Content Posted in 2018
Acculturation Through Education, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
A Christian Psychologist's Take on Parenting in a Tech-Driven World, Luralyn M. Helming
AGOP 101: Introduction to Farm Operations and Management, Tom Colarossi
AGOP 111: Farm Safety and Equipment, Tom Colarossi
AGOP 112: Farm Maintenance and Repair, Tom Colarossi
AGOP 113 / MFG 113: Introduction to Welding, Brazing, and Soldering, David Lammers
AGOP 211: Principles of Agronomy, Tom Colarossi
AGRI 101 / CORE 213: The Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals, Duane Bajema
AGRI 101: The Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals, Duane Bajema
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agricultural Safety, Duane Bajema
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agricultural Safety, Duane Bajema
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agricultural Safety, Duane Bajema and Mike Schouten
AGRI 105: Orientation and Agriculture Safety, Duane Bajema
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Gary De Vries
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Chris L. Goedhart
AGRI 201: Nature and Properties of Solis, Chris L. Goedhart
AGRI 201: Nature and Properties of Solis, Chris L. Goedhart
AGRI 221: Introduction to Farm Management and Accounting, Ronald Vos
AGRI 221: Introduction to Farm Management and Accounting, Ron Vos
AGRI 232: Feeds and Feeding, John Olthoff
AGRI 232: Feeds and Feeding, John Olthoff
AGRI 232: Feeds and Feeding, John Olthoff
AGRI 233: Principles of Dairy Science, John Olthoff
AGRI 234: Principles of Animal Health, John Olthoff
AGRI 235: Swine Science, Duane Bajema
AGRI 235: Swine Science, Duane Bajema
AGRI 238: Beef and Sheep Science, John Olthoff
AGRI 251: Horticultural Plants, Chris L. Goedhart
AGRI 255: Forage Crop Management, Ron Vos
AGRI 255: Forage Crop Management, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 290: Perspectives on Agricultural Economics, History, and Policy, Ronald Vos
AGRI 290: Perspectives on Agricultural Economics, History, and Policy, Ron Vos
AGRI 291: Anatomy and Physiology of Animals, John Olthoff
AGRI 291: Anatomy and Physiology of Animals, John Olthoff
AGRI 303: Geographic Information Systems, Tony Tuinstra
AGRI 311: Soil Fertility, Ronald Vos
AGRI 312: Agriculture Marketing, Duane Bajema
AGRI 312: Agriculture Marketing, Duane Bajema
AGRI 312: Agriculture Marketing, Duane Bajema
AGRI 315: Entomology and Pest Management, Chris Goedhart
AGRI 316: Plant Protection - Weed Science and Plant Pathology, Chris L. Goedhart
AGRI 321: Advanced Farm Management, Ronald Vos
AGRI 321: Advanced Farm Management, Ron Vos
AGRI 321: Advanced Farm Management, Ron Vos
AGRI 331: Reproductive Physiology, John Olthoff
AGRI 332: Advanced Animal Nutrition, John Olthoff
AGRI 334: Applied Animal Breeding, John Olthoff
AGRI 336: Meat Science, John Olthoff
AGRI 346: Agriculture Leadership and Sales, Gary De Vries
AGRI 350: Field Crop Production and Management, Ron Vos
AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, Chris L. Goedhart and Gary De Vries
AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, Chris L. Goedhart
AGRI 370: Agroecology, Robb De Haan
AGRI 370: Agroecology, Robb De Haan
AGRI 370: Agroecology, Robb De Haan
AGRI 371: Practicum, Duane Bajema
AGRI 371: Practicum, Duane Bajema
AGRI 373: Agriculture Internship, Gary De Vries
AGRI 380: Directed Study, Duane Bajema
AGRI 380: Directed Study, John Olthoff
AGRI 380: Directed Study Agriculture, Duane Bajema
AGRI 381: Implementation Component, Duane Bajema
A Letter to Dr. Sacha Walicord, Chris Gousmett
American Made (Movie Review), Joshua Matthews
A Miracle in No Man's Land, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
An Agent of Restoration in a Broken World, Sarah Moss
Analyzing Metabolomics Data for Association with Genotypes Using Two-Component Gaussian Mixture Distributions, Jason Westra, Nicholas Hartman, Bethany Lake, Gregory Shearer, and Nathan L. Tintle
An Introduction to All Curricula, Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
Anywhere But There, James C. Schaap
A Peacemaker Enters the War to End All Wars, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Are There Philosophical Conflicts Between Science & Religion? (Leader's Guide), Lydia Marcus
Are There Philosophical Conflicts Between Science & Religion? (Participant's Guide), Lydia Marcus
ART 201: Design Theory, David Versluis
ART 201: Design Theory, David Versluis
ART 201: Design Theory, David Versluis
ART 201: Design Theory, David Versluis
ART 202: Drawing I, Matt Drissell
ART 202: Drawing I, Matt Drissell
ART 202: Drawing I, Matt Drissell
ART 202: Drawing I, Matt Drissell
ART 202: Drawing I, Matt Drissell
ART 207: Art History - Ancient and Medieval, Matt Drissell
ART 208: Art History - Renaissance to 19th Century, Matt Drissell
ART 209: Art History - Contemporary Art and Architecture, Matt Drissell
ART 211: Art for the Elementary Teacher, Matt Drissell
ART 216: Sculpture I, Matt Drissell
ART 216: Sculpture I, Matt Drissell
ART 218: Ceramics, Jake Van Wyk
ART 218: Ceramics, Jake Van Wyk
ART 225: Painting I, Matt Drissell
ART 225: Painting I, Matt Drissell
ART 225: Painting I, Matt Drissell
ART 225: Painting I, Matt Drissell
ART 228: Printmaking I, Jake Van Wyk
ART 230: Introduction to Photography, Doug Burg
ART 230: Introduction to Photography, Doug Burg
ART 240: Graphic Design I, David Versluis
ART 240: Graphic Design I, David Versluis
ART 240: Graphic Design I, David Versluis
ART 250: Web and Interactive Design, Matt Van Rys
ART 295: Motion Graphic Design, David Versluis
ART 295: Motion Graphics, Todd Montsma
ART 302: Advanced Drawing, Jake Van Wyk
ART 302: Advanced Drawing, Jake Van Wyk
ART 302: Advanced Drawing, Jake Van Wyk
ART 318: Advanced Ceramics, Jake Van Wyk
ART 325: Painting II, Matt Drissell
ART 330: Advanced Contemporary Photography, Doug Burg
ART 330: Advanced Contemporary Photography, Doug Burg
ART 340: Graphic Design III, David Versluis
ART 341: Special Topics - Web Design, Matt Van Rys
ART 352: Drawing III, Matt Drissell
ART 370: Senior Seminar in Art, Jake Van Wyk
ART 370: Senior Seminar in Art, Jake Van Wyk
ART 375: Painting III, Matt Drissell
ART 375: Painting III, Matt Drissell
ART 380: Advanced Creative Photography, Doug Burg
ART 380: Advanced Creative Photography, Doug Burg
ART 380: Advanced Creative Photography, Doug Burg
ART 390: Graphic Design III, David Versluis
ART 390: Graphic Design III, David Versluis
ART 390: Graphic Design III, David Versluis
A Satisfied Soul, Robert Lancaster
ASTR 121 / CORE 224: Solar System Astronomy, Joseph Kirtland
ASTR 121L / CORE 224L: Solar System Astronomy Lab, Joseph Kirtland
ASTR 122 / CORE 225: Stellar and Galactic Astronomy, Joseph Kirtland
ASTR 122 / CORE 225: Stellar and Galactic Astronomy, Joseph Jasper
ASTR 122L / CORE 255L: Solar System Astronomy Laboratory, Joseph Kirtland
A Walk into Nature's Past, James C. Schaap
BIO 115: Botany, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 115: Botany, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 115: General Botany, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 122L: Zoology Lab, James Mahaffy
BIO 122: Zoology, James Mahaffy
BIO 122: Zoology, James Mahaffy
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Robb De Haan
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Robb De Haan
BIO 200: Principles of Ecology and Field Biology, Robb De Haan
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 201L: Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab, Traci Hoogland
BIO 201L: Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab, Traci Hoogland
BIO 201L: Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab, Traci Hoogland
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Robbin Eppinga
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Cheryl Bronner
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Cheryl Bronner
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Mindy Walstra-Hummel
BIO 202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 202L: Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab, Traci Hoogland
BIO 202L: Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab, Traci Hoogland
BIO 210 / HHP 211: Nutrition, Charlotte Kooima
BIO 210 / HHP 211: Nutrition, Charlotte Kooima
BIO 210 / HPER 211: Nutrition, Charlotte Kooima
BIO 210 / HPER 211: Nutrition, Charlotte Kooima
BIO 210 / HPER 211: Nutrition, Charlotte Kooima
BIO 213: Genetics, Robb De Haan
BIO 213: Genetics, Robb De Haan
BIO 214: Genetics with Laboratory, Robb De Haan
BIO 214: Genetics with Laboratory, Robb De Haan
BIO 227: Paleontology, James Mahaffy
BIO 251 / CORE 219: Perspectives on Origins, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 301: Developmental Biology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 302: Microbiology, Robbin Eppinga
BIO 302: Microbiology, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 302: Microbiology, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 302: Microbiology, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 304: Histology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 310: Advanced Microbiology, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 310: Advanced Microbiology, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 316 / CORE 216: Flora of North America / God's Green Earth, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 316: Local Flora, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 319: Plant Physiology, Jeff Ploegstra
BIO 322: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 322: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 323: Bioinformatics, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 335: Cell Biology, James Mahaffy
BIO 335: Cell Biology, James Mahaffy
BIO 335: Cell Biology, James Mahaffy
BIO 355 / BIO 356: Research, Tony N. Jelsma, James Mahaffy, Jeff Ploegstra, and Robb De Haan
BIO 355: Research, Tony N. Jelsma, James Mahaffy, Jeff Ploegstra, and Robb De Haan
BIO 355: Research, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 356: Research, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 356: Research, Tony N. Jelsma
BIO 357: Medical Terminology, Tony N. Jelsma and Donna De Vries
BIO 357: Medical Terminology, Tony N. Jelsma and Donna De Vries
BIO 357: Medical Terminology, Tony N. Jelsma and Donna De Vries
BIO 358: Introduction to Biological Research, Tony N. Jelsma, Jeff Ploegstra, James Mahaffy, and Robb De Haan
BIO 358: Introduction to Biological Research, Tony N. Jelsma, Jeff Ploegstra, James Mahaffy, and Robb De Haan
BIO 358: Introduction to Biological Research, Tony N. Jelsma, Jeff Ploegstra, James Mahaffy, and Robb De Haan
BIO 358: Introduction to Biological Research, Tony N. Jelsma, Jeff Ploegstra, James Mahaffy, and Robb De Haan
BIO 380: Directed Senior Research, Tony N. Jelsma, James Mahaffy, Jeff Ploegstra, and Robb De Haan
BIO 380: Directed Senior Research, Tony N. Jelsma, James Mahaffy, Jeff Ploegstra, and Robert DeHaan
BIO 380: Directed Senior Research, Tony N. Jelsma, Jeff Ploegstra, Robb De Haan, and James Mahaffy
BIO 380 / ENVR 380: Directed Senior Research, Tony N. Jelsma, James Mahaffy, Jeff Ploegstra, and Robb De Haan
BIO 380 / ENVR 380: Directed Senior Research, Tony N. Jelsma, James Mahaffy, Jeff Ploegstra, and Robb De Haan
BIOT 213 / CORE 218: Introduction to Biotechnology, Tony N. Jelsma
Black Sunday: Dust to Dust, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Bleeding Kansas, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Bringing Life to History, Kate Henreckson
BUAD 100-01: Computer Literacy for Business, Shirley Folkerts
BUAD 100-02: Computer Literacy for Business, Tim Klein
BUAD 100: Computer Literacy for Business, Tim Klein
BUAD 100: Computer Literacy for Business, Shirley Folkerts
BUAD 100: Computer Literacy for Business, Shirley Folkerts
BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 202: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 202: Principles of Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 205: Principles of Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Randy Smit
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Randy Smit
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 207: Human Resource Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 207: Human Resource Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 225: Introduction to Finance, John Visser
BUAD 226: Personal Finance, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 226: Personal Finance, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 241-93: Professional Practices - Career Prep and Etiquette, Tim Klein
