The Theology Department seeks to lead students, colleagues, Dordt University, and the Christian community, both locally and globally, into more faithful service to the Triune God and his mission through deepening knowledge of God's scriptural revelation, of the church's response to this revelation, and the church's participation in God's mission of the restoration of all creation.
Faculty Work from 2024
CCLI Vetting Project: A Reformed Voice, Katie Ritsema-Roelofs, Laura DeJong, Heather Kaemingk, Erin Hollaar Pacheco, Adam Perez, Jeremy Perigo, Paul Ryan, and Ben Snoek
D. H. Th. Vollenhoven, Gayle E. Doornbos
Silence or Sermon? The Desperation and Dread of Telling the Truth, Justin Bailey
The Medicine of Humility for Pastor Theologians, Justin Bailey
The Mercy Seat: An Artistic Grammar for Substitutionary Atonement, Justin Bailey and David Westfall
Trinity and Creation: Bavinck on the Vestigia Trinitatis, Gayle E. Doornbos
Faculty Work from 2023
Adam Boreel (1602–1665): A Collegiant's Attempt to Reform Christianity (Book Review), Kyle J. Dieleman
Engaging Imaginations: C. S. Lewis and the Need for Stronger Spells, Justin Bailey
"Evangelizing Everything" Including Ourselves: A Review of Chapters 8-9 of Neo-Calvinism, Justin Bailey
Everyday Imaginative Apologetics: A Case Study, Justin Bailey
In Gratitude for Tim Keller (1950-2023), Justin Bailey
Irrigating Imaginations: The Centrality of Beauty for Culture Care, Justin Bailey
Navigating Reformed Identity in the Rural Dutch Republic, Kyle J. Dieleman
The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience (Book Review), Justin Bailey
"The Perfect Penitent": Matthew 3:13-17, David Westfall
"Your Name Shall No Longer Be Called Jacob, but Israel" - Genesis 32:22-31, David Westfall
Faculty Work from 2022
Clarifying, Complicating, and Challenging Kuyper: A Review of Calvinism for a Secular Age, Justin Ariel Bailey
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts: A Review of Calvinism for a Secular Age, Gayle E. Doornbos
Deep Faith: A Review of Early North African Christianity, David Moser
Doubt Be Not Proud, Justin Bailey
Fashion Theology (Book Review), Justin Bailey
Interpreting Your World: Five Lenses for Engaging Theology and Culture, Justin Bailey
The Evangelical Bubble Needs a Doorway, Justin Bailey
The Humility of the Eternal Son: Reformed Kenoticism and the Repair of Chalcedon: A Review, David Moser
The Now and the Not Yet: A Review of The Art of New Creation, Justin Bailey
The Power of the Points: A Review of Making Faith Magnetic, Justin Bailey
Three Tributaries, Exploring the Reformed, Baptist, and Catholic Branches: A Review of The Church's Book, David Westfall
Thriving Against the Technological Tide (Part I): A Review Conversation of The Life We're Looking For, Justin Bailey and Matthew Beimers
Thriving Against the Technological Tide (Part II): A Review Conversation of The Life We're Looking For, Justin Bailey and Matthew Beimers
What it Means to be Human: A Review of You're Only Human, Gayle E. Doornbos and Hannah Landman
Worship Theology Podcast, Jeremy Perigo
Faculty Work from 2021
An Unlikely Story: A Review of Reformed Public Theology, Justin Bailey
Apologetics Can Flourish After RZIM. But Only With ‘Lowercase Leaders’ and the Local Church, Justin Bailey
Bavinck's Doctrine of God: Absolute, Divine Personality, Gayle E. Doornbos
"Better Than We Found It": A Review of Struggling with Evangelicalism, Justin Bailey
Beyond Translated vs. Indigenous: Turkish Protestant Christian Hymnody as Global and Local Identity, Jeremy Perigo
Character, Charisma, Hope, and Healing: Reflections on The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, Gayle Doornbos
Discerning Doubt: A Review of After Doubt, Justin Bailey
Faithfully Reading Scripture with Kids, Rebekah Earnshaw
Fruit in Keeping with Repentance: A Review of Reparations, Justin Bailey
Gained in Translation: A Review of the First Nations Version, Justin Bailey
In All Things - The Podcast, Andreas Center and Justin Bailey
