Syllabi in this collection have been digitized for preservation purposes. Access to them is limited to the Dordt University community.
Submissions from 1984
AGRI 101: Introduction to Animal Science, Duane Bajema
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Henry DeVries
AGRI 255: Forage Crop Management, Henry DeVries
AGRI 315: Entomology and Pest Management, Henry DeVries
AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, Duane Bajema
ART 201: Introduction to Design, Joanne Alberda
ART 207: Art History, Norm Matheis
ART 220: Introduction to Fibers, Joanne Alberda
ART 228: Printmaking, Norm Matheis
ASTR 121: Solar System Astronomy, Richard G. Hodgson
BIO 101: Biological Science, James Mahaffy
BIO 115: General Botany, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Al Mennega
BIO 301: Embryology, Al Mennega
BIO 335: Cell Biology, Delmar Vander Zee
BIO 351: Evolutionism, Al Mennega
BUAD 101: Introduction to Business, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting, Dan Eisma
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 301: Business Law I, June Weaver
BUAD 305: Personnel Management, Mert G. Gulker
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 325: Corporation Finance, Dan Eisma
BUAD 351B: Senior Business Seminar, Jasper Lesage
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Art Attema
BUED 321: Office Procedures and Administration, Art Attema
CHEM 101: General Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CMSC 101: Introduction to Computing, Wil Alberda
COMM 110: Fundamentals of Speaking and Listening, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 220: Small Group Discussion and Communication, Daryl Vander Kooi
COMM 222: Interpersonal, Charles Veenstra
COMM 242: Newspaper Writing, Design, and Layout, David Campbell
COMM 315: Argumentation and Debate, Daryl Vander Kooi
CSMC 101: Introduction to Computing, Willis J. Alberda
CSMC 102: Programming for the Natural Sciences, Wayne R. Tinga and Douglas De Boer
CSMC 111: Structured Programming I, Marvin D. Huisman
CSMC 120: Information System Design, Jim Bos and Hilbert Vande Kamp
DUTC 201: Intermediate Dutch, William J. Stronks
EDUC 105: Health and Physical Education for the Elementary Classroom Teacher, Len Rhoda
EDUC 201: Introduction to Education, Larry Reynolds
EDUC 202: Practicum in Education, George A. Faber
EDUC 203: Organization and Management of the Preschool, Marian Vander Ark
EDUC 205: Children's Reading Material, Louise Hulst
EDUC 211: Methods of Teaching Art in the Elementary Classroom, Joanne Alberda
EDUC 215: Educational Psychology, Eugene D. Westra
EDUC 232: Interpersonal Communication for the Elementary Teacher, Education Department
EDUC 306: Assessment and Diagnosis in Special Education, Rick Eigenbrood
EDUC 323: Teaching Reading in the Elementary School, Gloria Stronks
EDUC 351 / EDUC 353/ EDUC 359: Methods of Teaching Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, George Faber
EDUC 356: History Methods, Louis Y. Van Dyke
EDUC 357: Teaching of Mathematics, Arnold Veldkamp
EDUC 358: Methods of Teaching Speech, Martin Dekkenga
EGR 105: Engineering Principles, Charles C. Adams
EGR 208: Statics, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 212: Strength of Materials, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 302: Fluid Mechanics, Charles C. Adams
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Charles C. Adams
EGR 305: Electronics II, Wayne R. Tinga
EGR 312 / EGR 315: Mechanical Engineering Design Lab I, Charles C. Adams
EGR 320: Metallurgy, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 326: Electromagnetic Fields, Wayne R. Tinga
ENG 101C & D: Grammar and Composition, Jack Vanden Berg
ENG 101: Grammar and Composition, Jean Hellinga
ENG 101H: Grammar and Composition, John Hofland
ENG 200D & E: Responding to Literature, Helen Westra
ENG 200F: Responding to Literature, Verne Meyer
ENG 201: American Literature, Helen Westra
ENG 312: Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama, James Koldenhoven
ENG 323: The Contemporary English and American Novel, Jack Vander Berg
ENG 336: English Grammar, Mike Vanden Bosch
ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Richard G. Hodgson
GEOG 201: Introduction to Geography, Marian Vander Ark
GEOL 220: Physical Geology, Richard G. Hodgson
GRE 101: Introduction to Greek, Donald Sinnema
GRE 301: New Testament Greek, Donald Sinnema
HIST 100: Western Civilization, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 203: Ancient Greece and Rome, John Van Dyk
HIST 209: Nineteenth Century Europe, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 211: History of Canada, Arnold Koekkoek
HIST 305: American Problems, John Van Dyk
HIST 341: Traditional East Asia, Anne C. Kwantes
HIST 342: History of Japan, Anne C. Kwantes
LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics, Case J. Boot
LING 341: Beginning Japanese, Case J. Boot
MATH 107: Elementary Statistics, Paul Moes
MATH 112: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 200: Calculus Theory, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 203: Elementary Linear Algebra, Arnold Veldkamp
MATH 207: Number Theory, Arnold Veldkamp
MATH 208: Modern Geometry, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 212: Discrete Structures, Willis Alberda
MATH 304: Abstract Algebra, Calvin Jongsma
MUS 314: Instrumental Music in the Secondary School, Gerald Bouma
MUS 316: Brass Pedagogy, Gerald Bouma
PE 014: Bicycling, Len Rhoda
PE 015: Bowling, Syne Altena
PE 017: Golf, Jim Woudstra
PE 023: Slow Pitch Softball, Mary Schutten