The Voice Archive


Dordt College



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Summer Work Puts Students in the Thick of Things; A Moral Academy; Covenant Hall Opens Its Doors at the Last Moment; Moes and Petersen Join the Pew Younger Scholars Program; Dordt Fall Enrollment Breaks Record Again; New Graduate Education Program Accreditation Opens Door to High School Teachers Too; Distinguished Scholars Come From Across the Country; A Little Relief for Canadians; Freshmen Bring Special Scholarships With Them; Education Program Reapproved; Math Students Give Good Showing on Putnam Exam; Men's 4x800 Relay Team Named All-American; Five Join Faculty; Dordt College Named a U.S. News "Best Value"; Three New Scholarships Announced; Theater Profs' Summer Helps Fall Production; Sports Updates; Dordt Alums Take to the Road for CRC; Shalom Within the Cacophony: Christianity in a Postmodern World; Van Gilst Spends Fulbright Year in Venezuela; Mennega Receives John Calvin Award; Faculty News; Sikkema Studies the Relation of Modern Physics and Faith; Lantinga Earns PhD. Studying the Effects of Stigmas; Jansen is First Out-of-State and First Woman Board Chair; Campaign Update; New Book of Poetry Chronicles Grace in Life; Alumni Director's Notes; Alumni Notes; Family Honors Generations of Commitment to Christian Education

Publication Date

Fall 1998


Dordt College


Sioux Center, Iowa


Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College


Sally Jongsma

The Voice, Fall 1998: Volume 44, Issue 1