BUAD 242: Advanced Excel Techniques, Tim Klein
BUAD 243: Introduction to QuickBooks, Shirley Folkerts
BUAD 301: Business Law I, Donald Roth
BUAD 301: Business Law I, Donald Roth
BUAD 301: Business Law I, Tim Rylaarsdam
BUAD 302: Business Law II, Donald Roth
BUAD 302: Business Law II, Tim Rylaarsdam
BUAD 303: Geographic Information Systems, Tony Tuinstra
BUAD 304: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Randy Smit
BUAD 305: Introduction to Finance, John Visser
BUAD 306: Marketing Management, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 306: Marketing Management, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 308: Integrated Marketing Communications, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 308: Integrated Marketing Communications, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 310: Intermediate Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 311: Intermediate Accounting II, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 311: Intermediate Accounting II, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 312: Advanced Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 312: Advanced Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 313: Cost Accounting, Randy Smit
BUAD 314: Accounting, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 314: Auditing, Robert Hilbelink
BUAD 315: Federal Income Tax, Donald Roth
BUAD 315: Federal Income Tax, Randy Smit
BUAD 316: Advanced Income Tax, Randy Smit
BUAD 320: Not-For-Profit Accounting, Randy Smit
BUAD 325: Advanced Financial Management, John Visser
BUAD 326: Investments Management, John Visser
BUAD 326: Investments Management, John Visser
BUAD 330: International Business, John Visser
BUAD 333: Strategic Human Resource Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 333: Strategic Human Resources Management, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 335: Organizational Behavior, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 335: Organizational Behavior, Brian Hoekstra
BUAD 336: Marketing Research, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 336: Marketing Research - Individual Studies, Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 338: E-Marketing, Alango Otieno and Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 338: E-Marketing, Alango Otieno and Dale Zevenbergen
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, Art Attema
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, Art Attema
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, John Visser
BUAD 351: Senior Business Seminar, Art Attema and John Visser
BUED 105: Calculating Machines and Records Management, Tim Klein
BUED 105: Calculating Machines and Records Management, Tim Klein
BUED 112: Keyboard and Document Formatting, Tim Klein
BUED 112: Keyboarding and Document Formatting, Tim Klein
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Shirley Folkerts
BUED 203: Introduction to Accounting, Shirley Folkerts
BUED 321: Office Procedures and Administration, Tim Klein
BUED 321: Office Procedures and Administration, Tim Klein
BUED 322: Advanced Office Procedures, Tim Klein
BUED 322: Advanced Office Procedures, Tim Klein
Calvin's Political Theology and the Public Engagement of the Church: Christ's Two Kingdoms (Book Review), Keith C. Sewell
Can We Explain Human Nature Using Evolutionary Psychology? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
Can We Explain Human Nature Using Evolutionary Psychology? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
Centennial Anthem: SATB Choir, Dale Grotenhuis
CHEM 101-01: General Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 101-01: General Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 101-02: Chemistry for Nurses, Darren Stoub
CHEM 101L: General Chemistry Lab, Traci Hoogland
CHEM 101L: General Chemistry Lab, Ronald Solberg
CHEM 103 / CHEM 104: Principles of Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 103 / CHEM 104: Principles of Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 103 / CHEM 104: Principles of Chemistry Lab, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 104: Principles of Chemistry II, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 122: Organic and Biochemistry, Darren Stoub
CHEM 122: Organic and Biological Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 212: Quantitative Analysis, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 221: Organic Chemistry, Darren Stoub
CHEM 221: Organic Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 222: Organic Chemistry, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 222: Organic Chemistry II, Darren Stoub
CHEM 251 / ENVR 251: Environmental Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 311: Inorganic Chemistry, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 325: Biochemistry I, Darren Stoub
CHEM 325: Biochemistry - Introduction and Structure, Edwin J. Geels
CHEM 326: Biochemistry Laboratory, Darren Stoub
CHEM 327: Biochemistry II, Darren Stoub
CHEM 331 / PHYS 331: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Nolan Van Gaalen
CHEM 332: Thermodynamics Lab, Carl P. Fictorie
CHEM 333: Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Kinetics, Carl P. Fictorie
CJ 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice, Donald Roth
CJ 205: Crime Scene Investigation, Aaron Koning
CJ 205: Criminal Investigation, Tim Rylaarsdam
CJ 302: Juvenile Justice, Erin Olson
CJ 305: Victimology and Family Violence, Shari Kastein
CJ 322 / PLST 322: American Constitutional Law, Tim Rylaarsdam
CJ 322 / POLS 322: American Constitutional Law, Donald Roth
CJ 323: Criminal Law and Procedure, Jared Weber
CJ 323: Criminal Law and Procedure, Tim Rylaardsam
CM 101: Principles of Construction Management, Shane Vander Kooi
CMCS 390 / EGR 390: Technology and Society, Nick Breems and Kevin Timmer
CMSC 110: Programming for Engineers, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 110: Programming for Engineers, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 111: Structured Programming I, Dennis De Jong and Kari Sandouka
CMSC 111: Structured Programming I, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 112: Programming II, Dawn M. Wolthuis
CMSC 112: Structured Programming II, Kari Sandouka
CMSC 120: Information System Design, Kari Sandouka
CMSC 120: Information Systems Design, Dawn M. Wolthuis
CMSC 131: Introduction to Data Communications, Kari Sandouka
CMSC 131: Introduction to Data Communications, Nick Breems
CMSC 145: Computer Systems, Nick Breems
CMSC 202: Data Structures, Nick Breems
CMSC 220: Database Systems Design, Dawn M. Wolthuis
CMSC 231: Client/Server Programming, Kari Sandouka
CMSC 245: Network System Administration, Kari Sandouka
CMSC 305: Operating Systems, Nick Breems
CMSC 308: Programming Languages Concepts, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 311: Computer Architecture and Assembly Language, Dennis De Jong
CMSC 320: Information System for Decision Support, Kari Sandouka
CMSC 320: Information Systems for Decision Support, Dawn M. Wolthuis
CMSC 347: WebDev/Client-Side Web Programming, Dawn M. Wolthuis
CMSC 390 / EGR 390: Technology and Society, Kevin Timmer and Nick Breems
COMM 100-01 & 02: Speaking and Listening for College, Kae Van Engen
COMM 100-03: Fundamentals of Speaking and Listening, April Hubbard
COMM 100: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Art Attema
COMM 100: Speaking and Listening for College, Kae Van Engen
COMM 100: Speaking and Listening for College, Kae Van Engen
COMM 100: Speaking and Listening for College, Kae Van Engen
COMM 201: Principles of Communication, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 201: Principles of Communication, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 201: Principles of Communication, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 220: Small Group Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 220: Small Group Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222 / CORE 254: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222 / CORE 254: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222 / CORE 254: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222 / CORE 254: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222 / CORE 254: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 222: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 228: Organizational Communication, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 228: Organizational Communication, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 228: Organizational Communication, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 240: Introduction to Mass Communication, Mark Volkers
COMM 240: Introduction to Mass Communication, Mark Volkers
COMM 241 / ENG 241: Introduction to Journalism, Jennifer Dukes Lee
COMM 241: Introduction to Journalism, Jennifer Dukes Lee
COMM 242 / ENG 242: Intermediate Reporting ad Writing for the Mass Media, Jennifer Dukes Lee
COMM 250: Introduction to Film/Video Production, Mark Volkers
COMM 250: Introduction to Film/Video Production, Mark Volkers
COMM 250: Introduction to Film/Video Production, Mark Volkers
COMM 255: Film Criticism, Mark Volkers
COMM 255: Film Criticism, Mark Volkers
COMM 260: Public Relations, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 260: Public Relations, Bruce Kuiper
COMM 301: Advanced Expository Writing, James C. Schaap
COMM 302 / ENG 302: Advanced Expository Writing, Bill Elgersma
COMM 311: Advanced Public Address, Charles Veenstra
COMM 314: Argumentation and Persuasion, Charles Veenstra
COMM 314: Argumentation and Persuasion, Charles Veenstra
COMM 320: Advanced Film and Video Production, Mark Volkers
COMM 320: Advanced Film and Video Production, Mark Volkers
COMM 322: Family Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 322: Family Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 322: Family Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 330: Advanced Editing, Mark Volkers
COMM 333: Documentary Film Making, Mark Volkers
COMM 333: Documentary Film Making, Mark Volkers
COMM 342: Listening, Kae Van Engen
COMM 344: Political Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 344: Political Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 380: Senior Seminar in Communication, Charles Veenstra
COMM 380: Senior Seminar in Communication, Charles Veenstra
CORE 100-01: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Thomas R. Wolthuis
CORE 100-01: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, John Olthoff
CORE 100-02: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Charles Veenstra
CORE 100-02: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, April Hubbard
CORE 100-03 & 04: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Andy Schuttinga
CORE 100-03: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
CORE 100-04: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Kae Van Engen
CORE 100-05 & 06: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Ron Rynders
CORE 100-05: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Dianne De Wit
CORE 100-06: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Bruce Kuiper
CORE 100-07 & 08: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Shirley Folkerts
CORE 100-08 & 09: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Ron Rynders
CORE 100-08: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Ron Rynders
CORE 100-09: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Gary De Vries
CORE 100-10: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Corinne Hentges
CORE 100-11: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Tim Klein
CORE 100-11: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Nolan Van Gaalen
CORE 100-12: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Donald Roth
CORE 100-12: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Tim Klein
CORE 100-12: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Lee Pitts
CORE 100-13: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Chris DeJong
CORE 100-13: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Simon du Toit
CORE 100-13: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Charles Veenstra
CORE 100-14 & 15: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Corinne Hentges
CORE 100-14 & 20: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Mary Beth Pollema
CORE 100-14: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Jan van Vliet
CORE 100-15: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Wayne A. Kobes
