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Operas Ready for Performance; Dordt Donates 124 Pints; Alumni Receive Warm Welcome; Editorial; Ramblings... ; Letters to the Editor; Blood Bank Appreciates Donations; Bookstore Plans Independent Operation; Was It Really Worth It, Alumni?; Future Executives Consider Motivation; Balancing Male-Female Relationships; Warmink Makes Speedy Recovery; Keyboard Acrobatics; Direction on the Court; Enrollment Decline Considered Normal; De Jong Discusses 'Occult' with Pre-Sems; Crafts Week Presents Variety in the Arts; Poetry and Fiction Sought; Concerning Peppermints, Lettuce, and Covenant CRC; Film Challenges Evolution; Gov't Tuition Grants Increased; Camp Outing Planned; Dordt Living Cost Increases 7.6%; Dordt Slams Northwestern; Graduation Plans Develop; 'Sharpened' Blades Win; A Hup and a Two and a Three and a Four... ; Dr. Kistemaker to Visit Dordt; CMA Workshop Saturday; IM Info; JV's Drop to 10-4; Nostalgic Alumni Perform; Defenders Play Well, But... ; Blades Return Victorious from Ames; Dordt Women Boost Record to 7-1
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Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
Dordt College, Dordt Diamond, newspaper, student publication
Recommended Citation
Dordt College, "The Diamond, February 13, 1975" (1975). Dordt Diamond. 579.
Cal Tuininga