The Voice Archive
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Zwart Hopes to Spread Love for Physics; Dordt Makes U. S. News List of 125 Top Schools; From the President; Setting Parameters for Christian Political Participation; Dordt Prof is Delegate to National Convention; Six Join Faculty; What Today's Students Don't Bring to College!; Letter to a Father; Elgersma and Schouten Join Admissions Staff; Reunion '88: Fellowship, Fun, and Food; Alumni Choirs Bring Together California Alumni; Relating Faith and Learning to the Student's World; Alumni News; Profs are Part of Dordt's History; SUB is at the Hub of College Life; Students Give Summer to Mission Work; Ringerwole Leads Third European Organ Study Tour; Dordt Receives Grant for Science Addition; Leopold Center Funds Nitrate Study; Board News; Van Dyk Expands Work to Indonesia and Australia; Around Campus; Faculty News; Van Gaalen Chosen for Research Assistantship at Iowa State; Studies Institute Appointments; Volleyball Team Gains Four High School Honors Players; Golf Team Claims Best Record Yet; Soccer Team Plays Well Together
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Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Voice, October 1988: Volume 34, Issue 1" (1988). The Voice Archive. 252.

Sally Jongsma