The Voice Archive


Dordt College



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Streaming Media


  • Leading Off With the President: Integrating Faith and Life
  • Editor's Notes: Service-Oriented
  • News: Art Lessons; Schuttinga's Ph.D. Guides Enrollment Strategy; Attema Gives Gallons; Schouten Receives Ag Safety Award; Students Receive Highest FFA Honor; Spanish Speakers Translate for Parent-Teacher Conferences; Making a Difference: AMOR Mission Trips Open Student's Eyes to Global Poverty; And the Award Goes To...; Faculty Bits; Cross Country Finishes Strong; Tudor's Athletic Success Influences His Studies; Worship Minor Grows out of a Vibrant Worship Culture; What is "The Beginning of Wisdom" in Today's Economic Climate?; Bidding Goodbye to People is Always Tinged with Sadness: Socorro Woodbury, Keith Sewell; and Bob Hilbelink; Accounting Major "Scores" on 2010 Exam
  • Features: What Does It Mean to Love a Neighbor?; Food for Thought; Defender Hoopla; Keizer in Africa; Vision 2020 Response Builds Momentum for Dordt's Future; Vander Haags
  • Alumni: Alumni Bits; Maas Verde; Changes; Dordt Alumni Share Kidneys; Up North to Stay; One Body One Hope

Publication Date

Winter 2012


Dordt College


Sioux Center, Iowa


Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College


Sally Jongsma

The Voice, Winter/Spring 2012: Volume 57, Issue 2
