Futurity in Phenomenology: Promise and Method in Husserl, Lévinas, and Derrida

Futurity in Phenomenology: Promise and Method in Husserl, Lévinas, and Derrida


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From Husserl’s account of protention to the recent turn to eschatology in “theological” phenomenology, the future has always been a key aspect of phenomenological theories of time. This book offers the first sustained reflection on the significance of futurity for the phenomenological method itself. In tracing the development of this theme, the author shows that only a proper understanding of the two-fold nature of the future (as constitution and as openness) can clarify the way in which phenomenology brings the subject and the world together. Futurity therefore points us to the centrality of the promise for phenomenology, recasting phenomenology as a promissory discipline.

Clearly written and carefully argued, this book provides fresh insight into the phenomenological provenance of the “theological” turn and the phenomenological conclusions of Husserl, Levinas, and Derrida. Closely examining the themes of protention, eschatology, and the messianic, it will be essential reading for anyone interested in phenomenology, philosophy of religion, deconstruction, or philosophical theology.



Publication Date





Fordham University Press


New York, New York


phenomenology, forecasting, Edmund Husserl, Emmanuel Levinas, Jacques Derrida


Continental Philosophy


Part of the Perspectives in Continental Philosophy series.

Table of Contents:
Protention as more than inverse retention --
Expecting the world --
Experience and the essential possibility of anticipation --
Phenomenology, openness, and ethics as first philosophy --
From eschatology to awaiting: futurity in Levinas --
Levinas's unique contribution to futurity in phenomenology --
Genesis, beginnings, and futurity --
From deferring to waiting (for the Messiah): Derrida's account of futurity --
The promise of the future.

Futurity in Phenomenology: Promise and Method in Husserl, Lévinas, and Derrida
