Syllabi in this collection have been digitized for preservation purposes. Access to them is limited to the Dordt University community.
Syllabi from 2010
AGRI 101 / CORE 213: The Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals, Duane Bajema
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agricultural Safety, Duane Bajema and Mike Schouten
AGRI 201: Nature and Properties of Soils, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 221: Introduction to Farm Management and Accounting, Ronald Vos
AGRI 233: Principles of Dairy Science, John Olthoff
AGRI 251: Horticultural Plants, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 290: Perspectives on Agricultural Economics, History, and Policy, Ronald Vos
AGRI 311: Soil Fertility, Ronald Vos
AGRI 331: Reproductive Physiology, John Olthoff
AGRI 334: Applied Animal Breeding, John Olthoff
AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, Chris Goedhart
ART 201: Design Theory, Jake Van Wyk
ART 202: Drawing I, Matt Drissell
ART 208: Art History, David Versluis
ART 216: Sculpture I, Matt Drissell
ART 218: Ceramics I, Jake Van Wyk
ART 228: Printmaking, Jake Van Wyk
ART 295: Motion Graphic Design, David Versluis
ART 318 - 368: Advanced Ceramics, Jake Van Wyk
ART 325: Painting II, Matt Drissell
ART 328: Printmaking II, Jake Van Wyk
ART 340: Graphic Design II, David Versluis
ART 352: Drawing III, Matt Drissell
ASTR 122 / CORE 225: Stellar and Galactic Astronomy, Joseph Kirtland
BIO 122: Zoology, James Mahaffy
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Al Laird
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 210: Nutrition, Charlotte Kooima
BIO 213: Genetics, Robb De Haan
BIO 214: Genetics with Laboratory, Robb De Haan
BIO 304: Histology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 310: Advanced Microbiology, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 355: Research, Robb De Haan, Tony N. Jelsma, James Mahaffy, and Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 357: Medical Terminology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 358: Introduction to Biological Research, Biology Department
BIO 380: Directed Senior Research, Tony N. Jelsma, Jeff Ploegstra, Robb De Haan, and James Mahaffy
BIOT 213 / CORE 218: Introduction to Biotechnology, Tony N. Jelsma
BUAD 100: Computer Literacy for Business, Tim Klein
BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting, Gary Vander Plaats
BUAD 202: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 203: Introduction to Accounting, Shirley Folkerts
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 226: Personal Finance, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 302: Business Administration, Tim Rylaardsam
BUAD 306: Marketing Management, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 313: Cost Accounting, Gary Vander Plaats
BUAD 314: Auditing, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 316: Advanced Income Tax, Gary Vander Plaats
BUAD 325: Advanced Financial Management, Gary Vander Plaats
BUAD 326: Investments Management, John Visser
BUAD 333: Strategic Human Resource Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 338: E-Marketing, Alango Otieno
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, John Visser
BUED 105: Calculating Machines and Records Management, Tim Klein
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Shirley Folkerts
BUED 322: Advanced Office Procedures, Kevin Timmer
CHEM 104: Principles of Chemistry II, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 122L: Chemistry Lab, Ronald Solberg
CHEM 122: Organic and Biological Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 222: Organic Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 333: Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Kinetics, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 343: Bioenergetics and Metabolism, Edwin J. Geels
CJ 205: Criminal Investigation, Tim Rylaarsdam
CJ 302: Juvenile Justice, Erin Olson
CMSC 110: Programming for Engineers, Nick Breems
CMSC 112: Programming II, Dawn M. Wolthuis
CMSC 145: Computer Systems, Nick Breems
CMSC 245: Network System Administration, Brian Van Donselaar
CMSC 308: Programming Languages Concepts, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 320: Information Systems for Decision Support, Dawn M. Wolthuis
COMM 100: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Art Attema
COMM 100: Speaking and Listening for College, Kae Van Engen
COMM 201: Principles of Communication, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 222 / CORE 254: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 228: Organizational Communication, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 250: Introduction to Film/Video Production, Mark Volkers
COMM 255: Film Criticism, Mark Volkers
COMM 302 / ENG 302: Advanced Expository Writing, Bill Elgersma
COMM 314: Argumentation and Persuasion, Charles Veenstra
COMM 322: Family Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 333: Documentary Film Making, Mark Volkers
CORE 110: Communication and Contemporary Culture, Teresa TerHaar
CORE 120-02 & 03: College Composition, Bob De Smith
CORE 120-04 & 05: College Composition, Howard Schaap
CORE 120: Grammar and Composition, Bill Elgersma
CORE 140-01 & 02: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, David Zwart
CORE 145-01 & 02: Roots of Western Cultures and Worldview, Paul Fessler
CORE 145-03 & 04: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Keith C. Sewell
CORE 145-05 & 06: Western World in Global Context, Bobbi Sutherland
CORE 150-01: Perspectives in Biblical Theology, Clifford Hoekstra
CORE 150-02: Perspectives in Biblical Theology, Thomas R. Wolthuis
CORE 150-03: Perspectives in Biblical Theology, Mark Verbruggen
CORE 150-04: Perspectives in Biblical Theology, Wayne A. Kobes
CORE 160-10: Film Sub-Course, Howard Schaap
CORE 160-30: Visual Arts, Matt Drissell
CORE 160F-01: Viewing and Responding to Film, Howard Schaap
CORE 160F-03: Theatre Sub-Course, April Hubbard
CORE 160F-04: The Visual Arts, Matt Drissell
CORE 160S-93: Theatre Sub-Course, April Hubbard