The history department of Dordt University seeks to develop and transmit insight into the processes which have shaped human civilizations, including both western civilization and other global civilizations, to equip students with various skills needed to discern such processes, and to interpret and use that discernment, and to articulate a Christian interpretation of the meaning and significance of history in the light of God’s Word and his coming kingdom.
Submissions from 1994
Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World: The Influence of Calvin on Five Governments from the 16th Through 18th Centuries (Book Review), Hubert R. Krygsman
Rock Bottom: An American Heartland Farm-Town and Family From Settlement Through the Great Depression (Book Review), Louis Y. Van Dyke
Submissions from 1993
Communities, Organizations, and People, Stuart Fowler
History of Christianity in the United States and Canada (Book Review), Hubert R. Krygsman
Submissions from 1992
Between Faith and Criticism: Evangelicals, Scholarship, and the Bible in America (Book Review), Hubert R. Krygsman
Ignatius Loyola: A Biography of the Founder of the Jesuits (Book Review), Arnold Koekkoek
Submissions from 1990
From a Monastery Kitchen (Book Review), Arnold Koekkoek
Submissions from 1989
Calvin, Geneva and the Reformation: A Study of Calvin as Social Reformer, Churchman, Pastor and Theologian (Book Review), Arnold Koekkoek
Christian Worldview and a View of Science: The Evolution Debate, Rockne McCarthy
Faith of Our Fathers: Religion and the New Nation (Book Review), Louis Y. Van Dyke
Submissions from 1988
Sources of Secession: The Netherlands Hervormde Kerk on the Eve of the Dutch Immigration to the Midwest (Book Review), Arnold Koekkoek
Submissions from 1985
Documentary History of Religion in America (Book Review), Louis Y. Van Dyke
Submissions from 1983
Civilizing the West: The Galts and the Development of Western Canada (Book Review), Arnold Koekkoek
Herinneringen aan de Unie Waarin We Ons Thuis Voelden, De Groei Naar Het CDA, and Voor de Duvel Niet Bang (Book Reviews), McKendree R. Langley
Submissions from 1982
100 Jaar Partij, Bezinning en Perspectief: Een Anti-Revolutionaire Bijdrage aan Christen-Democratische Politiek and Christian Political Options (Book Reviews), McKendree R. Langley
Canada and Constitutions, Louis Y. Van Dyke
Daar Gaat Het Om: Signalen voor Christelijk Politiek (Book Review), McKendree R. Langley
History Lecture Series, Arnold Koekkoek
Patterns in History: A Christian View (Book Review), Louis Y. Van Dyke
Poland and the Free World, Arnold Koekkoek
Reformatorische Maatschappijkritiek (Book Review), McKendree R. Langley
Robert Schuman and the Politics of Reconciliation, McKendree R. Langley
Trumpeter of God: A Biography of John Knox (Book Review), William Nawyn
Submissions from 1981
Creation and Sphere Sovereignty in Historical Perspective, McKendree R. Langley
Dr. Alan Keith-Lucas Lectures on Social Work, McKendree R. Langley
Dr. Hendrik Woldring Visits Campus, McKendree R. Langley
German Jews, Refugees, and the Christian Century, 1933-41, William Nawyn
With Stalin: Memoirs (Book Review), McKendree R. Langley
Submissions from 1980
Christian Democratic Parties of Western Europe (Book Review), McKendree R. Langley
Dr. Jelle Zijlstra: Gesprekken en Geschriften (Book Review), McKendree R. Langley
Dutch Revolt (Book Review), McKendree R. Langley
God and Liberty: The Catholic Quest for Democratic Pluralism from Lamennais to Vatican II, McKendree R. Langley
Liberal Democracy and the Rights of Institutions, Rockne McCarthy
Teng Hsiao-Ping: A Political Biography and Imperialism and the Revolution (Book Reviews), McKendree R. Langley
Submissions from 1979
Newtonians and the English Revolution, 1689-1720 (Book Review), Arnold Koekkoek
Non-Systematic Theology, Louis Y. Van Dyke
Resume of Swierenga Lectures, William Nawyn
Witness of a World View, McKendree R. Langley
Submissions from 1977
Christian View of History, Arnold Koekkoek
Namibia (Book Review), Arnold Koekkoek
Running Sore: An Inquiry into Napoleon's Peninsular Campaign (Part One), Louis Y. Van Dyke
Running Sore: An Inquiry into Napoleon's Peninsular Campaign (Part Three), Louis Y. Van Dyke
Running Sore: An Inquiry into Napoleon's Peninsular Campaign (Part Two), Louis Y. Van Dyke
Submissions from 1976
Institutional Religion and the American Revolution: Churches, Clergy, and Religious Issues in the American Revolution, William Nawyn
Notebook of a Colonial Clergyman (Book Review), Louis Y. Van Dyke
Washington: Christians in the Corridor of Power (Book Review), William Nawyn
Submissions from 1975
Anabaptist Story (Book Review), Arnold Koekkoek
Armstrong Empire: A Look at the Worldwide Church of God (Book Review), William Nawyn
Submissions from 1974
Whence and Whither: A Resume of Government-Education Relations in America, Louis Y. Van Dyke
Submissions from 1973
God's Purpose for Man, Samuel Van Houte