Dordt University's communication department recognizes that communication is a gift from God and is central to the human experience. We help students apply life-long effective communication knowledge and skills, and the technology to convey them in today’s world.
Faculty Work from 2024
Politics: Asking for a Friend, Michael Kearney
Faculty Work from 2023
A New Resolution: A Review of Resolved, Bruce Kuiper and Donald Roth
Faculty Work from 2022
Finding Hope in a Bleak Midwinter, Bruce Kuiper
Faculty Work from 2020
Part of a Balanced Breakfast: Three Steps to Restore Balance in our Digital World, Mark Volkers
Faculty Work from 2019
Praying and Acting Under Persecution: A Review of Under Caesar's Sword, Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 2017
Mind of Terror (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Faculty Work from 2016
Decisions, Decisions: Factors that Influence a Patient's Medical Tourism Choices, Louis K. Falk and Thomas J. Prinsen
Eisenhower's Farewell Speech: Initial and Continuing Communication Effects, Bruce Kuiper
Fair and Balanced News?, Charles Veenstra
Faith Shapes My Design, Mark Volkers
Learning to Speak the Language of Influence, Mark Volkers
Social Media and Persuasion - Great Expectations, Bruce Kuiper
When We Disagree, Charles Veenstra
Faculty Work from 2015
Malaria, Mosquitoes, and Special Revelation, Mark Volkers
Medical Tourism: How Far are You Willing to Go to Save Money?, Thomas J. Prinsen, Louis K. Falk, and Javier Martinez
My Brother, My Sister, Charles Veenstra
Practice of Listening, Kae Van Engen
Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture and Computer Technology (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Vital Sign in Healthcare: Are You Missing It?, Kae Van Engen
Walk Humbly with Your God, Charles Veenstra
Women and Sportscasting: A Different Kind of Ballgame, Bruce Kuiper
Faculty Work from 2014
Social Media’s Impact on Listening and Loneliness, Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 2012
Branding Obamessiah: The Rise of an American Idol (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Musalaha: Opportunities and Challenges in Listening for Reconciliation, Charles Veenstra
Pilgrim’s Progress Progress: How a Novel Can Affect an Entire Culture’s Communication, Bruce Kuiper
Recent Books by Palestinian Christians (Book Reviews), Charles Veenstra
Role of Communication and Listening in Leadership, Kae Van Engen
Submissions from 2011
Children of the Light, Charles Veenstra
Putting a Face on the Facts, Mark Volkers
Submissions from 2008
Christian Zionism: Listening Left Behind, Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 2007
Christian Perspective on Intercultural Communication, Emmanuel Ayee
Submissions from 2003
Dutch Chicago: A History of the Hollanders in the Windy City (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 2001
Border Crossings: Christian Trespasses on Popular Culture and Public Affairs (Book Review), Tim P. Vos
Submissions from 2000
How Now Shall We Live (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
How the News Makes Us Dumb: The Death of Wisdom in an Information Society (Book Review), Tim P. Vos
Submissions from 1993
Men at the Crossroads: Beyond Traditional Roles & Modern Options (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Talent-Oriented Leadership, the Small Group, and Implications for Organization, Daryl Vander Kooi
Submissions from 1992
Dialogical Approach to Interpersonal Communication: A Critique, Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 1991
Two Shall Become One: Reflections on Dating, Courtship & Marriage (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 1990
Case Against Television, Daryl Vander Kooi
Submissions from 1989
Public Knowledge and Christian Education (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 1988
Caring and Commitment: Learning to Live the Love We Promise (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Kingdoms in Conflict (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 1987
Covenants: God's Claims (Book Review), Charles Veenstra
Religious Television: The American Experience (Book Review), David Campbell
Telling the Next Generation: Educational Development in North American Calvinist Christian Schools (Book Review), Martin Dekkenga
Submissions from 1986
Communication and Culture, Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 1983
Guatemala: More Than a News Story, David Campbell
Faculty Work from 1981
Reformed Theological Ethics of Speech Communication, Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 1979
President Carter's Sermon on Human Rights in Foreign Policy, Charles Veenstra
Submissions from 1978
Elmo Myson, Lugene Vanden Bosch
Ozinga Lectures, Charles Veenstra
Untitled, Lugene Vanden Bosch
Submissions from 1975
Models of Religious Broadcasting (Book Review), Martin Dekkenga
Radio and the Christian Broadcaster, Martin Dekkenga
Submissions from 1974
Attack on and Defense of Debate, Daryl Vander Kooi