CORE 100-15: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Leendert van Beek
CORE 100-16 &18: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Dianne De Wit
CORE 100-16: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Art Attema
CORE 100-16: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Joel K. Sikkema
CORE 100-17: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Nolan Van Gaalen
CORE 100-17: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Jay Shim
CORE 100-17: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Rebekah Earnshaw
CORE 100-18: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Charles Veenstra
CORE 100-19: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Duane Bajema
CORE 100-19: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Shirley Folkerts
CORE 100-19: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Deb Bomgaars
CORE 100-20: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Avonda Fessler
CORE 100-20: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Linsay Vladimirov
CORE 100-21: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Paul Fessler
CORE 100-21: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Kyle Lindbergh
CORE 100-22: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, John Olthoff
CORE 100-22: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Paul Fessler
CORE 100-22: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Ron Vos
CORE 100-23: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
CORE 100-23: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Andy Schuttinga
CORE 100-24: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Kae Van Engen
CORE 100-24: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
CORE 100-25: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Thomas R. Wolthuis
CORE 100: Kingdom, Identity, and Calling, Shirley Folkerts
CORE 110-01 & 02: Communication and Culture, April Hubbard
CORE 110-01 & 02: Speaking and Listening for College, Kae Van Engen
CORE 110-01: Communication and Contemporary Culture, Bruce Kuiper
CORE 110-01: Communication and Contemporary Culture, April Hubbard
CORE 110-01: Communication and Culture, April Hubbard
CORE 110-01: Communication Foundations, Lee Pitts
CORE 110-02 & 03: Communication and Contemporary Culture, Bruce Kuiper
CORE 110-02: Communication and Contemporary Culture, Bruce Kuiper
CORE 110-02: Communication Foundations, Thomas J. Prinsen
CORE 110-03: Communication and Contemporary Culture, Teresa TerHaar
CORE 110-03: Communication and Culture, Bruce Kuiper
CORE 110-03: Communication Foundations, Josiah Wallace
CORE 110-04 & 05: Communication Foundations, Charles Veenstra
CORE 110-06: Communication Foundations, Teresa TerHaar
CORE 110: Communication and Contemporary Culture, Teresa TerHaar
CORE 110-MN: Communication and Culture, Paul Bootsma
CORE 120-01 & 02: College Composition, Howard Schaap
CORE 120-01 & 02: English Composition, Howard Schaap
CORE 120-01: English Composition, Sarah Groneck
CORE 120-01: English Composition, Bill Elgersma
CORE 120-02 & 03: College Composition, Bob De Smith
CORE 120-02 & 03: English Composition, Bree Brouwer and Carma Smidt
CORE 120-02 & 03: English Composition, Joshua Matthews
CORE 120-02: English Composition, Howard Schaap
CORE 120-03: Grammar and Composition, Bill Elgersma
CORE 120-04 & 05: College Composition, Howard Schaap
CORE 120-04: English Composition, Carma Smidt and Bree Brouwer
CORE 120-04: English Composition, Bob De Smith
CORE 120-04: English Composition, Judy Bowman
CORE 120-05: English Composition, Joshua E. Bowar
CORE 120-06: English Composition, Bill Elgersma
CORE 120-07 & 08: English Composition, Leah A. Zuidema
CORE 120: Grammar and Composition, Judy Bowman
CORE 120: Grammar and Composition, Bill Elgersma
CORE 130-50A: Tennis, John Heavner
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body, Jeff Schouten
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body, Jeff Schouten
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body, Jeff Schouten
CORE 135-10A - 10D: Recreational Badminton, Mike Garner
CORE 135-91: Weight Training, Glenn Bouma and Bill Bauer
CORE 140-01 & 02: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, David Zwart
CORE 140-01 & 02: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, David Zwart
CORE 140-01 & 02: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, David Zwart
CORE 140-01 & 02: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, David Zwart
CORE 140-01 & 02: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Bobbi Sutherland
CORE 140-01 & 02: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Walker Cosgrove
CORE 140-03 & 04: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, David Zwart
CORE 140-03 & 06: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Bobbi Sutherland
CORE 140-03: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Mark McCarthy
CORE 140-04 & 05: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Keith C. Sewell
CORE 140-05: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Keith C. Sewell
CORE 145-01 & 02: Roots of Western Cultures and Worldview, Paul Fessler
CORE 145-01 & 02: Western Culture in Global Context, Paul Fessler
CORE 145-01: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Paul Fessler
CORE 145-03 & 04: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Keith C. Sewell
CORE 145-03 & 04: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Keith C. Sewell
CORE 145-03 & 04: The Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews, Keith C. Sewell
CORE 145-05 & 06: Western Culture in Global Context, Bobbi Sutherland
CORE 145-05 & 06: Western World in Global Context, Bobbi Sutherland
CORE 145-05 & 06: Western World in Global Context, Bobbi Sutherland
CORE 145: Modern Western Culture, Paul Fessler
CORE 145: Modern Western Culture in Global Context, Paul Fessler
CORE 150-01 & 02: Biblical Foundations, Jay Shim
CORE 150-01 & 02: Biblical Foundations, Clinton W. Lowin
CORE 150-01 & 05: Biblical Foundations, Jay Shim
CORE 150-01: Biblical Foundations, Jay Shim
CORE 150-01: Perspectives in Biblical Theology, Clifford Hoekstra
CORE 150-02 & 03: Biblical Foundations, Clinton W. Lowin
CORE 150-02: Biblical Foundations, Aaron Baart
CORE 150-02: Perspectives in Biblical Theology, Thomas R. Wolthuis
CORE 150-03: Biblical Foundations, Thomas R. Wolthuis
CORE 150-03: Biblical Foundations, Thomas R. Wolthuis
CORE 150-03: Biblical Foundations, Thomas R. Wolthuis
CORE 150-03: Perspectives in Biblical Theology, Mark Verbruggen
CORE 150-04: Biblical Foundations, Mark Verbruggen
CORE 150-04: Biblical Foundations, Mark Verbruggen
CORE 150-04: Biblical Foundations, Mark Verbruggen
CORE 150-04: Biblical Foundations, Jay Shim
CORE 150-04: Perspectives in Biblical Theology, Wayne A. Kobes
CORE 150-05: Biblical Foundations, Aaron Baart
CORE 160-01: Film Sub-Course, Bob De Smith
CORE 160-01: Introduction to the Arts, Jake Van Wyk, Bob De Smith, Benjamin Kornelis, and April Hubbard
CORE 160-02 / GEN 200: Music Sub-Course, Karen DeMol
CORE 160-03: Theatre Sub-Course, Simon du Toit
CORE 160-04: Introduction to the Arts, Jake Van Wyk, Karen DeMol, Simon du Toit, and Bob De Smith
CORE 160-10: Film Sub-Course, Howard Schaap
CORE 160-30: Visual Arts, Matt Drissell
CORE 160F-01: Film Sub-Course - Viewing and Responding to Film, Bob De Smith
CORE 160F-01: Introduction to the Arts, Bob De Smith
CORE 160F-01: Viewing and Responding to Film, Bob De Smith
CORE 160F-01: Viewing and Responding to Film, Howard Schaap
CORE 160F-02: Music Sub-Course, Karen DeMol
CORE 160F-02 &S-92: Music Sub-Course, Benjamin Kornelis
CORE 160F-03: Introduction to the Arts, April Hubbard
CORE 160F-03: Theatre Sub-Course, April Hubbard
CORE 160F-03: Theatre Sub-Course, Simon du Toit
CORE 160F-03: Theatre Sub-Course, April Hubbard
CORE 160F-04: The Visual Arts, Matt Drissell
CORE 160F-04: The Visual Arts, Matt Drissell
CORE 160: Introduction to the Arts, Jake Van Wyk, Bob De Smith, Karen De Mol, and April Hubbard
CORE 160: Introduction to the Arts, Matt Drissell, Karen DeMol, Simon du Toit, and Bob De Smith
CORE 160S-91: Viewing and Responding to Film, Bob De Smith
CORE 160S-92: Music Sub-Course, Karen DeMol
CORE 160S-93: Theatre Sub-Course, Simon du Toit
CORE 160S-93: Theatre Sub-Course, April Hubbard
CORE 160S-94: The Visual Arts, Matt Drissell
CORE 160S-94: The Visual Arts, Matt Drissell
CORE 180-01 & 02: Responding to Literature, Bill Elgersma
CORE 180-01 & 03: Responding to Literature, Howard Schaap
CORE 180-01: Responding to Literature, Bill Elgersma
CORE 180-01: Responding to Literature, James C. Schaap
CORE 180-02 & 03: Responding to Literature, Howard Schaap
CORE 180-02 & 03: Responding to Literature, Bill Elgersma
CORE 180-02: Responding to Literature, Mary Dengler
CORE 180-03: Responding to Literature, Leah A. Zuidema
CORE 180-04: Responding to Literature, James C. Schaap
CORE 180-04: Responding to Literature, James C. Schaap
CORE 180-04: Responding to Literature, Howard Schaap
CORE 180-04: Responding to Literature, Bob De Smith
CORE 180-05: Responding to Literature, Leah A. Zuidema
CORE 180-05: Responding to Literature, James C. Schaap
CORE 180: Responding to Literature, Bill Elgersma
CORE 200-01 & 02: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Neal DeRoo
CORE 200-01 & 02: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Neal DeRoo
CORE 200-03 & 04: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Mark Tazelaar
CORE 200-03 & 04: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Mark Tazelaar
CORE 200: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Neal DeRoo
CORE 200: Introduction to Christian Philosophy, Neal DeRoo
CORE 211-01 / ENVR 151-01 / ERTH 151-01: Introduction to Environmental Science, Tim Kamp
CORE 211-02 & 03 / ENVR 151-02 / ERTH 151-02: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Ron Vos
CORE 211 / ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Jeff Ploegstra
CORE 211 / ENVR 151: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Jeff Ploegstra
CORE 212: Human Biology, Tony N. Jelsma
CORE 212: Human Biology, James Mahaffy
CORE 212: Human Biology, James Mahaffy
CORE 212: Human Biology, James Mahaffy
CORE 212: Human Biology, James Mahaffy
CORE 214: Food - Connecting to Life, John Olthoff
CORE 214: Food - Connecting to Life, Chris Goedhart
CORE 215 / AGRI 111: Introduction to Plant Science, Chris L. Goedhart
CORE 216 / BIO 115: General Botany, Jeff Ploegstra
CORE 217 / ENVR 270: Avian Biology and Conservation, Robb De Haan
CORE 221: Physics Applications and Implications, John Zwart
CORE 222 / ENVR 152: Energy, Materials, and the Environment, Kevin Timmer
CORE 222 / ENVR 152: Energy, Materials, and the Environment, Kevin Timmer
CORE 222 / ENVR 152: Energy, Materials, and the Environment, Kevin Timmer
CORE 222 / ENVR 152: Energy, Materials, and the Environment, Kevin Timmer
CORE 222 / ENVR 152: Energy, Materials, and the Environment, Kevin Timmer
CORE 223 / ERTH 201 / GEOG 201: Introductory Geology, James Mahaffy
CORE 223 / ERTH 201 / GEOG 201: Introductory Geology, James Mahaffy
CORE 251 / PSYC 204: Life-Span Development, Mark Christians
CORE 251 / PSYC 204: Life-Span Development, Mark Christians
CORE 252 / PSYC 210 / SOC 210: The Social Psychology of Persons, Jessica Clevering
CORE 252 / PSYC 210 / SOC 210: The Social Psychology of Persons, Jessica Clevering
CORE 252 / PSYC 210: The Social Psychology of Persons, Ryan Brunner
CORE 252 / PSYC 210: The Social Psychology of Persons, Ryan Brunner
CORE 254: Interpersonal Communication, Charles Veenstra
CORE 255-01 / EDUC 135-01: Educational Psychology, Patricia C. Kornelis
CORE 255-02 / EDUC 135-02: Educational Psychology, Barb Hoekstra
CORE 255 / EDUC 135: Introduction to Educational and Developmental Psychology, Patricia C. Kornelis
CORE 255 / EDUC 135: Introduction to Educational and Developmental Psychology, Patricia C. Kornelis
CORE 255 / EDUC 135: Introduction to Educational Psychology, Barb Hoekstra
CORE 260 / BUAD 226: Personal Financial Management and Stewardship, Tim Klein
CORE 261 / SOC 201: Sociology and Social Justice, Don King
CORE 261 / SOC 201: Sociology and Social Justice, Don King
CORE 261 / SOC 201: Sociology and Social Justice, Don King
CORE 262 / PLST 201: Introduction to Politics, Jeff Taylor
CORE 262 / PLST 201: Introduction to Politics, Don King
CORE 264: American National Politics, Jeff Taylor
CORE 266 / ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Namsuk Choi
CORE 266: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Randy Smit
CORE 270: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce Kuiper
