"선교지 기독교 교육의 실제 의미: “선교를 위한 교육”으로부터 “선교할 수 있는 교육”으로 / Practical Meaning" by Jay Shim

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date





Christian education, mission, relationship between education and mission, identity of Christian education, Christian worldview


This article argues for a paradigm transition from “education for mission” model to “education that enables mission” model that is based on an integrative Christian spirituality and worldview. The former model loosely combines two different disciplines without deep consideration of the relationship. It uses education as a means to accomplish mission and may lead to conflicts between the two disciplines and thus sacrifice the unique nature and role of education. The latter model is rooted on a biblical interpretation of the comprehensive redemptive history of God which is reflected in the holistic Christian thought. On such a Christian basis, education and mission are not found to be two separate disciplines, exclusive with each other, but two different disciplines that are essentially and organically related, maintaining their own particularities, in such a way that one leads to the other. Such model of Christian education may cultivate both Christian intellectual perspective of education and knowledge of the world structured from the perspective, on the one hand, and Christian affection and attitude toward the gospel and mission, on the other. For the purpose, this article uses John Calvin, Abraham Kuyper, and James Smith.

This article was delivered at the first PAUA Forum (Pan Asian African Universities Association) which was held on January 5th, 2016 in Seoul, Korea. The general Christian ethos of the universities that have been established by the Korean churches in the last two decades is evangelical in theology and dualistic in spirituality with high emphasis on personal piety and dedication. The Korean Christian ethos and commitment made possible an astonishing trend of establishing Christian universities in the mission field. That was almost unimaginable two decades ago. The Korean mission by means of education is facing challenges at the moment. First, a carefully defined identity of Christian education should be determined in the planting stage. Without the well-defined identity and the content of education that is governed by it, the institution will soon be lost in the busyness of survival. Secondly, the mission fields are being industrialized and secularized at a fast speed. Once secularized, the currently-working merits of Christian education will be lost among the young people in the mission fields.


Presented at the first PAUA Forum (Pan Asian African Universities Association), held on January 5-6, 2016.
