Document Type

Musical Score

Publication Date



The choral parts reduced to two staves for Handel's Oratorio, The Messiah, keyboard edition. Includes the following songs: And the Glory of the Lord; And He Shall Purify; O Thou That Tellest; For Unto Us a Child is Born; Glory to God; His Yoke is Easy; Behold the Lamb; And With His Stripes; All We Like Sheep; He Trusted in God; Lift Up Your Heads; Let All the Angels; The Lord Gave the Word; Their Sound is Gone Out; Let Us Break Their Bonds; Hallelujah!; Since By Man Came Death; But Thanks Be to God; Worthy is the Lamb; Amen. 55 pages.


  • Composed by George Frideric Handel
  • Reduction and editing by Dale Grotenhuis
  • References page numbers of songs in the 1912 Schirmer edition:

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