CORE 270: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce Kuiper
CORE 270: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce Kuiper
CORE 273 / HIST 213: Latin America, David Zwart
CORE 273 / History 213: Latin America, David Zwart
CORE 278 / MUS 222: Music of Non-Western Cultures, Benjamin Kornelis
CORE 310 / EDUC 300: History and Philosophy of Education, Thomas M. Van Soelen
CORE 310 / EDUC 300: Philosophy of Education, Timothy Van Soelen
CORE 310 / EDUC 300: Philosophy of Education, Timothy Van Soelen
CORE 311 / AGRI 361: Senior Seminar, Chris Goedhart and Gary De Vries
CORE 312 / EGR 310: History of Science and Technology, Ethan Brue
CORE 314 / THEO 345: Christian Mind and Heart, Jay Shim
CORE 315 / PHSC 201: Perspectives in Physical Science, John Zwart
CORE 316 / PHIL 206: Aesthetics, Mark Tazelaar
CORE 320 / ECON 345: Economics and Religious Beliefs, John Visser
CORE 320: Economics and Religious Beliefs, John Visser
CORE 324 / PSYC 384: History of Psychology and Worldview, Mark Christians
CORE 324 / PSYC 384: History of Psychology and Worldview, Mark Christians
CORE 399: Calling, Task, and Culture, Barb Hoekstra, Howard Schaap, Neal DeRoo, Sheryl Sheeres Taylor, Jeff Taylor, and Jan van Vliet
CORE 399: Calling, Task, and Culture, Barb Hoekstra, Howard Schaap, Neal DeRoo, Sheryl Sheeres Taylor, Jeff Taylor, and Jan van Vliet
CORE 399: Calling, Task, and Culture, Barb Hoekstra, Howard Schaap, and Calvin Jongsma
CORE 399: Calling, Task, and Culture, Barb Hoekstra and Howard Schaap
CORE 399L-02: Failure, Donald Roth
CORE 399L-04: Fighting Fair, Abby M. Foreman
Count Your Blessings, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Culture-Creators and Critical Thinkers, Kate Henreckson
Darkest Hour (Movie Review), Joshua Matthews
Defender Football: More Than a Game, Justin Banks
Did Adam and Eve Exist? (Leader's Guide), Benjamin J. Lappenga and Ashley Huizinga
Did Adam and Eve Exist? (Participant's Guide), Benjamin J. Lappenga and Ashley Huizinga
Dismantling the Question of "How much screen time should my kid have?", Kayt E. Frisch
Dual Citizenship: What Does It Mean to be a Christian and a Citizen of the U.S.?, Scott Culpepper
DUTC 101: Elementary Dutch I, Leendert van Beek
DUTC 101: Elementary Dutch I, Leendert van Beek
DUTC 102: Elementary Dutch II, Leendert van Beek
DUTC 102: Elementary Dutch II, Leendert van Beek
DUTC 102: Elementary Dutch II, Leendert van Beek
DUTC 201: Intermediate Dutch I, Leendert van Beek
DUTC 202: Intermediate Dutch II, Leendert van Beek
ECON 200 / CORE 266: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Randy Smit
ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Randy Smit
ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Randy Smit
ECON 200: Economics and Christian Stewardship, Randy Smit
ECON 202: Principles of Economics, Jan van Vliet
ECON 202: Principles of Economics, Randy Smit
ECON 203: Principles of Economics, Randy Smit
ECON 203: Principles of Economics - Macro, Jan van Vliet
ECON 203: Principles of Economics - Macro, Namsuk Choi
ECON 303: Money and Banking, John Visser
ECON 303: Money and Banking, John Visser
ECON 309: Economic History of the United States, Jan van Vliet
ECON 321: Economic Development in Low Income Countries, Namsuk Choi
ECON 334 / ENVR 334: Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment, Jonathan Van Ee
ECON 334 / ENVR 334: Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment, Jonathan Van Ee
ECON 345: Economics and Religious Beliefs, John Visser
EDUC 101-01: Introduction to Education, David J. Mulder
EDUC 101-02: Introduction to Education, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 101L: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 101L: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 101L: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 101L: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 103: Media and Technology, Timothy Van Soelen
EDUC 103: Media and Technology, Timothy Van Soelen
EDUC 103: Media and Technology, Timothy Van Soelen
EDUC 104: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 104: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 104: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 104: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience I, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 109: Diversity in Education, Barb Hoekstra
EDUC 109: Diversity in Education, Barb Hoekstra
EDUC 109: Diversity in Education, Barb Hoekstra
EDUC 109: Diversity in Education, Barb Hoekstra
EDUC 135 / CORE 255: Educational Psychology, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 201: Curriculum and Instruction, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 204: Pre Student Teaching Field Experience II, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 204: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience II, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 204: Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience II, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 205: Children's Literature, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 206: Adolescent Reading Interests, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 206: Adolescent Reading Interests, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 209: Diversity in Education, Barb Hoekstra
EDUC 220: Teaching Co-Curriculars in Pre-K through Middle School, Dennis Vander Plaats and Laura De Jong
EDUC 220: Teaching the Co-Curricular Areas in Pre-K through Middle School, Dennis Vander Plaats, Jill Friend, Joshua E. Bowar, and Lori De Jong
EDUC 226: Teaching Elementary Health, Craig Heynen
EDUC 227: Teaching Elementary Physical Education, Craig Heynen
EDUC 228: Teaching Elementary School Art, Matt Drissell
EDUC 229: Teaching Elementary School Music, Carol Hallberg
EDUC 229: Teaching Elementary School Music, Carol Hallberg
EDUC 235: Applied Educational Psychology in Pre-K and Elementary Education, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 235: Applied Educational Psychology in Pre-K and Elementary Education, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 235: Applied Educational Psychology in Pre-K and Elementary Education, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 235: Applied Educational Psychology in Pre-K and Elementary Education, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 236: Applied Educational Psychology in Developmentally Responsive Middle School Education, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 236: Applied Educational Psychology in Middle School Education, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 236: Educational Psychology, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 237: Applied Educational Psychology in Developmentally-Responsive Secondary Education, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 237: Applied Educational Psychology in Secondary Education, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 239: Service Learning Field Experience, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 239: Service Learning Field Experience, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 239: Service Learning Field Experience, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 239: Service Learning Field Experience, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 239: Service Learning Field Experience, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 251: Introduction to the Education of Exceptional Students, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 251: Introduction to the Education of Exceptional Students, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 251: Introduction to the Education of Exceptional Students, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 251: Introduction to the Education of Exceptional Students, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 251: Introduction to the Education of Exceptional Students, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 252: Introduction to Behavior Management, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 253: Introduction to the Education of Children and Youth With Mild Disabilities, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 254: Consultation and Collaboration, Arlyn D. Schaap
EDUC 254: Consultation and Collaboration in Education, Arlyn D. Schaap
EDUC 260: Bible Methods, Nicki Kuiper
EDUC 260: Bible Methods, Nicki Kuiper
EDUC 260: Bible Methods, Nicki Kuiper
EDUC 260: Bible Methods, Nicki Kuiper
EDUC 261: Teaching the Bible to Adolescents, Jason Lief
EDUC 262: Creative Dramatics for Children, Teresa TerHaar
EDUC 265: Reading in the Content Areas - Elementary, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 265: Reading in the Content Areas - Elementary, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 266: Middle School Curriculum and Instruction, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 266: Middle School Curriculum and Instruction, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 267: Secondary Instructional Design and Content Area Reading, Bill Elgersma
EDUC 267: Secondary Instructional Design and Content Area Reading, Jolynn Oliver
EDUC 267: Secondary Instructional Design and Content Area Reading, Lloyd Den Boer
EDUC 300: Philosophy of Education, Timothy Van Soelen
EDUC 300: Philosophy of Education, Lloyd Den Boer
EDUC 310: Assessment and Diagnosis in Special and Remedial Education, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 314: Diagnosis and Remediation of Language / Reading Difficulties, Kristin Smith
EDUC 314: Diagnosis and Remediation of Language/Reading Difficulties, Kristin Smith
EDUC 314: Diagnosis and Remediation of Language/Reading Difficulties, Kristin Smith
EDUC 315 / EDUC 316: Instructional Methods and Strategies for Education of Students with Mild Disabilities, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 315 / EDUC 316: Instructional Methods and Strategies for Education Students with Mild Disabilities, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 317 / EDUC 318: Traditional Collaboration - Elementary and Secondary, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 317 / EDUC 318: Traditional Collaboration - Elementary and Secondary, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 317 / EDUC 318: Transitional Collaboration - Elementary and Secondary, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 319: Supervised Field Experience in Special Education, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 319: Supervised Field Experience in Special Education, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 319: Supervised Field Experience in Special Education, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 319: Supervised Field Experience in Special Education, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 319: Supervised Field Experience in Special Education, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 320: Reading and Language Development in Early Childhood, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 320: Reading Language Development in Early Childhood, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 320: Reading Language Development in Early Childhood, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 322 / EDUC 322L: Introduction to Early Childhood / Practicum in Early Childhood, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 322 / MATH 108: Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary and Middle School, Dennis De Jong and Sharon Rosenboom
EDUC 326: Administration of Early Childhood Programs, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 331: Social Studies Methods PK-8, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 331: Social Studies Methods PK-8, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 331: Social Studies Methods PK-8, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 331: Social Studies Methods PK-8, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 331: Social Studies Methods PK-8, Ed Starkenburg
EDUC 332 / MATH 108: Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School / Mathematics for the Elementary Teacher, Dennis De Jong and Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 332: Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School, Dennis De Jong and Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 332: Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School, Dennis De Jong
