"The Diamond, September 27, 1973" by Dordt College
Dordt Diamond


Dordt College



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Dordt Thalians Rehearse in Serious Comedy; Kobes Sustains Examination; Nixon Loses Support at Club Fair; Workshop Attracts Dordt Journalists; Editorial; Letters to the Editor; A Re-Defining Process; Van Dyk Reports Cornell a Challenge; Hulst Critiques Involvement Week; Information Forum; Dordt Ecologists Study Lakes; Class of '77 Vote in; Chapel Committee Begins Revival; Dr. Joel Nederhood: Proclaiming Christ in the Fullest Sense; Students Escape to Union County; "Healthy Atmosphere" or "Controlled Environment"?; Summer Jobs Provide a Look at Life; On Smashing and Those Other Athletes; Student "Job" Plugged by Profs; Mini-Teaching on This Semester; Signet Determined to Give Realistic Portrayal; News Flash; OCTC Generates "Happy Marriage"; Placement Meeting Aimed to Alert; Wild Supper in Offing; Business Prospers in More Than Numbers; Astronaut to Speak on Faith; Cooperation Keyword for Cassidy; Stradivari String Quartet Returns; Commons Caters to Connoisseurs; Uncle Fred Carries on Saturday School; Noted Philosopher Called to Chapel; Clubs Contribute to Campus; Dorm Discrimination on the Way Out; Physics to be Saturday's Keynote; Teacher's Institute to Tackle Problems; Soccer Club Gains Momentum; Jockettes Ready to Fly; Dordt Harriers Make Track; Golfers Suffer Double Defeat; Faculty Putts a Round; Briefly Speaking...

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Dordt College


Sioux Center, Iowa


Dordt College, Dordt Diamond, newspaper, student publication


Janet Vlieg

The Diamond, September 27, 1973
