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- Front Page: Graduation Brings Mixed Reactions; Ag Day Features Prof Auction; Renowned Pianist Performs with NISO; Banquet Goers Solve Murder Mystery; Discussion Groups Allow Students to Talk About Common Backgrounds
- Campus News: Chorale Travels Midwest on Weekend Tour; Leave Finals, Stress Behind with End of the Year Bash; Final Choir Concert of the Year Features 'Requiem'; Picture Poll: Dead Week
- Opinion: Global Observatory: Cheers and Jeers 96-97; Epistle to the Dordtians
- Reviews: Rep Theatre Shows Importance of Past; Ducks, Love, and the All-American Family: The One-Acts in Review; Being a Femme, Violence and the Violent Femmes
- Defender Sports: Weather Cooperates with Baseball Team, Play 10 Games; Track Teams Re-Writing History Page(s); Racqueteers Finish Busy Week Which Closes Season; Lady Defenders Wrap Up Regular Season
- Final Word: Students Adopt Arab Mindset; Competition Winner Announced for First Ever Lumberjack Day
- Zircon
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Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, The Zircon, Dordt Diamond, newspaper, student publication, spoof issue
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Diamond with The Zircon [Spoof Issue], May 1, 1997" (1997). Dordt Diamond. 256.
Kate Dekker