EDUC 333: Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Pre-K through Middle School, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 333: Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Pre-K through Middle School, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 333: Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Pre-K through Middle School, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 333: Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Pre-K through Middle School, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 333: Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Pre-K through Middle School, Gwen R. Marra
EDUC 334: Teaching Science Pre-K through Middle School, David J. Mulder
EDUC 334: Teaching Science Pre-K through Middle School, David J. Mulder
EDUC 334: Teaching Science Pre-K through Middle School, David J. Mulder
EDUC 334: Teaching Science Pre-K through Middle School, David J. Mulder
EDUC 339: Supervised Field Experience in Reading, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 339: Supervised Field Experience in Reading, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 339: Supervised Field Experience in Reading, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 339: Supervised Field Experience in Reading, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 339: Supervised Field Experience in Reading, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 341: Foundation and Methods of EDL/EFL Teaching, Kathleen Van Tol
EDUC 349: Supervised Practicum in Teaching English as a Second Language, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 349: Supervised Practicum in Teaching English as a Second Language, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
EDUC 350: Methods of Teaching Art in High Schools and Middle Schools, Matt Drissell
EDUC 351: Methods of Teaching Sciences in High Schools and Middle Schools, Diane A. Den Herder
EDUC 354: Methods of Teaching English in High Schools and Middle Schools, Leah A. Zuidema
EDUC 355: Methods of Teaching Second Language in High Schools and Middle Schools, Rhonda Van Donge
EDUC 356: Methods of Teaching History and Social Studies in High Schools and Middle Schools, David Zwart
EDUC 357: Methods of Teaching Secondary and Middle School Mathematics, Dennis De Jong
EDUC 357: Methods of Teaching Secondary and Middle School Mathematics, Dennis De Jong
EDUC 357: Methods of Teaching Secondary and Middle School Mathematics, Dennis De Jong
EDUC 370: Student Teaching, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 370: Student Teaching - Early Childhood, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 370: Student Teaching - Early Childhood, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 370: Student Teaching - Early Childhood, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 371: Student Teaching - Elementary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 371: Student Teaching - Elementary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 371: Student Teaching - Elementary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 371: Student Teaching - Elementary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 371: Student Teaching - Elementary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 372: Student Teaching - Middle Level, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 372: Student Teaching - Middle Level, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 372: Student Teaching - Middle School, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 372: Student Teaching - Middle School, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 372: Student Teaching - Middle School, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 373: Student Teaching - Secondary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 373: Student Teaching - Secondary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 373: Student Teaching - Secondary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 373: Student Teaching - Secondary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 373: Student Teaching - Secondary, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 374: Student Teaching - Vertical, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 374: Student Teaching - Vertical, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 374: Student Teaching - Vertical, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 374: Student Teaching - Vertical, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 374: Student Teaching - Vertical, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 375: Student Teaching - English as a Second Language, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 375: Student Teaching - ESL, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 375: Student Teaching - ESL, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 375: Student Teaching - ESL, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 375: Student Teaching - ESL, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 376: Student Teaching - Reading, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 376: Student Teaching - Reading, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 376: Student Teaching - Reading, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 376: Student Teaching - Reading, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 376: Student Teaching - Reading, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 377: Student Teaching - Elementary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 377: Student Teaching - Elementary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 377: Student Teaching - Elementary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 377: Student Teaching - Elementary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 377: Student Teaching - Elementary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 378: Student Teaching - Multiple Endorsements, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 378: Student Teaching - Secondary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 378: Student Teaching - Secondary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 378: Student Teaching - Secondary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 378: Student Teaching - Secondary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 378: Student Teaching - Secondary Instructional Strategist, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 379: Student Teaching - Multiple Endorsements, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 379: Student Teaching - Multiple Endorsements, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 379: Student Teaching - Multiple Endorsements, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 381: Student Teaching Interim Seminar, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 381: Student Teaching Interim Seminar, Dennis Vander Plaats
EDUC 381: Student Teaching Interim Seminar, Barb Hoekstra
EDUC 381: Student Teaching Interim Seminar, Patricia C. Kornelis
EDUC 560: Introduction to Educational Leadership, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EDUC 560L: Field Experience in Educational Administration I, Ryan G. Zonnefeld
EGR 103: Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Design, Kevin Timmer and Danielle Wyenberg
EGR 103: Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Design, Kevin Timmer
EGR 104: Introduction to Engineering Design, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 104: Introduction to Engineering Design, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 104: Introduction to Engineering II, Ethan Brue
EGR 202: Elements of Material Science, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 202: Elements of Materials Science, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 202: Elements of Materials Science, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 204: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Circuits, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 204: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Circuits, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 204: Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Circuits, Douglas F. De Boer
EGR 210: Statics and Dynamics, Kayt Frisch
EGR 210: Statics and Dynamics, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 212L: Mechanics of Materials Lab, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 212: Mechanics of Materials, Kayt Frisch
EGR 212: Mechanics of Materials, Tony Tuinstra
EGR 212: Mechanics of Materials, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 220 / PHYS 206: Linear Circuits and Electronics, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 220 / PHYS 206: Linear Circuits and Electronics, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Kevin Timmer
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Kevin Timmer
EGR 299: Thermodynamics I, Kevin Timmer
EGR 300: Thermal-Environmental Systems, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 300: Thermal-Environmental Systems, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 302: Fluid Mechanics, Ethan Brue
EGR 302: Fluid Mechanics, Ethan Brue
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 303: Heat Transfer, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 304: Embedded Microcomputer Systems, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 304: Embedded Microcomputer Systems, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 304: Embedded Microcomputer Systems, Douglas F. De Boer
EGR 310: History of Science and Technology, Ethan Brue
EGR 313: Laboratory, Ethan Brue
EGR 315: Machine Design, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 315: Machine Kinematics and Design, Ethan Brue
EGR 317: Structrual Analysis, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 317: Structural Analysis, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 317: Structural Analysis, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 318: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Design, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 319: Environmental Engineering, Tony Tuinstra
EGR 322: Electronics I, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 323: Electronics II, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 350: Sustainable Energy Systems Design, Kevin Timmer
EGR 350: Sustainable Energy Systems Design, Kevin Timmer
EGR 351: Reinforced Concrete Design, Justin Vander Werff
EGR 352: Structural Steel Design, Tony Tuinstra
EGR 353: Introduction to Communication Systems, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 357: Introduction to Bioengineering, Ethan Brue
EGR 360: Introduction to Power System Analysis, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 362: System Dynamics and Control, Ethan Brue
EGR 362: System Dynamics and Control, Nolan Van Gaalen and Ethan Brue
EGR 363: Introduction to Communication Systems, Douglas DeBoer
EGR 379 / EGR 380: Senior Design I and II, Kevin Timmer
EGR 379 / ET 279 / EGR 380 / ET 280: Senior Design I and II, Kevin Timmer and Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 379 / ET 279 / EGR 380 / ET 280: Senior Design I and II Lab, Kevin Timmer and Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 379 / ET 379 / EGR 380 / ET 380: Senior Design I and II, Kevin Timmer
EGR 380 / ETEC 280: Senior Engineering Design II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 380: Senior Engineering Design II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 380: Senior Engineering Design II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 380: Senior Engineering Design II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 380: Senior Engineering Design II, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 381: Engineering Economics, Nolan Van Gaalen
EGR 390 / CMSC 390: Technology and Society, Nick Breems
Empathy That is Simply Divine, James C. Schaap
ENG 100: Writing for College, Bill Elgersma
ENG 100: Writing for College, Bill Elgersma
ENG 201: American Literature I, James C. Schaap
ENG 202: American Literature II, Mary Dengler
ENG 202: American Literature II, Mary Dengler
ENG 202: American Literature II, Mary Dengler
ENG 203 / CORE 277: Ethnic American Literature, Howard Schaap
ENG 203: Ethnic American Literature, Howard Schaap
ENG 205: Survey of Canadian Literature, Bill Elgersma
ENG 207: World Literature I, Mary Dengler
ENG 208 / FREN 208 / SPAN 208: World Literature II, Leendert van Beek
ENG 208 / FREN 208 / SPAN 208: World Literature II, Leendert van Beek
ENG 208 / FREN 208 / SPAN 208: World Literature II, Leendert van Beek
ENG 208: World Literature II, Leendert van Beek
ENG 210: Approaches to Literary Studies, Bob De Smith
ENG 210: Approaches to Literary Studies, Bob De Smith
