"Citation of Psalm 69:9 in John 2:17 as a Double Entendre" by Benjamin J. Lappenga

Citation of Psalm 69:9 in John 2:17 as a Double Entendre

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date





Bible, Gospel of John, Psalms, biblical interpretation


Like the other New Testament Gospels, the Gospel of John repeatedly appeals to Scripture (Old Testament). Preferring allusions and “echoes” alongside more explicit quotations, however, the Gospel of John weaves Scripture as an authoritative source concerning its story of Jesus. Yet, this is the same Gospel that is often regarded as antagonistic toward “the Jews,” especially the Jewish religious leaders, depicted within it.

This chapter provides an examination of the citation of Psalm 69:9 in John's telling of Jesus' cleansing of the temple (John 2:13-22).


Chapter from edited book: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/900799348

Lappenga, Benjamin. “The Citation of Psalm 69:9 in John 2:17 as a Double Entendre.” Abiding Words: Perspectives on the Use of Scripture in the Gospel of John. Resources for Biblical Study, no. 81. Edited by Alicia D. Myers and Bruce G. Schuchard. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015. 141-159. ISBN: 978-1-62837-094-2

Source Publication Title

Abiding Words : The Use of Scripture in the Gospel of John


Society of Biblical Literature Press

First Page

