The Voice Archive
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Tomato, Tomato: Stahl Explores Alternative to Traditional Plant Cultivation; Justice Club Raises Awareness of Injustice; Who is Perched on Your Shoulder?; Graphic Design Students Show Their Stuff; Doing Scholarship: Fessler's Research on Reagan's Speech Appears Online; Running for Rats: Dordt Students Help Mission in Africa; And the Winner Is... ; Business Adds International Emphasis; Time, Patience, Trust. Rutgers Seeks Performance Career; Football & Music: They're Not So Different; Named Scholarship Recipients; Education Department Will Begin a Professional Development School; Human Resources Turns Ten; The Dordt College Prairie Gets Ready to Leap; Bringing the Prairie to the Public; Fall Sports Updates; Math Prof Lends Hand to Youth Hockey; Faculty News; Christmas Concerns and Joys; Alumni Notes; A Glimpse at the VOICE Survey Results; Calvin Struyk: A Legal Calling; Leanne Jelgerhuis Gillson: Teaching and Learning
Publication Date
Winter 2010
Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Voice, Winter 2010: Volume 55, Issue 2" (2010). The Voice Archive. 16.

Sally Jongsma