ENG 210: Approaches to Literary Studies, Bob De Smith
ENG 220: Intermediate College Composition, Mary Dengler
ENG 221: The Short Story, James C. Schaap
ENG 222: Themes in Literature, James C. Schaap
ENG 225: Film and Fiction, Bob De Smith
ENG 225: Film and Literature, Howard Schaap
ENG 225: Film and Literature, Howard Schaap
ENG 301: Advanced Expository Writing, James C. Schaap
ENG 301 / COMM 301: Advanced Expository Writing, James C. Schaap
ENG 302: Advanced Expository Writing, Mary Dengler
ENG 302: Advanced Expository Writing, Bill Elgersma
ENG 302: Advanced Expository Writing, Bill Elgersma
ENG 302: Advanced Expository Writing, Mary Dengler
ENG 303: Reading and Writing Poetry, Howard Schaap
ENG 304: Fiction Writing, James C. Schaap
ENG 304: Fiction Writing, Luke Hawley
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, Leah A. Zuidema
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, Leah A. Zuidema
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, Leah A. Zuidema
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, Leah A. Zuidema
ENG 305: Business and Technical Writing, Joshua Matthews
ENG 306: Writing Workshop for Teachers, Leah A. Zuidema
ENG 306: Writing Workshop for Teachers, Leah A. Zuidema
ENG 312: Shakespeare, Bob De Smith
ENG 314: Earlier British Literature, Bob De Smith
ENG 316: Later British Literature, Mary Dengler
ENG 322: English Novel, Mary Dengler
ENG 322: The English Novel, Mary Dengler
ENG 323: Modern and Contemporary English and American Novels, Mary Dengler
ENG 333: History and Theory of Literary Criticism, Mary Dengler
ENG 333: History and Theory of Literary Criticism, Mary Dengler
ENG 333: History and Theory of Literary Criticism, Mary Dengler
ENG 333: History and Theory of Literary Criticism, Mary Dengler
ENG 335: History of the English Language, Bob De Smith
ENG 336: English Grammar, Leah A. Zuidema
ENG 336: English Grammar, Leah A. Zuidema
ENG 342: Believers as Readers and Writers, Mary Dengler, Bob De Smith, Howard Schaap, and James C. Schaap
ENG 343-91: Reading for Life - Adolescent Literature, Bill Elgersma
Enlist!, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
ENVR 151 / CORE 211: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Jeff Ploegstra
ENVR 151 / CORE 211: Introduction to Environmental Studies I, Jeff Ploegstra
ENVR 161: Laboratory and Field Investigations in Environmental Studies, Robb De Haan
ENVR 161: Laboratory and Field Investigations in Environmental Studies, Robb De Haan
ENVR 201 / ERTH 201: Introduction to Geology, James Mahaffy
ENVR 202: Meteorology and Climate Change, Robb De Haan
ENVR 202: Meteorology and Climate Change, Robert DeHaan
ENVR 202: Meteorology, Climate Change, and Aquatic Ecosystems, Robb De Haan
ENVR 270: Avian Biology and Conservation, Robb De Haan
ENVR 270: Avian Biology and Conservation, Robb De Haan
ENVR 270: Avian Biology and Conservation, Robert DeHaan
ENVR 303: Geographic Information Systems, Tony Tuinstra
ENVR 320: Wildlife Ecology and Stewardship, Robb De Haan
ENVR 333 / PHIL 333: Philosophy of Environment, John H. Kok
ENVR 396: Seminar in Creation Stewardship, Robb De Haan
ERTH 227: Paleontology, James Mahaffy
ESL 101: English for Academic Purposes - Academic Interaction, Sanneke Kok
ESL 101: English for Academic Purposes - Academic Interaction, Sanneke Kok
ESL 102: English for Academic Purposes - Academic Writing from Sources, Sanneke Kok
FREN 101: Elementary French I, Leendert van Beek
FREN 102: Elementary French II, Leendert van Beek
FREN 201: Intermediate French, Leendert van Beek
FREN 202: Intermediate French II, Leendert van Beek
FREN 252: French Conversation, Sanneke Kok
FREN 253: French Conversation, Sanneke Kok
FREN 254: French Conversation, Sanneke Kok
FREN 256: French Conversation, Sanneke Kok
FREN 302: Advanced French Grammar and Composition, Leendert van Beek
Galileo Galilei: Science and Scripture in Conflict? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Ashley Huizinga
Galileo Galilei: Science and Scripture in Conflict? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Ashley Huizinga
Game Night (Movie Review), Joshua Matthews
GEN 235: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce Kuiper
GEN 235: Cross-Cultural Communication, Bruce Kuiper
GEN 300 / CORE 399: Calling, Task, and Culture, Barb Hoekstra, Ethan Brue, and Jason Lief
GEOG 151: Peace and Justice on the International Stage, Jolynn Oliver
GEOG 151: World Regional Geography, Kimberly A. Hengeveld
Giving Voice to the Voiceless, Kate Henreckson
Grafting a New Government in Sioux County, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
GRE 111: Elementary Greek, Wayne A. Kobes
GRE 112: Elementary Greek, Wayne A. Kobes
GRE 112: Elementary Greek, Wayne A. Kobes
GRE 112: Elementary Greek, Wayne A. Kobes
GRE 211: New Testament Greek, Wayne A. Kobes
GRE 212: New Testament Greek, Wayne A. Kobes
Hammerin' Hank, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Have Science and Religion Conflicted in the Past? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
Have Science & Religion Conflicted in the Past? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
Have Science & Religion Conflicted in the Past? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
HHP 012: Gymnastics, Jeff Zomer
HHP 013: Step Aerobics/Body Sculpting, Jill Hayes
HHP 013: Step Aerobics/Body Sculpting, Jill Hayes
HHP 014: Voice and Body Warm-Ups, Jason Kornelis
HHP 014: Voice and Body Warm-Ups, Josiah Wallace
HHP 101: Introduction to Health and Human Performance, Jeff Schouten
HHP 101: Introduction to Health and Human Performance, Jeff Schouten
HHP 202: Substance Abuse and Consumer Health, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 203: Anatomy and Kinesiology, Bill Bauer
HHP 207: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Ross Douma
HHP 207: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Ross Douma
HHP 207: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Ross Douma
HHP 208: Assessment in Physical Education and Health, Craig Heynen
HHP 209: Personal and Community Health, Adam Conway
HHP 212: Basketball Theory, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 212: Basketball Theory, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP 213: Coaching Theory of Track and Field, Craig Heynen
HHP 215: Baseball and Softball Coaching Theory, Jeff Schouten
HHP 217-91: Coaching Theory of Football, Mike Garner
HHP 217: Theory of Coaching Football, Greg Youngblood
HHP 251: Introduction to Sports Management, Jeff Schouten
HHP 253: Planning and Maintaining Sports Facilities, Derek Keizer
HHP 300: Sports Law, Greg Youngblood
HHP 305: Peer Teaching in Physical Education, Craig Heynen
HHP 306: Elementary Physical Education Skills and Methods, Jeff Schouten
HHP 325: Psychosocial Dimension of Physical Activity, Craig L. Stiemsma
HHP: Exercise Physiology, Gabe Eliserio
HIST 201: American History, Paul Fessler
HIST 201: American History, Paul Fessler
HIST 207: Civil War and Reconstruction, Paul Fessler
HIST 212: History of the Muslim World, Hubert R. Krygsman
HIST 212: Muslim World, Bobbi Sutherland
HIST 214: East Asian History, Keith C. Sewell
HIST 220: Ancient History, Bobbi Sutherland
HIST 221: Medieval Europe, Bobbi Sutherland
HIST 222: Renaissance and Reformation, Scott Culpepper
HIST 222: Renaissance and Reformation Europe, Keith C. Sewell
HIST 223: Early Modern Europe, Bobbi Sutherland
HIST 224: Europe in the Nineteenth Century, 1814-1914, Keith C. Sewell
HIST 225: Twentieth Century Europe, David Zwart
HIST 225: Twentieth Century European History, David Zwart
HIST 280: Introduction to Historical Studies, Paul Fessler
HIST 280: Introduction to Historical Studies, Paul Fessler
HIST 280: Introduction to Historical Studies, Paul Fessler
HIST 280: Introduction to Historical Studies, Paul Fessler
HIST 301: Colonial North America, Paul Fessler
HIST 306: History of American Evangelism, David Zwart
HIST 308: Media and Power - 20th Century U.S. History, Paul Fessler
HIST 308: Media and Power - 20th Century U.S. History, Paul Fessler
HIST 308: Media and Power - 20th Century US History, Paul Fessler
HIST 319: Modern Middle East, Walker Cosgrove
HIST 326: Modern Thought and Society - Europe, Bobbi Sutherland
HIST 326: Modern Thought and Society - Europe, Bobbi Sutherland
HIST 327: Select Studies in British and Irish History, Keith C. Sewell
HIST 335: The History of Calvinism, Keith C. Sewell
HIST 342: Special Topics - Elizabethan England, 1533-1603, Scott Culpepper
HIST 380: Historiography, Mark McCarthy
HIST 380: The History of Historiography, Keith C. Sewell
HIST 380: The History of Historiography, Keith C. Sewell
HIST 380: The History of Historiography, Keith C. Sewell
HIST 388 / HIST 389: History Seminar, David Zwart
HIST 388 / HIST 389: History Senior Seminar, David Zwart
HIST 388 / HIST 389: Senior Seminar, Paul Fessler
HIST 388 / HIST 389: Senior Seminar, Walker Cosgrove
HIST 399: Women's History, Bobbi Sutherland
Hostiles (Movie Review), Joshua Matthews
How Can Christians Understand and Respond to the Concept of Mass Extinctions? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
How Can Christians Understand and Respond to the Concept of Mass Extinctions? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
How Can Christians Understand the Idea of Human Evolution? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
How Can Christians Understand the Idea of Human Evolution? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
How Can Christians Understand the Story of Noah's Ark? (Leader's Guide and Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
How Can We Reconcile the Theory of Evolution and Our Theology of the Fall? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
How Can We Reconcile the Theory of Evolution and Our Theology of the Fall? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
How Can We Respond to Those Who Hate Religion? (Leader's Guide and Participant's Guide), Lydia Marcus
How Can We Understand the Universe? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
How Can We Understand the Universe? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
How Do Christians View the Creation of the World? (Leader''s Guide and Participant's Guide), Channon Visscher, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
How Will Technology Shape the Future of Humankind? (Leader's Guide), Lydia Marcus
How Will Technology Shape the Future of Humankind? (Participant's Guide), Lydia Marcus
HPER 030: Step Aerobics / Body Sculpting, Jill Hayes
HPER 034: Voice and Body Warm-Ups, April Hubbard
HPER 101: Introduction to Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Jeff Schouten
HPER 202: Substance Abuse and Consumer Health, Craig L. Stiemsma
HPER 202: Substance Abuse and Consumer Health, Craig L. Stiemsma
HPER 203: Anatomy and Kinesiology, Bill Bauer
HPER 204: Exercise Physiology, Bill Bauer
HPER 204: Exercise Physiology, Bill Bauer
HPER 205: Curriculum in Physical Education and Health, Brant Steffey
HPER 205: Curriculum in Physical Education and Health, Brant Steffey
HPER 206: Recreational Leadership, John Heavner
HPER 207: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Ross Douma
HPER 207: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Ross Douma
HPER 207: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Ross Douma
HPER 208: Assessment in Physical Education and Health, Craig Heynen
HPER 209: Personal and Community Health, Jeff Schouten
HPER 209: Personal and Community Health, Jeff Schouten
HPER 20: Badminton, Jeff Schouten
HPER 210: Community Recreation, John Heavner
HPER 210: Community Recreation, John S. Heavner
HPER 212: Basketball Theory, Craig L. Stiemsma
HPER 212: Basketball Theory, Craig L. Stiemsma
HPER 213: Coaching Theory of Track and Field, Craig Heynen
HPER 215: Baseball / Softball Coaching Theory, Jeff Schouten
HPER 217: Coaching Theory of Football, John Heavner
HPER 217: Coaching Theory of Football, John S. Heavner
HPER 21: Bowling, Brant Steffey
HPER 22: Gymnastics, Jeff Zomer
HPER 23: Golf, Craig L. Stiemsma
HPER 24: Racquetball, Jeff Zomer
HPER 25: Recreational Tennis, Mike Garner
HPER 306: Elementary Physical Education Skills and Methods, Jeff Schouten
HPER 306: Elementary Physical Education Skills and Methods, Jeff Schouten
HPER 30: Step Aerobics / Body Sculpting, Jill Hayes
HPER 325: Pyschosocial Dimension of Physical Activity, Craig L. Stiemsma
HPER 32: Physical Fitness, Mike Garner
HPER 33: Swimming, Lorna Moss
HPER 34: Voice and Body Warm-Ups, Danielle Roos
HPER 35: Water Aerobics and Water Cross-Training, Lorna Moss
HPER 36: Weight Training, Bill Bauer
