"Developing the Horizon Content Knowledge of Teachers through a Math Te" by Tom Clark

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date



Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science


in-service teachers, Math Teachers' Circle Network, Horizon Content Knowledge, HCK


Although much of the training pre-service mathematics teachers receive is either in mathematical content or educational theory and pedagogy, research indicates that mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), which lies in a sense at the intersection of the two, is a factor in teacher quality. Unfortunately, none of the recent improvements in teacher preparation necessarily affect in-service mathematics teachers. One successful program affecting in-service teachers nationwide is the Math Teachers’ Circle Network. One strand of MKT that I believe math teachers’ circles are in a position to affect is Horizon Content Knowledge (HCK). Although taking advanced mathematics courses may improve HCK, often those courses are not taught in light of school mathematics, so it is left for the students to make the connections for themselves. In this talk I will discuss my work in starting a math teachers’ circle in NW Iowa with a goal of developing horizon content knowledge in teachers. I will share some of the materials I have used which make connections between school and advanced mathematics in a genuine way as well as its effect on the HCK of the participants.


Presented as part of the American Mathematical Society Special Session on Creating Coherence in K--12 Mathematics at the Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America, held in San Antonio, Texas, January 10-13, 2015.
