Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Graduate Education


Educational leaders set the tone for their institutions. Their leadership embodies their vision for and valuing of the people they work with, as well as their actual understanding of the mission and vision of their organization. Research into the nature of leadership and followership demonstrates the importance of both leading from a vision and leading people, building a culture of respect and trust in order to establish a community committed to a shared task. Leaders in Christian schools are called by God to the office of leadership in order to be used by Him to continue His self-revelation and to equip His children to serve Him through their gifts. Often the “good theory” of leadership and followership is not embodied in “lived practice” in Christian schools, preventing the appropriate development of an authentic, vibrant community and a shared educational and discipling task. Leaders who are committed to serving God and serving the people they work with can have a transformative impact on their community, and the students in their school will be provided with authentic opportunities to become active members of the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God.


Action Research Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education
