"Computers and Procrastination: Why So Little Research?" by Nick Breems

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date



Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science


computers, procrastination, research, human-computer interaction


As computer and internet technology becomes an ever-greater part of the fabric of our everyday lives, we find that not all of the effects are as beneficial as we might like. One frequently noticed example of this that working on a computer seems to make us more prone to procrastination. While this there is significant anecdotal evidence for this phenomenon, and it is nearly taken for granted in the popular press and productivity blogs, there has been very little research that directly addresses the intersection of computer use and procrastination. For a tool widely perceived to enhance our productivity, this is remarkable. While there is significant research in numerous areas that are closely related, only a single study by Lavoie & Pychyl (2001) has investigated the precise association between computer use and procrastination. The question “Is procrastination a worse problem when using a computer than when performing a similar task manually?” is largely untested in the research literature.


Poster presentation at the 9th Biennial Procrastination Research Conference held in Bielefeld, Germany, July 2015.
