The Voice Archive
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Potok Shares His "Small and Particular World"; Potok, the Philosopher Teacher; Potok, the Man; Potok, the Jewish Author; Faculty News; Lesage is New Social Sciences Dean; From the President; "... The World is Mine and All That is in It"; Dordt Hosts World Premiere of "Orchestranimals"; Dordt Plans for Year 2000; Engineering Students Benefit From IEEE Membership; Local Chapters Meet; Carol Vanden Bosch Puts Her Library Degree to Use; A Cell Biology Researcher Moves to Teaching; Class Notes; Engineers Find Radio Tower Radiation Below FCC Guidelines; Governor Selects ASC as Model Farm Site; First Annual Parents' Day Draws Good Reviews; Students Shine in Voice Competition; "Music Man" Draws Overflow Crowds; Placement of '89 Grads at 97%; Volleyball Team Wins Conference Title; Soccer Team Narrowly Misses District Championship
Publication Date
Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Voice, December 1989: Volume 35, Issue 2" (1989). The Voice Archive. 121.
Sally Jongsma