The Voice Archive
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Spend, Save, or Give? Course Challenges Students to Examine Financial Choices; Faculty News; From the President; Research Into Alternative Refrigerants Raises Issue of the Real Cost of Convenience; Graphic Design Becomes Option for Art Majors; Senior Tammy Hoppe Finds a Way to Keep Doing Ceramics; Fowler Brings African Culture to Campus; Six Seniors Pack Their Bags for Russia; Five Faculty Pack Their Bags for Ukraine; Ag Conference Weighs Research in New Farm Methods; Study Tour Convicts Professors of Need for Ecological Stewardship; One Over, One Climbing, One Starting; Blades Grow Into Competitive Team; Basketball Season Plagued by Injury, Brightened by Win Over Northwestern; Intramurals Draw Over Half of Students; A Team That Never Quit; Taking Medical Care to People Who Need It; Talent Extravaganza Caps Week of Fun; California Alumni Come Out in Droves; Alumni Notes
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Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Voice, magazine, alumni, The Voice of Dordt College
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Voice, March 1993: Volume 38, Issue 3" (1993). The Voice Archive. 106.
Sally Jongsma