Dordt Diamond



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  • Front Page: Longboard Lights Up: Charging Battery Explodes; "A Dog for Dee" Tip Night; Corinne Hentges Walked with Dordt for 46 Years
  • News: Dordt Professor Running for Iowa Senate; Job and Internship Fair; Dordt's F.L.A.M.E. Creates Leadership Opportunities; Mario Kart - Now in Your Hands; From Paris to Pittsburgh to Dordt University; Dordt Nursing: A Transition from Sioux City to On Campus; Students Organize and Lead Dordt University's First Hymn Sing
  • Sports: Dordt Golf Season Recap; Record-Breaking Rush; Defender Days Preview; Changing the Landscape of College Sports
  • Arts & Entertainment: Joker Review: No Punchline, Just Chaos; English Faculty Reading: Fanning the Flames of Creativity; Prairie Meets Science and Photography: The Work of Dr. Carl Fictorie
  • Feature: Opinion: Dear Dordt Admin: Employment over Engagement; Without Ceasing: Dordt's Prayer Week; Stiemsma Makes Seamless Transition to Dordt; CenterPoint Worship Event; An Ode to Pumpkinland; Opinion: In Defense of Movie Theaters; $84 Million Roller Coaster: The Kirk Cousins Story
  • The Back Page: Summer Music Wrap-Up #1; Known But to God Coming to Dordt; Ushering in Parent's Weekend

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Dordt University


Sioux Center, Iowa


Dordt University, Dordt Diamond, newspaper, student publication


Erika Buiter and Emma Stolzfus

The Diamond, October 11, 2019
