Volume 66, Issue 3
Spring/Summer 2021
From the President
Deo Volente
Erik Hoekstra
From the Editor
Let's Connect
Sarah Moss
Four Faculty Members Retire
Sarah Moss
Class of 2021 Commences Despite COVID-19
Sarah Moss
Seeking Transformation
Bethany Van Voorst
Being Stewardly with Dordt's Resources
Sarah Moss
History of the Muslim World
Sarah Moss
Recording Studio Helps Equip Worship Arts Majors
Lydia Marcus
Meyer Stays in Tune
Kaysha Steiger
Learning to Ask for Help
Karen Van Schouwen
in All things
Theological Truths that Divide Us
David Westfall
The Lasting Legacy of KDCR
Sarah Moss
Showing the Love of Jesus Through Adoption
Bethany Van Voorst
Hockey Sticks and a Few Jelly Beans
James C. Schaap