HPER 37: Ice Skating, Jake Esselink
HPER 40: Recreational 3 on 3 Basketball, Mike Garner
HPER 42: Recreational Slow Pitch Softball, Mike Garner
HPER 43: Recreational Soccer, Mike Garner
HPER 44: Recreational Volleyball, Brant Steffey
Is Christian Theology Threatened by the Development of Neuroscience? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
Is Christian Theology Threatened by the Development of Neuroscience? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
Is Faith Genetic? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
Is Faith Genetic? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
Is the Theory of Evolution Compatible with the Christian Faith? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
Is the Theory of Evolution Compatible with the Christian Faith? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga, Ashley Huizinga, and Lydia Marcus
KSP 151: Rhetoric and Christian Scholarship, Mary Dengler
KSP 151: Rhetoric and Christian Scholarship, Mary Dengler
LAT 101: Elementary Latin I, Leendert van Beek
LAT 102: Elementary Latin II, Leendert van Beek
LAT 201: Intermediate Latin, Leendert van Beek
Learning to Fail, Sarah Moss
LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics, Leendert van Beek
LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics, Leendert van Beek
LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics, Leendert van Beek
LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics, Leendert van Beek
LING 301: Applied Linguistics and Phonology, Leendert van Beek
Living by Faith Alone, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Lully Lullay, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
MATH 100: Mathematics for College, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 100: Mathematics for College, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 100: Mathematics for College, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 100: Mathematics for College, Dale Vander Wilt
MATH 100: Mathematics for College, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 100: Mathematics for College, Dennis De Jong
MATH 106: Elements of Mathematics, Dennis De Jong
MATH 106: Mathematical Applications, Dennis De Jong
MATH 107-01: Elementary Statistics, John Olthoff
MATH 107-01: Mathematics for College, John Olthoff
MATH 107-02 & 03: Elementary Statistics, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 107-02: Elementary Statistics, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 107: Elementary Statistics, John Olthoff
MATH 108 / EDUC 332: Mathematics for the Elementary Teacher, Dennis De Jong and Ryan G. Zonnefeld
MATH 108: Mathematics for the Elementary Teacher, Dennis De Jong
MATH 109: Theory and Context of Middle School Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 109: Theory and Context of Middle School Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 110: College Algebra, Dennis De Jong
MATH 110: College Algebra, Dennis De Jong
MATH 111: Calculus for Business, Henry W. Kramer
MATH 111: Calculus for Business, Social, and Life Sciences, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 112: Calculus I, Gary De Young
MATH 113: Calculus II, Gary De Young
MATH 113: Calculus II, Henry Kramer
MATH 113: Calculus II, Henry Kramer
MATH 118: Basis of Quantitative Thinking, Dennis De Jong
MATH 118: Basis of Quantitative Thinking, Dennis De Jong
MATH 131-01, 02, & 03: Elementary Statistics, Nathan L. Tintle
MATH 131-04: Elementary Statistics, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 131: Elementary Statistics, Nathan L. Tintle and Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 138: Fundamentals of Mathematics in Context, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 138: Theory and Context of Middle School Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 140: College Algebra, Dennis De Jong
MATH 140: College Algebra, Dennis De Jong
MATH 140: College Algebra, Dennis De Jong, Zach Schaver, and Jason Wapnick
MATH 151: Calculus for Business and Life Sciences, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 151: Calculus for Business, Social, and Life Sciences, Allan Bickle
MATH 152: Calculus I, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 152: Calculus I, Henry W. Kramer
MATH 153: Calculus II, Gary De Young
MATH 153: Calculus II, Gary De Young
MATH 153: Calculus II, Gary De Young
MATH 201: Multi-Variable Calculus, Gary De Young
MATH 201: Multi-Variable Calculus, Gary De Young
MATH 201: Multi-Variable Calculus, Gary De Young
MATH 201: Multivariable Calculus, Allan Bickle
MATH 203: Elementary Linear Algebra, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 203: Elementary Linear Algebra, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 204: Differential Equations, Gary De Young
MATH 204: Differential Equations, Gary De Young
MATH 206: Probability and Statistics, Gary De Young
MATH 207: Elementary Number Theory, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 207: Elementary Number Theory, Valorie L. Zonnefeld
MATH 207: Number Theory, Allan Bickle
MATH 208: Modern Geometry, Dennis De Jong
MATH 209: Numerical Analysis, Gary De Young
MATH 209: Numerical Analysis, Gary De Young
MATH 209: Numerical Analysis, Gary De Young
MATH 212: Discrete Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 212: Discrete Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 212: Discrete Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 218 / STAT 218: Intermediate Financial Mathematics, Nathan L. Tintle
MATH 291: Problem Solving Seminar, Gary De Young
MATH 294: Problem Solving Seminar, Gary De Young
MATH 304: Abstract Algebra I, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 311: Real Analysis, Gary De Young
MATH 315: Complex Analysis, Gary De Young
MATH 315: Complex Analysis, Gary De Young
MATH 343: Mathematical Modeling, Gary De Young
MATH 344: Introduction to Mathematical Cryptology, Calvin Jongsma
MATH 390: History of Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
Motion Biomechanics Research to Help Volleyball Athletes, Karen Van Schouwen and Sarah Moss
Movies Are Prayers (Book Review), Joshua Matthews
MUS 010: Chorale, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 010: Chorale, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 010: Chorale, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 010: Chorale, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 011-01: Concert Band, Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 011-01: Concert Band, Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 011-02: Campus-Community Band, Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 011: Campus-Community Band, Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 012: Concert Choir, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 012: Concert Choir, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 012: Concert Choir, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 012: Concert Choir, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 013: Jazz Ensemble, Scott Olson
MUS 018: Kantorei, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 018: Kantorei, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 018: Kantorei, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 018: Women's Chorus, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 020: Chamber Orchestra, Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 020: Chamber Orchestra, Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 103-01: Music Theory I, Karen DeMol
MUS 103L: Aural Skills I, Karen DeMol
MUS 103L: Aural Skills I, Karen DeMol
MUS 103: Music Theory I, Karen DeMol
MUS 104L: Aural Skills II, Karen DeMol
MUS 104L: Aural Skills II, Karen DeMol
MUS 104L: Aural Skills II, Karen De Mol
MUS 104: Music Theory II, Karen DeMol
MUS 104: Music Theory II, Karen DeMol
MUS 104: Music Theory II, Karen De Mol
MUS 203L: Aural Skills III, Karen DeMol
MUS 203L: Aural Skills III, Karen DeMol
MUS 203: Music Theory III, Karen DeMol
MUS 203: Music Theory III, Karen DeMol
MUS 204: Music Theory IV, Karen DeMol
MUS 207: Music History, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 208: Music History II, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 209: Music in Worship, Karen DeMol
MUS 209: Music in Worship, Karen De Mol
MUS 215: Basic Conducting, Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 222: Music of Non-Western Cultures, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 270: Individual Trumpet Instruction, Scott Olson
MUS 305: Orchestration, Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 308: Music Literature, Karen DeMol
MUS 312: Teaching Music in Elementary School, Carol Hallberg
MUS 313: Choral Music in the Secondary School, Benjamin Kornelis
MUS 314: Instrumental Music Education, Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 315: Advanced Conducting, Benjamin Kornelis and Bradley Jay Miedema
MUS 316: Brass Methods and Pedagogy, Scott Olson
MUS 318: String Pedagogy, Gary Vander Hart
MUS 319: Percussion Pedagogy, Tim Hillyer
MUS 323: Vocal Pedagogy, Pam De Haan
MUS 323: Vocal Pedagogy, Pam De Haan
New Business Faculty Bring Professional Expertise, Danny Mooers
No More Mr. Nice Angel, Scott Culpepper
NURS 200: Health Care Ethics I, Pam Hulstein
NURS 200: Healthcare Ethics I, Pam Hulstein
NURS 300: Healthcare Ethics II, Pam Hulstein
NURS 300: Healthcare Ethics II, Pam Hulstein
NURS 300: Healthcare Ethics II, Pam Hulstein
NURS 310: Faith and Cultural Aspects in Health Care, Kate Vander Veen
NURS 310: Faith and Cultural Aspects in Health Care, Kate Vander Veen
NURS 320: Foundations of Nursing Theory, Pam Hulstein
NURS 320: Foundations of Nursing Theory, Pam Hulstein
NURS 325: Health Assessment, Kate Vander Veen
NURS 325: Health Assessment, Kate Vander Veen
NURS 330: Research and Scientific Inquiry, Pam Hulstein
NURS 330: Research and Scientific Inquiry, Pam Hulstein
NURS 330: Research and Scientific Inquiry, Pam Hulstein
NURS 351: Family, Community, and Public Health, Jennifer Weg
NURS 351: Family, Community, and Public Health, Jennifer Weg
NURS 352: Family, Community, and Public Health II, Kate Vander Veen
NURS 352: Family, Community, and Public Health II, Kate Vander Veen
NURS 352: Family, Community, and Public Health II, Kathryn Vander Veen
NURS 390: Professional Practice Development, Pamela Hulstein
NURS 390: Professional Practice Development in Society, Pam Hulstein
NURS 390: Professional Practice Development in Society, Pam Hulstein
Nursing Changes Bring Students Back to Dordt, Erika Buiter
On Islam, Abraham Kuyper, James D. Bratt, Douglas A. Howard, and Jan van Vliet
Ordinary Moments with Extraordinary Outcomes, Karen Van Schouwen
Oscar Micheaux: Siouxland's Filmmaker, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
Peace with Graham, Scott Culpepper
PHIL 201-01 & 02: Perspectives in Philosophy, Roger Henderson
PHIL 201-03 & 04: Perspectives in Philosophy, Mark Tazelaar
PHIL 202: Elements of Logic, Calvin Jongsma
PHIL 206: Aesthetics, Mark Tazelaar
PHIL 206: Aesthetics, Roger Henderson
PHIL 301: Ancient Philosophy, Mark Tazelaar
PHIL 302: Medieval Philosophy, Mark Tazelaar
PHIL 302: Medieval Philosophy, Mark Tazelaar
PHIL 303: Modern Philosophy, Neal DeRoo
PHIL 304: Contemporary Philosophy, Neal DeRoo
PHIL 343: Postmodernism and Calvinism, Neal DeRoo
PHSC 201 / CORE 315: Perspectives in Physical Science, John Zwart and Roger Henderson
PHYS 115: General Physics I, Kayt Frisch
PHYS 115: General Physics I, Joseph D. Kirtland
PHYS 115L: General Physics I Lab, Joseph D. Kirtland
PHYS 115L: General Physics Lab I, Kayt Frisch
PHYS 116: General Physics II, Kayt Frisch
PHYS 116: General Physics II, Joseph Kirtland
PHYS 116: General Physics II, Joseph D. Kirtland
PHYS 116L: General Physics Lab, John Zwart
PHYS 116L: General Physics Lab, Joseph D. Kirtland
PHYS 116L: Laboratory for General Physics II, Kayt Frisch
PHYS 201: Introductory Physics I, John Zwart
PHYS 201: Physics I, John Zwart
PHYS 202: Introductory Physics II, John Zwart
PHYS 202: Introductory Physics II, John Zwart
PHYS 203: Introduction to Physics III, John Zwart
PHYS 203: Introductory Physics III, John Zwart
PHYS 203L: Physics III Lab, John Zwart
PHYS 325: Classical Mechanics, Joseph D. Kirtland
PHYS 326: Electromagnetic Theory, Joseph Kirtland
PHYS 335: Modern Physics, John Zwart
PHYS 336: Modern Physics, John Zwart
PHYS 336: Modern Physics, John Zwart
PLST 202 / CORE 264: The Citizen State in American Politics, Don King
PLST 210: International Relations, Don King
PLST 214: State and Local Politics, Tim Rylaarsdam
PLST 241: Community Politics, Jeff Taylor
