joanne Alberda
ART 330: Advanced Photography, Joanne Alberda
ART 332 / ART 333: Advanced Studio, Joanne Alberda
ART 340: Graphic Design, Jake Van Wyk
ASTR 121: The Solar System, Richard G. Hodgson
BIO 101: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 115: General Botany, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 210 / HPER 211: Nutrition, Kathleen Van Soelen
BIO 227: Paleontology, James Mahaffy
BIO 251: Perspectives on Origins, Al Mennega
BIO 301: Embryology, Al Mennega
BIO 335: Cell Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BUAD 201: Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 225: Introduction to Finance, John Visser
BUAD 301A: Business Law I, Bill Bossman
BUAD 308A: Advertising, Steve Roesner
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 312: Advanced Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 315A: Federal Income Tax, Robert J. Kroese
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, John Visser
BUED 105: Calculating Machines and Records Management, Rebecca Woodward
BUED 112: Typewriting II, Art Attema
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Art Attema
BUED 321: Office Procedures and Administration, Art Attema
BUED 323: Automated Word Processing, Art Attema
CHEM 101: General Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 103: General and Analytical Chemistry, Pamela Veltkamp
CHEM 201: Organic Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 205: Biochemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 212: Quantitative Analysis, Pamela Veltkamp
CHIC 300: Values and Vocation, George Beukema
CHIC 301: Metropolitan Seminar, Clinton Stockwell
CHIC 303: Fine Arts Seminar, Donna Spaan
CHIC 371: Chicago Metropolitan Center Practicum, Clinton Stockwell and George Beukema
CMSC 010A: History, Terminology, Organization, and Perspective, Marv Wielard
CMSC 010B: History, Terminology, Organization, and Perspective, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 021: WordPerfect Word Processing, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 031B: Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 031: Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet, Computer Science Department
CMSC 041: Quark Express, Art Attema
CMSC 051: Internet, Computer Science Department
CMSC 102: Programming for the Natural Sciences, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 111: Structured Programming I, Marv Wielard
CMSC 120: Information Systems Design, Marv Wielard
CMSC 202: Data Structures, Jim Bos
COMM 110: Fundamentals of Speaking and Listening, Daryl Vander Kooi and Charles Veenstra
COMM 212: Oral Interpretation, Martin Dekkenga
COMM 220: Small Group Discussion and Communication, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 241: Basic News Writing, Lorna Van Gilst
COMM 301: Advanced Expository Writing, James C. Schaap
COMM 315: Argumentation and Debate, Daryl Vander Kooi
DUTC 101: Beginning Dutch, John Struyk
DUTC 201: Intermediate Dutch, Case J. Boot
ECON 201: Principles of Economics, Tracy Miller
ECON 303: Money and Banking, John Visser
ECON 315: Government Finance, Tracy Miller
ECON 321: Economic Development in the Third World, Tracy Miller
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 111: Health and Physical Education for the Elementary Classroom Teacher, Len Rhoda
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, John Van Dyk
EDUC 203: Media and Technology, Barbara Fennema
EDUC 206: Adolescent Reading Interests, Lorna Van Gilst
EDUC 211: Methods of Teaching Art in the Elementary Classroom, Joanne Alberda
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Jack Fennema
EDUC 230: Multicultural Issues in Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 232: Interpersonal Communication for the Classroom Teacher, Martin Dekkenga
EDUC 301: Introduction to Exceptional Individuals, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 303: Instructional Methods and Strategies for the Education of Students with Mild Disabilities, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 305: Methods and Strategies for the Education of Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 306: Introduction to Assessment in Special and Remedial Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 321: Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 323: Teaching Reading in the Elementary School, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 324: Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School, Nolan Van Gaalen
EDUC 325: Teaching Sciences in the Elementary School, Education Department
EDUC 326: Reading in the Content Areas, Andrea Struyk
EDUC 351: Methods of Teaching the Sciences, James Mahaffy
EDUC 352: Business Education, Art Attema
EDUC 354: Methods of Teaching English, David Schelhaas
EDUC 356: History Methods, Martin Dekkenga
EDUC 500: Introduction to Graduate Research, Education Department
EDUC 501: Issues in Education, John Van Dyk
EDUC 502: Advanced Educational Psychology, Jack Fennema
EDUC 521: Curriculum Development I (Macro), Arlyn Schaap