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- Front Page: NC/DC Vocalists Compete in Semi-Finals; Slum Documentary Finishes Filming in Kenya over Christmas
- News: Iron Chef Challenge Returns; No Shoes Required; Man Club Starts Purity Campaign; PLIA Looking to 'Show What Students Really Care About'; Working for His Food; Symposium Update; Lotterman Draws Crowd, Talks Economics; Speaking of Language...
- Features: Dutch Bakery Brings Back Late Night Donut Run; Future Unsure for International Students; Letter to Editor: "Manufactured Man'; What Are You Doing for Thanksgiving?
- Opinion: Dating Daze: Dating Beyond Definition; Reality Check: Don't Gloss Over Ft. Hood Reality; Letter to the Editor: Business of College; Alvin Observes: What's Your Identity Crisis?; Minto's Musings: Why Are Students Really Here?
- Sports: Flipping on the Field; Cross Country Sends Two to Nationals; Men's Basketball Begins Season 3-0; Know the Name; Ask an Athlete
- Fine Arts: Directing Class Debuts One-Act Shows; Notes of Inspiration; Camerata Given Standing Ovation; Festival Holds "Chalk Circle"
- Amusements: Comic Mishaps; Over/Under: Your Ultimate Guide on How to Think; Perceptive Polly; Featured Photo; Top Ten Ways to Ward off the Iowa Cold
Publication Date
Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Diamond, newspaper, student publication
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Diamond, November 12, 2009" (2009). Dordt Diamond. 59.
Kelly Cooke, Ashlee Stallinga and Grace Venhuizen