Is Our World Less Religious Than Ever?, Justin Bailey
Looking for “Deep Rest”: Confronting the Idolatry of Personal Success, Justin Bailey
On Insiders and Outsiders, Justin Bailey
The Academy and Aesthetics: A Review of Reformed Public Theology, Gayle E. Doornbos
The Doctrine of Creation: A Constructive Kuyperian Approach (Book Review), David Moser
The Gift of the Artist: A Review of Art and Faith, Justin Bailey
Theological Truths that Divide Us and Engaging in Disagreement Well, David Westfall
Twin Poles: A Review of Bavinck, David Westfall
When Our Best Words Fail, Justin Bailey
Faculty Work from 2020
"Are You for Us or for Our Enemies?" Making Decisions Among Contested Meanings, Justin Bailey
Creator and Creation According to Calvin on Genesis, Rebekah Earnshaw
Deep Focus and Cinematic Faith: An Extended Review, Justin Bailey
Eulogy for Dr. John Henry Kok - July 5, 2020, Aaron Baart
Exercising Hope: A Review of Reading While Black, Justin Bailey
Exercising the Imagination: Why We Need Imaginative Apologetics, Justin Bailey
God's Sabbath with Creation: Vocations Fulfilled, the Glory Unveiled (Book Review), Justin Bailey
How Can the Church Today Uplift the Family Without Worshipping It?, Aaron Baart
Keep the Hope Alive: A Review of Imagining Theology, Justin Bailey
Rachel's Tears and the Joy of Christmas - Matthew 2:13-23, David Westfall
Recipes, Imagination, and Scripture: A Review of Romans Disarmed, David Westfall
reimagining apologetics, Justin Bailey
Shows that Shape Us: Asking the Right Questions, Justin Bailey
Shows that Shape Us: The Office, Justin Bailey
Social and Entertainment Media, Justin Bailey
Supreme Court Decisions in Review (Part 1), Donald Roth
The Death of Kobe Bryant: Fallen Icons and Heart of Popular Culture, Justin Bailey
The Wisdom of Weakness: The Coronavirus and the Cross, Justin Bailey
Western Society and Cultural Elites: A Review of Return of the Strong Gods, David Westfall
When Words Are Weapons: Inside a Crisis of Faith, Justin Bailey
Faculty Work from 2019
Beyond Hero Stories, Justin Bailey
Faith Lived Out in Love for Community: A Review of In Search of Common Good, Justin Bailey
None But Not Yet Done: Review of The Twentysomething Soul, Justin Bailey
Pagans, Puritans, and Putting Christ Back in Christmas, Justin Bailey
Putting Grace Back in the Doctrines: A Review of Humble Calvinism, Justin Bailey
Strengths and Shadows: Using the Enneagram in the Classroom, Justin Bailey
The Logic of Limitations: A Review of The Common Rule, Justin Bailey
Faculty Work from 2018
Advent Love: The Advent of #MeToo, Aaron Baart
Bearing Witness in a TLDR World: A Review of "Disruptive Witness", Justin Bailey
Belief in a Disenchanted World: A Review of "George MacDonald in the Age of Miracles", Justin Bailey
Reading in Context: Zacchaeus and the Economics of Salvation, Benjamin J. Lappenga
Resisting the Devil’s Instruments: Early Modern Resistance Theory for Late Modern Times, David Henreckson
Surviving Secular Apocalypse: A "How-To" Book for the End of the World, Justin Bailey
The Fruitless Search for the Theory of Everything, Rebekah Earnshaw
The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest (Book Review), Justin Bailey
The Theodramatic Imagination: Spirit and Imagination in the Work of Kevin Vanhoozer, Justin Bailey
Why They're Leaving and Why It Matters: Gen Z's Mass Exodus from Church, Aaron Baart
Faculty Work from 2017
Culture as Divine Gift: The Future of In All Things, David Henreckson
Err on the Side of Action, Aaron Baart
선교지 기독교 대학의 코어 커리큘럼 작성 / Establishing Core Curriculum at Christian Colleges in the Mission Fields, Jay Shim
Faith and Allegiance, Benjamin J. Lappenga
Hearing God's Voice, Benjamin J. Lappenga
In Search of Stronger Spells, Justin Bailey
McSupper or Lord's Supper?, Mark Verbruggen
Millennials and the Reformation, Aaron Baart
Not Trained by Angels, David Henreckson
Prophet of Consumerism, Aaron Baart
The Ease and Speed of Judgment, Aaron Baart
Faculty Work from 2016
Being Grateful for My "Stupid Little Life": Why We Need Movies, Jason Lief