"Not by Power, But by My Spirit: SATB Choir" by Dale Grotenhuis

Document Type

Musical Score

Publication Date



This piece contains parts for SATB choir and optional trumpet or brass quartet. Includes instrumentation for B flat trumpet, trumpets I and II, trombone I and II, and baritone treble clef; 20 pages.


  • Words based on Zechariah 4:6 and the Spanish hymn "No Hay Dios Tan Grande", tr. Psalter Hymnal, CRC Publications, used by permission, and "Holy Spirit, Truth Divine" by Samuel Longfellow, 1864, alt.
  • Composed by Dale Grotenhuis with the use of the Spanish hymn "No Hay Dios"
  • "For the Gathering Festival Christian Reformed Church Board of Home Missions"

Included in

Music Commons
