The Voice Archive
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Two Seniors Design Biomass Stove for Use in Zambia; Heating Up: First-Year Engineers Get Hot Project; Preparing for Serving; Vander Zee's Podium Graces the Campus Center; Design Students Develop Logos; Saving Lives During Earthquakes; Two Students Honored with FFA Degree; Nursing Students Teach Girl Scouts; ACTF Honors Three Dordt Plays; Mahaffy Begins Bilingual Story Hour; New Staff Welcomed at Dordt; Schaap's Newest Book Features Rehoboth; Integral, Not Integrated; Faculty News; International Collaboration; Demestri Is Changed by Her Time Here; Bell Is Changed by His Time in Zambia; Athletes Earn End of Season Honors; Van Den Bosch Was a Good Role Model; Please Support Our Vision 2020 Campaign; Giving Thanks Fits the Season; Alumni Notes; Learning as She Teaches; Earth to Mars: Paul Mahaffy Gets Ready for Mars Mission
Publication Date
Spring 2011
Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Voice, Winter 2011: Volume 56, Issue 2" (2011). The Voice Archive. 10.

Sally Jongsma