Syllabi in this collection have been digitized for preservation purposes. Access to them is limited to the Dordt University community.
Submissions from 1984
PE 026A: Tennis, Len Rhoda
PE 026B & C: Tennis, Syne Altena
PE 028A: Weight Training, Syne Altena
PE 201: Introduction to Physical Education, Jim Woudstra
PE 203: Anatomy and Kinesiology, Mary Schutten
PE 205: Organization of Physical Education and Intramurals, Syne Altena
PE 208: Tests and Measurements in Physical Education, Syne Altena
PE 209: Personal and Community Health, Mary Schutten
PE 304: Skills and Methods I, Jim Woudstra
PHIL 201A & B: Perspectives in Philosophy, John H. Kok
PHIL 201C: Perspectives in Philosophy, John Van Dyk
PHIL 302: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, John Van Dyk
PHIL 303: History of Modern Philosophy, John C. Vander Stelt
PHIL 309: History of Christian Philosophy, John C. Vander Stelt
PHSC 107: Introduction to Physical Science, Richard G. Hodgson and Edwin J. Geels
PS 201: Introduction to Politics, Donald E. King
PS 212: American National Politics, Donald E. King
PS 220: Parties, Elections, and Voting Behavior, Donald E. King
PS 310: Foundations of Political Thought, Rockne McCarthy
PS 312: Contemporary Political Ideologies, Donald E. King
PS 341: American Political Thought, Rockne McCarthy
PSYC 201: General Psychology, Paul Moes
PSYC 205: Developmental Psychology I, Ken Bussema
PSYC 210: Social Psychology, Beryl Hugen
PSYC 221: Physiological Psychology, Paul Moes
PSYC 225: Abnormal Psychology, Ken Bussema
PSYC 302: Learning and Behavior Modification, Paul Moes
PSYC 310: History and Systems of Psychology, Ken Bussema
SOC 201: Principles of Sociology, Fred J. De Jong
SOC 215: Sociology of Deviance, Kenneth A. Venhuizen
SOC 307: Methods of Social Science Research, Fred J. De Jong
SOWK 225: Introduction to Social Work, Kenneth A. Venhuizen
SOWK 303: Child and Family Welfare Policy, Beryl Hugen
SOWK 304: Aging and Social Work, Fred J. De Jong
SOWK 312: Social Work Practice Methods II, Kenneth A. Venhuizen
SPAN 101A & B: Elementary Spanish, Corinne Huisman
SPAN 101C & D: Elementary Spanish, William J. Stronks
TA 202: Fundamentals of Acting, Mike Stair
TA 310: Directing, Mike Stair
THEO 101C: Perspectives in Biblical Theology, Donald Sinnema
THEO 201: History of Christian Confessions, Wayne A. Kobes
THEO 210: The Scriptures, Wayne A. Kobes
THEO 347: Structure of Faith, John C. Vander Stelt