The Voice Archive
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Promoting Politics: Iowa Caucuses Prompt Action on Campus; Return on Investment; Campolo Challenges Comfortable Christians; Korean Exchange Grows; Dordt and Dutch University Offer International Exchange Program; Students Watch Pigs Do the Work; One-Act Festival Makes for Another Grand Weekend; Schelhaas Honored With Highest Regional Theater Award; Collaborative Ag Ed Program Could Ease Teacher Shortage; New Employees; Film Challenge Is Just That; Another Way to Do Business; Career Service is Available; Dordt Expands Nursing Enrollment; Dordt Prairie Is Becoming a Reality; KSP: Kuyper Scholars Thrive on Academic Challenge; Wolthuis Pens Book on Leadership Training; Faculty News; Fall Teams Make Way for Winter Ones; A Case for Boasting; Phonathon Callers Do As They Ask; Alumni Council Plans for Year; Alumni Notes; Real, Redemptive Stories; Katy Meets Garrison
Publication Date
Winter 2008
Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Voice, Winter 2008: Volume 53, Issue 2" (2008). The Voice Archive. 30.
Sally Jongsma