The Voice Archive
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Grumblises Minister in Alaska; Living in Alaska Contrasts Sharply With Living in "The Lower 48"; Dellenback Addresses '87 Graduates; From the President; Theonomy and Christian Political Responsibility; Ministers' Conference Looks at Theonomy; B. J. Haan Lectures Urge Teaching for Discipleship; What are Dordt Alumni Doing?; Omaha Alumni Recruit Dordt Grads for Their City; Alumni Choir Goes to Europe; Mary Poel: Working as Mother, Pediatrician, and Board Member; Alumni News; Dairy Judging Team Places 1st in Nation; Social Work Students Receive Governor's Volunteer Award; Math Students Place in Putnam Exam; Noll Lectures on U.S. Constitution; English Professor Jack Vanden Berg Retires; Dordt Profs Wear Custom-Made Hoods at Graduation; Jesse Jackson Speaks at Dordt; Softball and Baseball Finish Season; Faculty News
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Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Voice, May 1987: Volume 32, Issue 4" (1987). The Voice Archive. 131.
Sally Jongsma