Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date



Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science


statistics course, student learning outcomes, simulation, randomization, pedagogical strategies, statistical reasoning


The use of simulation and randomization in the introductory statistics course is gaining popularity, but what evidence is there that these approaches are improving students’ conceptual understanding and attitudes as we hope? In this talk I will discuss evidence from early full-length versions of such a curriculum, covering issues such as (a) items and scales showing improved conceptual performance compared to traditional curriculum, (b) transferability of findings to different institutions, (c) retention of conceptual understanding post-course and (d) student attitudes. Along the way I will discuss a few areas in which students in both simulation/randomization courses and the traditional course still perform poorly on standardized assessments.


Invited paper and slides from presentation at the 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Flagstaff, Arizona, July 13-18, 2014.

Paper availalbe at © 2014 ISI/IASE.

Source Publication Title

Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Teaching Statistics


International Statistical Institute

Additional Files

Nathan Tintle - Document - Randomization.pdf (1230 kB)
Slides from presentation
