Syllabi in this collection have been digitized for preservation purposes. Access to them is limited to the Dordt University community.
Syllabi from 2002
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agricultural Safety, Duane Bajema, Mike Schouten, and Dan De Vries
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 232: Feeds and Feeding, John Olthoff
AGRI 290: Perspectives on Agricultural Economics, History, and Policy, Ronald Vos
AGRI 291: Anatomy and Physiology of Animals, John Olthoff
AGRI 312: Agriculture Marketing, Duane Bajema
AGRI 321: Advanced Farm Management, Ronald Vos
AGRI 350: Field Crop Production and Management, Ronald Vos
AGRI 370: Agroecology, Robert DeHaan
ART 201: Introduction to Design, Jake Van Wyk
ART 202: Beginning Drawing, Susan Van Geest
ART 209: Art History, Susan Van Geest
ART 218: Ceramics, Jake Van Wyk
ART 225: Beginning Painting, Susan Van Geest
ART 240: Graphic Design, David Versluis
ART 302: Advanced Drawing, Susan Van Geest
ART 330: Introduction to Photography, David Versluis
ART 350: Graphic Design, David Versluis
ART 370: Senior Seminar, Jake Van Wyk
ASK 050: Basic Mathematics for College, Dale Vander Wilt
ASK 060: Writing for College, Sandra Van't Hul
BIO 101: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 115: General Botany, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Kenneth L. Petersen
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 210 / HPER 211: Nutrition, Darryl DeRuiter
BIO 227: Paleontology, James Mahaffy
BIO 251: Perspectives in Origins, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 301: Developmental Biology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 316: Local Flora, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 355: Cell Biology, James Mahaffy
BIO 358: Introduction to Directed Research, James Mahaffy
BIO 380: Directed Senior Research, Delmar Vander Zee
BUAD 100: Computer Literacy for Business, Shirley Folkerts
BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Bernard E. Weidenaar
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Bernard E. Weidenaar
BUAD 207: Human Resource Management, Jack Schreurs
BUAD 225: Introduction to Finance, Gary Vander Plaats
BUAD 301: Business Law I, Chris Rehn
BUAD 308: Advertising, Dennis De Waard
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 312: Advanced Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 315: Federal Income Tax, Gary Vander Plaats
BUAD 351-01, 02, & 03: Senior Business Seminar, Chris Rehn and John Visser
BUED 105: Calculating Machines and Records Management, Kim Vander Berg
BUED 112: Keyboarding and Document Formatting II, Art Attema
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Art Attema
BUED 321: Office Procedures and Administration, Art Attema
CHEM 101: General Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 103: General and Analytical Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 201: Organic Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 205: Biochemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 212: Quantitative Analysis, Carl P. Fictorie
CMSC 111: Structured Programming, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 120: Information Systems Designs, Marv Wielard
CMSC 131: Data Communications, Jim Bos
CMSC 202: Data Structures, Marv Wielard
COMM 110: Fundamentals of Speaking and Listening, Emmanuel Ayee, Ron Johnson, Charles Veenstra, and Kae Van Engen
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 230: Television and Society, Ronald Johnson
COMM 240: Introduction to Mass Communication, Ronald Johnson
COMM 241: Introduction to Journalism, Lorna Van Gilst
COMM 260: Public Relations, Emmanuel Ayee
COMM 380: Senior Seminar in Communication, Charles Veenstra
DUTC 101: Introductory Dutch, Leendert van Beek
DUTC 201: Intermediate Dutch, Leendert van Beek
DUTC 301: Phonology, Leendert van Beek and Socorro Woodbury
ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Gary Vander Plaats
ECON 202: Microeconomics, Jonathan Warner
ECON 303: Money and Banking, John Visser
ECON 342: International Economics, Jonathan Warner
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, Lloyd Den Boer
EDUC 111: Health and Physical Education for the Elementary Classroom Teacher, Len Rhoda
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, John Van Dyk
EDUC 202: Middle School Curriculum and Instruction, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 203: Media and Technology, Art Attema
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Pam Adams
EDUC 206: Adolescent Reading Interests, Lorna Van Gilst
EDUC 211: Methods of Teaching Art in the Elementary Classroom, Joanne Alberda
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 216: The Middle Level Child, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 223: Teaching Bible in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms, Cella Bosma
EDUC 230: Introduction to Multicultural Issues in Education, Cella Bosma
EDUC 232: Interpersonal Communication for the Classroom Teacher, Cella Bosma
EDUC 241: Service Learning Field Experience, Cella Bosma
EDUC 262: Creative Dramatics, Jeri Schelhaas
EDUC 301: Introduction to the Education of Special Individuals, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 303: Instructional Methods and Strategies for the Education of Students with Mild Disabilities, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 305: Methods and Strategies for the Education of Students with Moderate Disabilities, Sue Grant
EDUC 306: Introduction to Assessment in Special and Remedial Education, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 309: Supervised Practicum in Special Education, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 321: Teaching Social Studies in Elementary and Middle Schools, Cella Bosma
EDUC 323: Teaching Reading in the Elementary and Middle School, Pam Adams
EDUC 324: Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary and Middle School, Jenny Van Ry
EDUC 325: Teaching Elementary and Middle School Science, Kim Karhoff
EDUC 326: Reading in the Content Areas, Lloyd Den Boer
EDUC 350: Methods of Teaching Art in the Junior and Senior High School, Joanne Alberda
EDUC 351: Methods of Teaching Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Kim Karhoff
EDUC 352: Methods of Teaching Business Education, Art Attema