PLST 245: Introduction to Public Administration, Jared Weber
PLST 245: Public Administration, Randy Feenstra
PLST 312: Contemporary Political Ideologies, Jeff Taylor
PLST 322 / CJ 322: American Constitutional Law, Tim Rylaarsdam
PLST 333: Public Policy, Don King
PLST 333: Public Policy, Don King
PLST 341: American Political Thought, Jeff Taylor
PLST 370: Global Security Issues, Don King
PSYC 201: General Psychology, Andy Schuttinga
PSYC 201: Introduction to Psychology, Ryan Brunner
PSYC 201: Introduction to Psychology, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 201: Introduction to Psychology, Andy Schuttinga
PSYC 201: Introduction to Psychology, Jessica Clevering
PSYC 202: Introduction to Psychological Studies, Sherri Lantinga
PSYC 202: Psychological Studies, Sherri Lantinga
PSYC 202: Psychological Studies, Sherri Lantinga
PSYC 204 / CORE 251: Life-Span Development, Mark Christians
PSYC 204 / CORE 251: Life-Span Development, Mark Christians
PSYC 204 / CORE 251: Life-Span Development, Mark Christians
PSYC 210 / SOC 210 / CORE 252: The Social Psychology of Persons, Jessica Clevering
PSYC 210: The Social Psychology of Persons, Ryan Brunner
PSYC 218: Biopsychology, Sherri Lantinga
PSYC 224: Psychopathology, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 224: Psychopathology, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 224: Psychopathology, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 224: Psychopathology, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 224: Psychopathology, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 230: Research Methods, Ryan Brunner
PSYC 230: Research Methods, Jessica Clevering
PSYC 230: Research Methods, Jessica Clevering
PSYC 260: Ethics, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 260: Ethics, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 260: Ethics, Jessica Clevering
PSYC 362: Cognitive Psychology, Ryan Brunner
PSYC 364: Learning - Theory and Application, Jessica Clevering
PSYC 366: Senior Research Project, Ryan Brunner
PSYC 366: Senior Research Project, Sherri Lantinga
PSYC 370: Basic Helping Skills, Mark Christians
PSYC 370: Helping Skills, Mark Christians
PSYC 370: Helping Skills, Mark Christians
PSYC 371 / PSYC 372: Field Experience, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 371 / PSYC 372: Field Experience, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 371 / PSYC 372: Field Experience, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 371 / PSYC 372: Field Experience, Mark Christians
PSYC 371 / PSYC 372: Field Experience in Psychology, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 374: Counseling Theories, Mark Christians
PSYC 376: Personality Theories, Mark Christians
PSYC 378: Psychometrics, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 378: Tests and Measurement, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 378: Tests and Measurement, Natalie Sandbulte
PSYC 382: Health Psychology, Mark Christians
PSYC 382: Health Psychology, Mark Christians
PSYC 384: History of Psychology and Worldview, Jessica Clevering
Reading in Context: Zacchaeus and the Economics of Salvation, Benjamin J. Lappenga
Reply to Dr. Chris Gousmett's Open Letter, Sacha Walicord
Roskamp Creates His Own Off-Campus Opportunity, Lydia Marcus
SOC 201 / CORE 261: Sociology and Social Justice, Don King
SOC 201 / CORE 261: Sociology and Social Justice, Don King
SOC 215 / SOWK 215: Vulnerable Populations, Tara Boer
SOC 215 / SOWK 215: Vulnerable Populations, Abby M. Foreman
SOC 216 / SOWK 216: Diversity and Inequality, Tara Boer
SOWK 200: Introduction to Social Work, Erin Olson
SOWK 215 / SOC 215: Vulnerable Populations, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 216 / SOC 216: Diversity and Inequality, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 226: History and Philosophy of Social Welfare and Social Work, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 226: History and Philosophy of Social Welfare and Social Work, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 226: The History and Philosophy of Social Welfare and Social Work, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 303: Child and Family Welfare Policy, Roy Conrad
SOWK 303: Child and Family Welfare Policy, Roy Conrad
SOWK 304: Social Work with Aging, Erin Olson
SOWK 307: Methods of Social Science Research, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 307: Methods of Social Science Research, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 309: Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Erin Olson
SOWK 309: Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Erin Olson
SOWK 309: Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Erin Olson
SOWK 310: Fundamentals of Social Work Practice, Erin Olson
SOWK 310: Fundamentals of Social Work Practice, Erin Olson
SOWK 311: Practice Methods, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 311: Practice Methods, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 311: Practice Methods I - Social Work Practice with Groups, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 312: Practice Methods II - Social Practice with Communities and Organizations, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 312: Practice Methods II - Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 315: Social Welfare Policy, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 325: Integrative Seminar in Social Work, Erin Olson
SOWK 325: Integrative Seminar in Social Work, Erin Olson
SOWK 325: Integrative Seminar in Social Work, Erin Olson
SOWK 374: Field Work Experience, Abby M. Foreman
SOWK 374: Field Work Experience, Erin Olson
SOWK 374: Field Work Experience, Erin Olson
SPAN 101: Elementary Spanish I, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 101: Elementary Spanish I, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 102: Elementary Spanish, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 102: Elementary Spanish II, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 200: Accelerated Spanish, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 202: Intermediate Spanish I, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 202: Literary and Cultural Readings, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 204: Literary and Cultural Readings, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 206: Hispanic Cultures and Civilizations, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 206: Hispanic Cultures and Civilizations, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 206: Hispanic Cultures and Civilizations, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 252: Spanish Conversation, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 253: Spanish Conversation, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 254: Spanish Conversation, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 255: Spanish Conversation, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 256: Spanish Conversation, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 300: Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 301: Spanish Phonology, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 301: Spanish Phonology, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 301: Spanish Phonology, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 302: Advanced Grammar and Composition II, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 304: Hispanic Literature, Socorro Woodbury
SPAN 304: Hispanic Literature, Socorro Woodbury
Staying Upbeat on the Beat, Kate Henreckson
STEAM1, Dordt College
STEAM2, Dordt College
STEAM3, Dordt College
STEAM4, Dordt College
STEAM5, Dordt College
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STEAM logo 6 cropped, Dordt College
STEM Fundraising Campaign Enhances the Sciences, Lydia Marcus
Suffering, Double Negatives, and the Friday We Call "Good", Howard Schaap
Surviving Secular Apocalypse: A "How-To" Book for the End of the World, Justin Bailey
TA 001: Professional Practices, Ryan Donahoe, Simon du Toit, and April Hubbard
TA 101: Introduction to Theatre, Simon du Toit
TA 102: Fundamentals of Acting, April Hubbard
TA 103: Stagecraft, Ryan Donahoe
TA 203: Scenic Design, Ryan Donahoe
TA 204: Mask and Movement, April Hubbard
TA 205: Acting for the Camera, April Hubbard
TA 205: Acting for the Camera, April Hubbard
TA 210: Directing, April Hubbard
TA 212: Voice and Performance Studies, Simon du Toit
TA 346: Acting in Period Style and Dialect, Simon du Toit
TA 365: Theatre History and Dramatic Literature I, Teresa TerHaar
TA 365: Theatre History and Dramatic Literature I - Greeks to Neo-Classicism, Teresa TerHaar
TA 366: Theatre History and Dramatic Literature II, Simon du Toit
TA 380: Playwriting and Playscript Analysis, April Hubbard
Taking the Stress out of Money, Kayt E. Frisch
The 15:17 to Paris (Movie Review), Joshua Matthews
The Associations Between Self-Reported Exposure to the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Zone and Mental Health Disorders in Ukraine, Matthew A. Bolt, Luralyn M. Helming, and Nathan L. Tintle
The Big Problems with Being Small, Joshua Matthews
The Common Thread in Kuyper, Kuhn and Cognitive Psychology: Interpretive Frameworks, Daniel F. A. Hitchcock
The Danger of Dreaming about the Apocalypse, Donald Roth
The Diamond, February 15, 2018, Dordt College
The Diamond, February 28, 2018, Dordt College
The Diamond, January 31, 2018, Dordt College
The Diamond: March 28, 2018, Dordt College
The Disruption of Evangelicalism: The Age of Torrey, Mott, McPherson and Hammond (Book Review), Keith C. Sewell
The Fossil at Cherokee, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
The Home of Standing Bear, James C. Schaap and Mark Munger
The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest (Book Review), Justin Bailey
The New AMOR, Sarah Moss
THEO 210: Biblical Studies Methods, Thomas R. Wolthuis
THEO 211: Old Testament Pentateuch, Clinton W. Lowin
THEO 212: Old Testament Prophets, Thomas R. Wolthuis
THEO 215: New Testament Gospels, Thomas R. Wolthuis
THEO 216: New Testament Epistles, Thomas R. Wolthuis
THEO 217: New Testament History - Acts and Revelation, Thomas R. Wolthuis
THEO 221: History of Christian Confessions, Wayne A. Kobes
THEO 221: History of Christian Confessions, Wayne A. Kobes
THEO 221: History of Christian Confessions, Wayne A. Kobes
THEO 222: Calvin's Institutes, Jay Shim
THEO 231: Missions and Evangelism, Wayne A. Kobes
THEO 231: Missions and Evangelism, Wayne A. Kobes
THEO 251: Discernment for Ministry, Thomas R. Wolthuis
THEO 251: Spiritual Formation, Thomas R. Wolthuis
THEO 251: Spiritual Formation, Thomas R. Wolthuis
THEO 252: Foundations of Worship, Thomas R. Wolthuis
THEO 253: Engaging Culture, Clinton W. Lowin
THEO 254: Teaching the Bible to Adolescents, Jason Lief
THEO 321: Twentieth Century Theology, Jay Shim
THEO 322: Major World Religions, Jay Shim
THEO 322: Major World Religions, Jay Shim
THEO 323: Heresies and Sects, Jay Shim
THEO 324: Reformed Theology, Jay Shim
THEO 331: History of Mission and Evangelism, Jay Shim
THEO 332: Current Issues and Strategies in Missions and Evangelism, Wayne A. Kobes
THEO 332: Current Issues and Strategies in Missions and Evangelism, Rod Gorter
THEO 351: Ecclesiology, Jason Lief
THEO 361: Senior Seminar, Wayne A. Kobes
Therapeutic Approach in Moral Education: A Critical Assessment, Jan Habl
The Voice, Winter/Spring 2018: Volume 63, Issue 2, Dordt College
The Zircon, April 12, 2018 [Spoof Issue], Dordt College
The Zircon, April 14, 2006 [Spoof Issue], Dordt College
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Movie Review), Joshua Matthews
To the Ends of the Earth, Sarah Moss
Two, Three, Four, or More, Erik Hoekstra
Van Wyk Returns to the Potter's Wheel at Dordt, Sarah Moss
WA 018: Worship Arts Ensemble, Jonathan De Groot
WANTED: Vegetarian Kuyperians with Artistic Underwear, Calvin Seerveld
What are the Ethics of Eating? (Leader's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
What are the Ethics of Eating? (Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Lydia Marcus
What Can We Learn from Atheists? (Leader's Guide and Participant's Guide), Lydia Marcus
What Do Christians Believe about Gender Identity? (Leader's Guide and Participant's Guide), Robbin Eppinga and Ashley Huizinga
What You Need to Think About Before Investing in Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies, John Visser
Why Are We Compelled to Do Science? (Leader's Guide), Lydia Marcus
Why Are We Compelled to Do Science? (Participant's Guide), Lydia Marcus
XC Through the Dordt Prairie, Danny Mooers