Syllabi in this collection have been digitized for preservation purposes. Access to them is limited to the Dordt University community.
Submissions from 1994
PLSC 201: Introduction to Politics, Donald E. King
PLSC 212: American National Politics, Donald E. King
PLSC 214: Community Politics, Donald E. King
PLSC 322: American Constitutional Law, Tim Rylaarsdam
PSYC 201: General Psychology, Paul Moes
PSYC 205: Developmental Psychology, Rick Eigenbrood
PSYC 210 / SOC 210: Social Psychology, Nancy Visser
PSYC 221: Physiological Psychology, Paul Moes
PSYC 225: Abnormal Psychology, Ken Bussema
PSYC 245: Student Development Seminar, Psychology Department
PSYC 308: History and Systems, Ken Bussema
RUST 321 / RUST 322: Russian Language, Liudmila Ivanova Ruchina
RUST 323 / RUST 324: Russian History and Culture, Harley Wagler
RUST 324: Post-Communist Russia in Transition, Harley Wagler
SOC 201: Principles of Sociology, Shirley Huisman-Jezowski
SOWK 225: Introduction to Social Work, David W. Helmstetter
SOWK 300: Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Shirley Huisman-Jezowski
SOWK 304: Social Work with the Aging, David W. Helmstetter
SOWK 307: Methods of Social Science Research, Beryl Hugen
SOWK 310 / PSYC 310: Fundamentals of Social Work Practice, Beryl Hugen
SOWK 312: Social Work Practice Methods, David W. Helmstetter
SOWK 315: Social Welfare Policy, Shirley Huisman-Jezowski
SOWK 325: Integrative Seminar, David W. Helmstetter
SPAN 101: Elementary Spanish, Corinne Huisman
SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish, Dallas Apol and Corinne Huisman
SPAN 301: Spanish Phonology, Dallas Apol
TA 201: Introduction to Theatre, John Hofland
TA 310: Directing, Simon du Toit
TA 341: Acting, Simon du Toit
THEO 101A & B: Perspectives on Biblical Theology, Wayne A. Kobes
THEO 101C: Perspectives on Biblical Theology, Michael Williams
THEO 204: Calvin's Institutes, John C. Vander Stelt
THEO 217: Heaven in Biblical Thought, Michael Williams
THEO 306: Liberation Theologies, John C. Vander Stelt
THEO 348: Mission in Western Culture, Michael Goheen