The Voice Archive
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Spanish Students Become Involved With Local Hispanic Community; President's Pen; Vander Lugt Puts His Spanish and Education Skills to Work; Cooperative Effort Nets Dordt Better Web Hook-Up; Senior Mark Du Mez Takes His Show on the Road; Conference Creates Excitement for Missions; McFerrin Delights Audience; Kuiper Reaches Irene Ryan Finals; Bioethics Symposium Raises Challenging Issues; Student Earns Loot; Student Co-Authors Paper; Enrollment is up at CCCU Colleges; Larson Earns Community Service Award; Seerveld is Professor for a Week in Aesthetics Class; Dordt's Art Collection Draws From Local and Christian Artists; Curfew Receives Yet Another Look; North Hall Council Takes Leadership Seriously; The Internet and Economic Norms; Faculty News; De Boer's PhD. Research Advances Use of Digital Signalling; Men's Basketball Reaches Tournament Play; Talented Freshmen Join Women's Team; Pluim Earns Second All-American This Year; Picking Distinguished Alumni is Easy - and Difficult; Campaign Update; Ray Vander Laan Broadens His Classroom Through Focus on the Family Video; Alumni Notes; Galileo Mission Brings Exciting Results to Alum Researcher
Publication Date
Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Voice, March 1996: Volume 41, Issue 3" (1996). The Voice Archive. 98.
Sally Jongsma