Syllabi in this collection have been digitized for preservation purposes. Access to them is limited to the Dordt University community.
Syllabi from 2007
EDUC 260: Teaching Bible in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms, Cella Bosma
EDUC 267: Secondary Instructional Design and Content Area Reading, Lloyd Den Boer
EDUC 314: Diagnosis and Remediation of Language/Reading Difficulties, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 317 / EDUC 318: Transitional Collaboration in Elementary and Middle Schools / Middle School and High School, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 320: Reading Language Development in Early Childhood, Pam Adams
EDUC 332 / MATH 108: Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary and Middle School, Dennis De Jong and Timothy Van Soelen
EDUC 333: Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Pre-K through Middle School, Pam Adams
EDUC 334: Teaching Science Pre-K through Middle School, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 357: Methods of Teaching Secondary and Middle School Mathematics, Dennis De Jong
EGR 104: Introduction to Engineering II, Kevin Timmer
EGR 202: Elements of Material Science, Matthew Dressler
EGR 204: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Circuits, Douglas De Boer
EGR 212: Strength of Materials, Matthew Dressler
EGR 221: Linear Systems, Ethan Brue
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Kevin Timmer
EGR 302 / EGR 303: Engineering Laboratory, Ethan Brue
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Ethan Brue
EGR 304: Microprocessor Interfacing, Douglas De Boer
EGR 310: History of Science and Technology, Ethan Brue
EGR 323: Electronics II, Douglas De Boer
EGR 357: Bioengineering, Matthew Dressler
EGR 380: Senior Engineering Design II, Kevin Timmer
EGR 390 / CMSC 390: Technology and Society, Engineering Department
ENG 101-01 & 02: Grammar and Composition, Bill Elgersma
ENG 101-03 & 04: Grammar and Composition, Bob De Smith
ENG 101-05: Grammar and Composition, David Schelhaas
ENG 101-06: Grammar and Composition, Mary Dengler
ENG 101-07: Grammar and Composition, Lorna Van Gilst
ENG 200-01: Responding to Literature, David Schelhaas
ENG 200-02: Responding to Literature, Bill Elgersma
ENG 200-03 & 05: Responding to Literature, Lorna Van Gilst
ENG 202: American Literature II, Mary Dengler
ENG 210: Approaches to Literary Studies, Bob De Smith
ENG 221: The Short Story, James C. Schaap
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, Leah A. Zuidema
ENG 335: History of the English Language, Bob De Smith
ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Matthew L. Stutz
ENVR 152: Introduction to Environmental Studies II, Matthew L. Stutz
ENVR 162: Laboratory and Field Investigations in Environmental Studies II, Matthew L. Stutz
ENVR 320: Wildlife Ecology and Stewardship, Robert DeHaan
ENVR 396: Seminar in Creation Stewardship, Matthew L. Stutz
FREN 102: Elementary French, Leendert van Beek
FREN 254: French Conversation, Daniel F. A. Hitchcock
GEN 100-01: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Cella Bosma
GEN 200S-01: Film Sub-Course, David Schelhaas
GEN 200S-02: Music Sub-Course, Karen A. De Mol
GEN 200S-03: Theatre Sub-Course, Teresa TerHaar
GEN 200S-04: Art Sub-Course, Susan Van Geest
GEN 232: Hispanic Cultures, Corinne Hentges
GEN 272: Service and Learning in Hungary/Transcarpathia, Ukraine, Ronald Vos
GEN 300: Calling, Task, and Culture, Jonathan Warner, Patricia C. Kornelis, Robert DeHaan, and Andrea Dykshoorn
GEN 321: Ethnic and Religious Conflict and its Resolution, Fred Van Geest
GRE 212: New Testament Greek, Wayne A. Kobes
HIST 100-01 & 02: Western Civilization, Paul Fessler
HIST 230: Survey of Canadian History, Hubert Krygsman
HIST 280: Introduction to Historical Studies, Paul Fessler
HIST 306: History of American Evangelism, Hubert Krygsman
HIST 380: Historiography, Hubert Krygsman
HPER 020: Badminton, Syne Altena
HPER 021: Bowling, Brian Kroeze
HPER 022: Gymnastics, Rick Vander Berg
HPER 023: Golf, Craig Stiemsma
HPER 024-91: Racquetball, Jeff Schouten
HPER 024: Racquetball, Craig L. Stiemsma
HPER 025-92: Tennis, Brian Kroeze
HPER 025: Tennis, Craig L. Stiemsma
HPER 030: Step Aerobics, HPER Department
HPER 031: Cross Country Skiing, Syne Altena
HPER 033: Swimming, Brian Kroeze
HPER 034: Voice and Body Warm-Ups, HPER Department
HPER 036: Weight Training, Brian Kroeze
HPER 037: Skating, Russ Dykshorn and Jake Esselink
HPER 040: Basketball, Brian Kroeze
HPER 042: Slow-Pitch Softball, Brian Kroeze
HPER 043: Soccer, Brian Kroeze
HPER 044: Volleyball, Jeff Schouten
HPER 10A: Concepts in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Rick Vander Berg
HPER 202: Substance Abuse and Consumer Health, Craig Stiemsma
HPER 204: Exercise Physiology, Laura Herman
HPER 205: Curriculum in Physical Education and Health, Syne Altena
HPER 207: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Rick Vander Berg
HPER 209: Personal and Community Health, Jeff Schouten
HPER 210: Community Recreation, John Heavner
HPER 212: Basketball Theory, Craig L. Stiemsma
HPER 213: Coaching Theory of Track and Field, Syne Altena
HPER 215: Coaching Theory of Baseball/Softball, Jeff Schouten
HPER 216: Theory of Coaching Soccer, Bill Elgersma
LAT 102: Elementary Latin, Leendert van Beek
LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics, Leendert van Beek
MATH 107-01: Elementary Statistics, Gary De Young
MATH 107-02: Elementary Statistics, Marv Wielard
MATH 109: Theory and Context of Middle School Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 110: College Algebra, Dennis De Jong, Jason Westra, and Angela Flikkema
MATH 113: Calculus II, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 201: Multivariable Calculus, Gary De Young
MATH 206: Probability and Statistics, Gary De Young
MATH 212: Discrete Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MUS 010: Chorale, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 011-01: Concert Band, Henry Duitman
MUS 011-02: Campus-Community Band, Henry Duitman