Pro Rege is a quarterly publication of the faculty of Dordt University. As its name indicates (a Latin phrase meaning "for the King"), the purpose of this journal is to proclaim Christ's kingship over the sphere of education and scholarship. By exploring topics relevant to Reformed Christian education, it seeks to inform the Christian community regarding Dordt's continuing response to its educational task.
Current Issue: Volume 53, Number 1 (September 2024)
Feature Articles
Kuyper in a Postmodern World: Kuyper's Lectures on Calvinism and Postmodern Philosophy
Trygve Bulthuis
Morning Thanks - Ed Kellogg
James C. Schaap, Edward Kellogg, and David Platter
Our Need for a Quiet Place
Calvin Vander Meyden
A Reformed Psychology of Human Relations in Business
John A. Van Til